New Grower BR549's First Grow (or, I finally get off my ass...)

I have no problem with fan noise at all. In fact, I bought one of those silencers and didn't even bother installing it. The tent is in my bedroom, but even with the fan and light running, I still have to turn on my floor fan for my white noise fix. Of course, according to the meter on my variac, the fan is only operating at half power. Still looks like the thing's going to suck the walls right off of the tent, though!

My tent is my white noise, 2 fans and the led cooling fans. Looking good so far my friend.
Yea, definitely recommend organics. Easier to not burn, or mess up the PH. As long as the soil was amended correctly.
Lime's the first thing that comes to mind. Watering with a high PH helps bring up the soil ph as well. So, some lime and un PH'd water should bring it up. Then you would be able to water it at the correct PH to maintain. Correct me someone if Im wrong. Im not a PH expert. Ive never had to mess with it. Though, from reading on here and else where. I have the understanding of how all that works. Just never put it into practice since Im TLO.

Some brands of soil are the correct PH right out of the bag, and consitently so. Its just that some I hear have had some inconsistancies in their mixes. As far as PH is concerned. Pro mix, and Fox farm has had these issues from what Ive heard.

Anywho. You should be able to adress the issue before it causes a real problem. Since it looks like your staying on top of checking things. Which I recommend always doing so. Even after you have been growing for a while.

2 things Ive picked up so far that will help any newbie grower I believe.

1. Dont try to hard.
Like trying to push the nutrient regime, and adding all kinds of this and that. Keep it simple, and basic. Specially with organics.

2. Never get comfortable.
Just because you grew something spectacular, never means you should fall into complacency if you want to continue growing your skills.

Cheers brother. :pass::toke:
Well, organics just isn't going to happen for me. I looked into TLO and love the idea, but I'll be damned if I'm mixing soil and cooking it in my apartment. If I even had a small balcony I could use, I'd go for it, but no way under present circumstances.

Ordered some hydrated lime today; should be here Wednesday.
2. Never get comfortable.
Just because you grew something spectacular, never means you should fall into complacency if you want to continue growing your skills.

I know this will happen eventually; in anything, hobby or job, there's that period where you think you know it all and then something comes along and bites you in the ass. But I think it'll be a long time off for me; I feel about as comfortable as a mouse in a snake pit...
Yeah, I understand that this is what they keep around in the mystery novels to get rid of the bodies, but from what I've read, dolomite wouldn't really work fast enough for this grow. I tell you, the more I think about it, the more interested I am in going back to a hydro system of some sort. I can't believe they sell this soil so acidic. I mean, it's not like they don't know who their main customers are, right?
TLO isn't always the best answer.
Your situation will determine the growing technique.
If you feel that your on the right track then go for it!
be very careful when adding chems, a little goes a long way.
One thing that I did when I grew with ferts. is when I watered I would water until I got about 10 to 15% run off.
I believed that it would wash some of the salts out.
Lots of techniques out there find the one that fits you. There are some really cool DWC systems available now I like the ones that are expandable

Watering night. I added the lime to the soil of one of the plants before watering; I chickened out and decided to just try one and see how it went. After testing the runoff and comparing it to the water in, however, unless this plant is totally destroyed in the next couple of days, the other two get lime as well. The lime worked perfectly as far as the pH goes.