Seed Stockers Boradan's easy (HA!) RDWC Blackberry Gum with tea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Dumb question, that's an auto strain right?
Will be interesting to see how she does with the training. I want to top a couple of mine but I'm afraid they are already stunted from temps or whatever I did so really don't know if this round I should.
I'm used to training my photo's tho so I hate to not do something more with the auto's.

Well I saw such improvement with just the MycoGrow alone I can't see the tea not doing just as good or better. Already my photo haze is filling the 5 gallon bucket up I'm actually worried she will cause a clog and flood the tent so I pull her every day, I'm also obsessed with healthy roots so I check them all anyway.
I usually set one of my airstones at an angle over the outlet (just lean it on the bulkhead fitting in the pot). Still leaves plenty of room for the water to bypass, but the turbulence from the air prevents the roots getting close
I usually set one of my airstones at an angle over the outlet (just lean it on the bulkhead fitting in the pot). Still leaves plenty of room for the water to bypass, but the turbulence from the air prevents the roots getting close

Ohhhhhh you got some good tricks, I got a 4" stone in there now that is really boiling the water but the roots are starting to take on the shape of the bucket, and I got at least 8-9 more weeks to go... Would be ironic if I had problems because my roots were too healthy :face:
Ohhhhhh you got some good tricks, I got a 4" stone in there now that is really boiling the water but the roots are starting to take on the shape of the bucket, and I got at least 8-9 more weeks to go... Would be ironic if I had problems because my roots were too healthy :face:
:crying::crying::crying: HAHAHAHA :crying::crying::crying:
That's the exact reason that I have a 70 Litre tote :headbang:
Overkill, I know. I have a 45 Litre (12-ish gallon) one to get ready for the next grow though - I will just wait to see how big these roots get.
Bloody hell.
Something is working right.
Lady has been above ground for 4 days now, and the root is already out of the netpot.
Only about 4mm, but out is out ;)


All quiet on the Western Front.
She seems like she is taking her time, but I can live with that.
Dropped the water level about 1", removing 5 Litres in total.
Again, the tap root is just touching the water, so in a few days I will drop it to the final level that I will maintain throughout the rest of the grow - a total of 2" below the bottom of the pot.

pH is bouncing between 6.0 and 6.1, so it is probably 6.05-ish - up from the original 5.8, so a nice amount of drift over a week to cover most nute uptake ranges.
ppm is maintaining steady at 410 (including the 180ppm from the tap water)
Another 250ml of Heisenberg tea added today also - thats 1 Litre in total - 500ml on day 1 and 2 additional 250mls 3 days apart.

Light is still 30 Watts @ 5.5"



She looks happy and healthy :smoking:
Isn’t that tea total shite?? My system no longer recirculates the roots have grown so huge and healthy.
Gotta trim them I think. Sheesh. Bloody Benny’s :crying:
She looks happy and healthy :smoking:
Isn’t that tea total shite?? My system no longer recirculates the roots have grown so huge and healthy.
Gotta trim them I think. Sheesh. Bloody Benny’s :crying:
:crying: That 70 Litre tote of mine is looking good right about now :rofl::haha:
:crying: That 70 Litre tote of mine is looking good right about now :rofl::haha:

Up your bum, chum!! :cuss::crying:
Ya know, the whole Water Farm thing I'm over it, but I bought them when I first got into hydro and hacked the shit out of them since. Wish I could expense some new stuff I'll have to just keep modifying them....