Seed Stockers Boradan's easy (HA!) RDWC Blackberry Gum with tea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Had a quick peak :peek: into the Root!t sponge too see if there was any sign of life (I know, I am impatient)...
There is indeed a taproot forming. AND it's going down and not up :woohoo:
She should show her head either tonight or tomorrow.
She is seeming very eager and has no idea what she will be letting herself in for :naughtystep:
The Tea will be 48 hours brewing at 6pm this evening, so she will go into her new home then.
I feel like a kid at christmas waiting to see how this tea will perform :xmas:
Had a quick peak :peek: into the Root!t sponge too see if there was any sign of life (I know, I am impatient)...
There is indeed a taproot forming. AND it's going down and not up :woohoo:
She should show her head either tonight or tomorrow.
She is seeming very eager and has no idea what she will be letting herself in for :naughtystep:
The Tea will be 48 hours brewing at 6pm this evening, so she will go into her new home then.
I feel like a kid at christmas waiting to see how this tea will perform :xmas:

I added my tea yesterday afternoon, at the rate suggested 1 cup per gallon as I'm not entirely convinced I'm free of pythium. After that it will be 1 cup/10 gallon.
I'm curious too to see how it goes! The Myco alone took a few days so I'll see closer to end of week and update.
I added my tea yesterday afternoon, at the rate suggested 1 cup per gallon as I'm not entirely convinced I'm free of pythium. After that it will be 1 cup/10 gallon.
I'm curious too to see how it goes! The Myco alone took a few days so I'll see closer to end of week and update.
Sending some :vibe:
We have Liftoff ! - sorta...

She had a touch of helmet head...

After some (a lot) of wetting down, she got some assistance:


She doesn't look great, but I will keep her moist in case she still has some of the membrane stuck to her.
Hopefully, she will pull through, and if she does, I will have no option but to call her Audrey III.

What a difference a day makes. :thumbsup:


Total water:
70 Litres

Megacrop: 12g
Cal Mag Pro: 5g
Epsom Salts: 5g
Sweet Candy: 6g
Heisenberg Tea: 500ml


ppm: 410 (inc 180ppm from tap water)
Water Temp: 22.6C
Air Temp: 26.1C
Air Humidity: 68%
VPD: 0.71
Light: 7 1/2" @ 30 Watts

Everything looking perfect so far.
All temperatures and humidity in good control - exactly where I want them.
pH and ppm bang on the money too.

Considering thius young lady had a severe case of Helmet Head yesterday, she seems to have just shrugged off the minor surgery I had to perform. In addition, there was some membrane still stuck to her, so I removed that last thing before going to bed last night.
I woke up to this:



The water seems to be at the perfect level as it is keeping the Root!t sponge damp, but not soaking wet.
Audrey III, please
And yeah. a very nice improvement.
She is eager for life, but has no idea what I have planned for her...

Fiiine like I can read missed the III :baghead:
So, whatcha got planned? You one of those planty perv types? :hump:
I'm loving this tea btw I can't wait for 48 hours to pass to apply the next round to EVERYTHING
Going to (semi) mainline her with double-topping and then LST the hell out of her (maybe) :naughtystep:

Still too early for me to tell if there are any benefits to the tea, but I still expect great things.