Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Just ordered myself 50L of Plagron Lightmix to fill up the 8.5L Autopot pots.
Should be enough for four pots and then some :rofl:
The game is almost a foot...

...My order arrived... :headbang:

The Autopot system is cleaned out and the rubbers checked :condom:
Next up I wanted to let you guys know I harvested my Fat Pete's Cookies today...
Before removing the leaves

and after removing the leaves

Also jarred up the Wedding Glue as it's dry enough for curing...


Bob :toke:
The hygrometer inside the jar sits at 60%, so I'm golden for curing :cheers:
In the meantime I have been a busy boy... Cleaned out the trays as best I could. That white residue goes away when scrubbed with a sponge, but returns as soon as it dries...Oh well :shrug:

Damn...Looking at the above picture I all of a sudden realize I forgot to level the table underneath. Put it on my todo list for tomorrow :thumbsup:

A few glistening bud shots...

Where's My Dog - Day 61

Where's My Dog - Day 61

Two Auto White Widow and two Auto Night Queen seeds go into a separate shot-glass...

...filled with demineralized water and two drops of Cellmax Root Booster.

The Autopots, soil and BioTabs are ready to go... I think I'll be prepping the pots as soon as I finish this post

Oh...That's now... :haha:
Have a nice evening/day/morning and see you guys tomorrow.

Bob :toke:
Hey growers,

There's new life growing inside the tent :thumbsup:
As off today I have two Dutch Passion - Auto White Widows growing. I'm still waiting on the two Auto Night Queen's to emerge from the soil, but that's ok.



Hey growers :toke:

Jarred up Where's My Dog today so this is the final weight for my first indoor tent run.....

This amounts to a total weight of.....133gr's of fine weed. Plus I also have the majority of the fresh frozen Sweet Bourbon Auto Kush which will be turned into bubble hash :thumbsup:
My absolute favorite to smoke is the Port & Stilton S1 which really knocked me off my socks, but also has an amazing smell and taste. I will have to be careful with this strain as the fact that it's already gone shows how good it really is. Luckily I still have three seeds so I'll be running it again very soon and STS me some seeds for the future :cooldance:

For my current grow I can tell you guys that we have a new seedling in the tent...A Auto Night Queen had emerged yesterday, but I only saw it late on the time lapse pictures. So fresh from the press...


Hey growers :toke:

I activated the airtubing inside the pot. It can only help right? :thumbsup:
Disabled the extraction fan and this combined with the lights on at 75% gives me a near perfect VPD (27.6°C/ 81.6°F and 82%) so the little ones get everything they deserve. I'm not quite sure about n°4, but I'll wait a couple days and if not I'll replace her with a new seed...No problemo :shooty:


I felt like pressin some rosin... Didn't wanna wake the misus so I had three bags to work with.
One got filled with Where's My Dog.
One got filled with Fat Pete's Cookies.
And the last was filled with Wedding Glue.

Pressin' in progress...
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I set the temp at 94°C / 201°F and this gives me a clear and crip resin.
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Where's My Dog is clearly loving the press. She gave the most of the three bags...
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Followed by the Wedding Glue.
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Fat Pete's is clearly not made for pressing. Even raised the temp to 100°C and doubled the time there was bearly something to scrape. Fat Pete's will be used for smoking ;)
Beneath everything I scraped together from Where's My Dog...Yum :drool:
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Finally, in Vapo-style I've rolled me a joint from some tabacco, Where's My Dog bud and a smear of WMD Rosin...
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Bob :toke:
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