Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Love it brother.....the vapostripe will never die woooooo :pass:
No, but oh so mind numbing... I'm off work for a couple of days and day and night seem to have been interwoven somehow. Need to take a brake from smoking soon :dizzy:

Meanwhile to add an update from inside the tent... Everything is going perfect. Temperature and Humidity are giving the plants a near perfect VPD.
The one Auto Night Queen that didn't take off will be replaced by the seed that's been soaking since Tuesday morning. The three other seedlings are doing fine.

Here's a time lapse from inside the tent. For the more detailed or zoomed in time lapses I recommend you visit my Dutch Passion thread :toke:


Hey guys,

The seed I soaked in some water has split. Time to put it inside some paper towel and put inside a plastic bag on top of my router :thumbsup:

Gave the remaining three seedlings plain water and checked their stature. All is well!!
The humidity and temperature inside the tent are what they should be for seedling growth so all is well :coffee:


Bob :toke:
So...That seed didn't make it. I think the paper towel was to wet as the seed dampened off and started to color the paper towel underneath.
Well...That was yesterday...This morning the doorbell went off and low and behold... FedEx for me...Antonio sent me 7 new seeds!! What a swell guy :bighug:
If you want to read up on what happened after the FedEx guy left, please go ahead and read up in my Dutch Passion thread ;)
But for now...Picture time :baby:
White Widow n°1 - day 7

White Widow n°1 - day 7

White Widow n°2 - day 7

White Widow n°2 - day 7

Night Queen n°1 - day 6

Of course guys..There's a new time lapse :cheers: If you want a more detailed view of each seedling, please visit this thread :thanks:


Bob :toke:
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Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

You might notice the size of the pictures changed...Well that's because I dropped my phone yesterday...It was dead :cuss:
So I have a new phone now, but have to mess around with the settings to get things the way I want. AI modus is a blast, I can tell ya!!

Ok, on with the show...
I can't complain with the ease of how everything is running at the moment. Every two days or so I water the pots with plain tap water, no pH or EC probe anymore. This is quite the thing to get used to I must say...To let go of control.

Extraction fan is still turned off...

...That combined with the lights turned down to 75% (it was 80%, but maybe White Widow n°2 doesn't like that?)...

Gives me the next values. The fact that the humidity is going up and down has to do with the weather. Although I have a one-way valve installed in the extraction system there is still some wind that gets through. :shrug:

Overview of the tent. :thumbsup:

Auto White Widow n°1 - day 9

Auto White Widow n°2 - day 9

Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 9

And finally and overview in time lapse format. 25fps, approx. 50hours

I hope you enjoyed this post and as always. If you have ideas or tips for me, please don't hesitate as we're all here to learn. :thanks:


Bob :toke:
Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

You might notice the size of the pictures changed...Well that's because I dropped my phone yesterday...It was dead :cuss:
So I have a new phone now, but have to mess around with the settings to get things the way I want. AI modus is a blast, I can tell ya!!

Ok, on with the show...
I can't complain with the ease of how everything is running at the moment. Every two days or so I water the pots with plain tap water, no pH or EC probe anymore. This is quite the thing to get used to I must say...To let go of control.
View attachment 1428132

Extraction fan is still turned off...
View attachment 1428133

...That combined with the lights turned down to 75% (it was 80%, but maybe White Widow n°2 doesn't like that?)...
View attachment 1428134

Gives me the next values. The fact that the humidity is going up and down has to do with the weather. Although I have a one-way valve installed in the extraction system there is still some wind that gets through. :shrug:
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Overview of the tent. :thumbsup:
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Auto White Widow n°1 - day 9
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Auto White Widow n°2 - day 9
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Auto Night Queen n°1 - day 9
View attachment 1428138

And finally and overview in time lapse format. 25fps, approx. 50hours

I hope you enjoyed this post and as always. If you have ideas or tips for me, please don't hesitate as we're all here to learn. :thanks:


Bob :toke:

Letting go of control was a big thing for me too, and tbh once I got used to it it has taken so much stress out of growing for me.
Hey AFN fam :bighug:

I've got a couple of new younglings inside the tent as of today. All Auto Night Queens. One to go into pot n°4 and one might replace the plant in pot n°3.
Will have to make that hard choice in a week or so, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Won't we? I'm sure you guys will help me decide which plants/seedlings to keep and which ones to *clears throat* cull :crying: :thanks:



I've also got an overview of what's happening inside the tent. A 25fps time lapse from the last 50 or so hours. Enjoy :welcome:


Bob :toke:
I love it man! The time lapses are so neat to watch. Just look at the closest one erupting.
Thanks :thanks: Yeah, that White Widow is really going like a train!!

Also, really good on DutchPassion for that care package. What an excellent company.
Yeah! I haven't said it enough on this run, but they are wonderful! And Antonio is a really swell guy :greenthumb:
helping with every step and teaching me some things I thought I already knew. Like germinating for starters, but that's for another thread ;)

I did bite the bullet and removed the flawed White Widow n°2.
Better to have a healthy and producing plant inside that small space, then to find out what Antonio already told me...

I also choose to keep the Night Queen that had a rough start. She's so far already and looking actually really nice, I just couldn't do it.

As you see above, I kept the third seedling for the time being. We'll see. Below is my prize, my pride, my joy... White Widow, O-man did I spend time with you in the 90's :smoking:

I do also have another time lapse for you guys/gals, but this will be the last one for a while as my storage on vimeo has run out...


Bob :toke:
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And all of a sudden both temperature and humidity where out of whack. Luckily my app on my smartphone sends me an alert and this could be dealt with accordingly. It took a while to get both the potmeter from the TS-1000 light and extraction fan set to each other so the value's are near perfect again :thumbsup:
Request for the nice people from @Marshydro, we want an addon and app to control both lights and extraction from the comfort of our chairs.
If possible bring me into contact with someone from development and let's exchange idea's brother!! :cheers:
1646947587764 - Copy.jpg
And all of a sudden both temperature and humidity where out of whack. Luckily my app on my smartphone sends me an alert and this could be dealt with accordingly. It took a while to get both the potmeter from the TS-1000 light and extraction fan set to each other so the value's are near perfect again :thumbsup:
Request for the nice people from @Marshydro, we want an addon and app to control both lights and extraction from the comfort of our chairs.
If possible bring me into contact with someone from development and let's exchange idea's brother!! :cheers:
View attachment 1430015
The APP will put into use soon. :jointman: