Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds - Berry Bomb

Week 7.

Another group shot.

Week 8. I noticed that after the growth stall, [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has stopped growing node pairs which seems pretty early to me but also [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] seems to have naturally topped itself and both are branching nicely.



Group shot:
Week 9. I've moved them to their final tent where they'll live out their days under 4 CXB3590 72v 3500k. I noticed that they seem to have faded a little from last week so I added an extra 1mL/gallon of micro on the most recent feeding. We'll see how they react.



Preflowers on [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]:

The Twins:

Group shot! (again, Bombs on the left, dreams on the right, Candy Cane in the middle)

the no-fucks-given-DIY:
To complicate things a little, I thought it'd be rad to pop some fem's alongside these blue autos to compare the product. I have a few questions about the berry bomb fems now though (in the noob gardener vein). Are they discouraged in this Autoflower Forum?

Basically I planted 2 for the purpose of mothering a photo berry crop. I've got what seem to be 2 very distinct phenos, 1 which has been preflowering like crazy and the other hasn't at all. The one that's been throwing preflowers isn't really branching anymore and I want to promote branching for cloning. With the nodes so close and full of preflowers, is it reasonable to expect to get clones off of this plant? I suspect it is truly the pheno I've read about which produces an impressive bounty in no time flat so I really want to keep it up.

The Twins on week 5, both topped, one is a whole node taller than the other which has a stem as hard as oak (the one with the preflowers):
Berry Bomb Fems - week 5.JPG

Week 6 preflowers:
Berry Bomb Fem 1 - week 6b.JPG

Berry Bomb Fem 1 - week 6c.JPG

Berry Bomb Fem 1 - week 6a.JPG

I guess what I'm wondering is, should I keep this going and expect more veg time to produce the shoots I need to clone or should I start flowering it and try a re-veg clone?
Do these Berry Bombs have a reputation with respect to clonability?
Does anybody have some experience with any of the common phenos that they could share or refer me to a knowledge base somewhere?
On that note, does anyone know of an online repository of knowledge on pheno expressions of various strains? I think that would be WILDLY valuable. I'd be happy to create it if it doesn't exist yet.

Again, apologies for the non-auto questions. I guess I should go read them forum rules :)


  • Berry Bomb Fem 1 - week 5.JPG
    Berry Bomb Fem 1 - week 5.JPG
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Photoperiod question will be welcome on this site. Lots of guys here grow both autos and photos.

Like yourself I am a massive BB fanatic. Ive found my saving grace in Dutch Passions Blueberry photoperiod strain. As for your online repository of knowledge on pheno expressions of various strains question I would say leafly or especially would be closest.
Well we got hit with a cold snap this week and i wasn't prepared for it. Temps hit 57 the other night so the girls weren't too happy the other morning and that's reflected in the pictures. I got the heat going and they look much better today.

I'm still learning how to grow in coco and I think I've been over feeding a bit so I've dialed it back hard and hopefully you'll be able to see a dramatic difference as a result.

I was loosely following the GH DTW feed guide but I have Liquid Gold instead of the Diamond nectar, Roots Excelurator instead of Rapid start and I was using Floralicious (not plus) until the other day. I think the only difference is the N but I figured I'd play along. I hit the garden store and they only sell a concentrated Floralicious Plus so I've traded up to that.

So basically, for the moment, I'm going to be mixing 1 gallon of base nutes at the amounts the feed chart dictates but I'll use 3 gallons of water instead of 1 to dilute the mix. I'm going to be using the full amount of additives though, floralicious, cal+mg, liquid gold, growzyme, sm90 (only 1.5mL/gallon).

I haven't tested my runoff still, just going off of what I believe the plants are telling me.

Here are the Berry Bombs in week 10.

Group shot:







  • berry-bomb-1-Week10b.JPG
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Well things certainly seem to have recovered quickly!

There's still a little leaf curl but it seems to be correcting itself and the general position of the stems is pointing upwards again. There was also some decent growth today as the Blues and Berries are all starting to catch up to the height of the Candy Cane. Their growth seemed to have slowed significantly in the weeks leading into this one. I'm pretty confident that they were letting me know they were unhappy (the Candy Cane just doesn't seem to care. Seems far more resilient than the past couple but comparable to the NL's I popped from Crop King last year). Adding the heat was certainly necessary but I've also been doing a lot of reading on feeding in coco and just generally working with coco. I've used it on a few runs now but really just getting the hang of it. For example, this is the first time I've reused any of my coco. I'm sure there could be a bit of a residual salt concern given the way I grew the past runs in it and the way I went about attempting to flush it. I think the primary lesson has been the importance of using extremely diluted feeds and keeping them going frequently enough to avoid any drying. The past couple runs I was allowing the medium to dry out similar to the way you would with soil but I don't think that's effective. It seems to result in salt build up within the medium to potentially toxic levels resulting in lockouts and unnecessarily shitty quality buds. The more regular watering has the additional benefit of drawing more oxygen into your root system. It seems that this is mostly true for your base chemical nutrients and not necessarily for your additives as these will typically have more of an effect on your roots environment rather than feeding the plant but by improving the quality of the environment, you're encouraging healthy roots, in turn growing a healthier plant and better using the nutrients that you are feeding.

Now that I've rambled away my buzz, here's some pics of the recovery over the past couple of days.

Group shot Before:

Group shot yesterday (right after lights out):

Group Shot Tonight:

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] before:









So one of my Berry Bomb Fem's threw preflowers SUPER fast and seems to almost be budding! It's further along than the Autos for crying out loud. Is this reasonably normal? Will I have any issues trying to clone with these so hairy?
Berry Bomb Fem 1 - week 7.JPG
Week 11. Quick update. Flowers are blossoming.

Group Shot



