Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Nice one Bob :haha: But then, I go bonkers when the subject automation get's touched....:rofl:
Oh, please could you tell us more about it? If you need people to test it? :kiss:

Let's forget the above and continue with some niceties...
My ladies and youngin's are doing great! I do the weigh test to see when I need to water and every time make the circle I water a bit bigger...

I did dial back on the light as it's getting to hot inside the tent.

I even had to start the extraction fan, but set it at a very low speed, because I need the high humidity.

but as you can see I'm still golden when it comes to the desired values. Must say, I'm really starting to prefer growing inside then in the greenhouse...Much more stuf to control and get perfect :cheers:

With the above values it makes this grow super easy!! All I have to do is water and that's about it...Look at them grow :coffee:


Bob :toke:
Say @pop22 and others, please don't be shy and chime in...Is this about the time for me to start the autopot system for left front and right back?
I should also probably put both in the same easygrow system as they are the same age. I've read you should activate the system at 21 days, but I've also read somewhere to activate the system when the leaves reach the sides of the pot. Therefor my question... Should I or should I not? :thanks:
Yes, it's time! When they get as wide as the pot, that's the cue.

Say @pop22 and others, please don't be shy and chime in...Is this about the time for me to start the autopot system for left front and right back?
I should also probably put both in the same easygrow system as they are the same age. I've read you should activate the system at 21 days, but I've also read somewhere to activate the system when the leaves reach the sides of the pot. Therefor my question... Should I or should I not? :thanks:
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And that's what I did...I switched the two back pots so the left side could be connected to the tank.

The flexible tubing was a tad to short so I had to use a stiffer kind.
As soon as the second tray gets connected the problem will be solved as I can then use the flexible tubing again :thumbsup:

But it works....I've layed my phone on top of the pots and started filming. The first minute in the clip is actually 8 minutes condensed together as I didn't want to bore you guys and this way you see the water level drop as the pots absorb the water. After one minute the clip continues at normal speed. Enjoy!!


Bob :toke:
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Hey growers :welcome:

So after a couple of days with the two older ladies in the activated Autopot and I must say I'm quite pleased. Other then refilling the watertank my job consisted only of taking pictures :woohoo1:
Temperature and Humidity are completely into spec and both have a healthy drift which is noticeable in the time lapse. I should sync the time and the value's from the monitor...I have already messed around with that (thanks @Suki813 for the excel code), but couldn't get it to work. :shrug:

This is a log from only one hour, but this is just after I went to the tent to take some pictures. Look at how fast everything is recovering :thumbsup:

I also turned the dials on both the light and the extraction fan up. If you look at the previous post you'll see the minor changes on the fan. This potmeter is very sensitive on a certain range, but once dialed in keeps doing it's job :d5:


Overview of the entire tent. Aint she a beauty :kiss:

And let's not forget the time lapse. Look at those two larger plants grow!!
Again at 25fps, duration = 48hours.


Bob :toke:
Love it friend! Hey, hows the noise on that mars inline fan? Anything to compare it to?
The noise is very low as the fan is spinning at about the lowest setting. But compared to the monkey fan that's running inside the tent the Mars is super silent!
Hey AFN fam :bighug:

I'm touching wood as I'm typing this, but this grow is going amazing!!
My White Widow is exploding in growth. Even had to change the position of the camera because she was on her way in blocking line of sight...

I did some leaf tucking again, but we all know she'll be upright in a couple of hours. This time thought, I have twisted the leaves behind a couple of branches in the hope of extending the time the canopy stays open. All those shoots need that light so much...

Also raised the Wattage of the TS-1000 to about 85% as I would like to see the temperature a bit higher...

...At the same time I raised the speed of the inline fan as humidity was getting higher and higher because of the explosive growth.

This results in the following values measured inside the tent...
Mind you that the entire log is from the last 24 hours and the changes I made where just an hour or so ago...

As always I'd like to end with a time lapse. Again 25fps and a timespan of 48 hours.


Bob :toke:
Hey friends :toke:

Another happy update from within my grow tent!! :yay:
It won't be long before I can connect the right tray to the watertank.
I just gave the right pots a final drenching from the top with some added benefitial bacteria (Bactrex)

The value's inside the tent are in spec. Temperature is where I want it to be and humidity is in between what's best for both stages of plants. As soon as the second tray get's connected to the system the fan will be turned up higher (and probably the light as well) to get humidity between 65 and 70%

Growth inside is taking off, but the White Widow's growth is just phenomenal. Enjoy the time lapse! :thanks:


Bob :toke: