Seed Stockers Boradan's easy (HA!) RDWC Blackberry Gum with tea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I ordered these:

And holy crap American prices compared to here...
Oh that’s lovely. I was looking at some of the more rugged ones like that, but I struggle carving out the holes. So I went a step down in quality, they are only 7.5 gal so maybe 30(?) liters. But I figure she’ll hold a gallon and a half more than she’s got now and that might hit me another oz or 2.

Now I’ve got to get some casters to make platforms for them.
PTttthhhtt rank amateurs!!
I got you both beat

Just gotta figure out how to get 'em in the tent now....

We have a root explosion !!

Well.... not really an explosion, but you get the picture ;)

Since you get that picture, have a few more:


The inter-node spacing is non-existent at the minute, so I moved the light up to 7" @ 30 Watts (previously 5.5") - simply to give me a bit of room for error when I top her.
Looks like this one will do it properly, good luck!:thumbsup:
Just wait, they will explode soon! She looks like she likes it :thumbsup:
Last night I added another cup of tea per plant from the top to drench the roots then dumped a bunch in my flowering res. Gotta brew more tea today. You can see the roots going every day, I love it.