Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Ok, around 3am my humidity spiked at 87%. This is way to high for my VPD chart! :yoinks:
So I went out and bought myself four plastic plant trays and cut them down to size. The first one was to small, but we'll see how that turns out ;)
At least the plants are loving the skinny dipping, because they are still growing like crazy :woohoo1:
Well...Skinny dipping isn't for my girls after all. The timelapse I made showed the leaves drooping.

So I syphoned out the solution so they can use up what's in the cup.

Also took some pictures with my phone as the color correction on the action camera isn't all that!

Wedding Glue - day 8

Post & Stilton S1 - day 10

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 14
Saturday is picture day :woohoo:

I topped the Amnesia at her 4th node

Also removed the first node side branches. That way all the energy can go to the remaining four side branches.

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 15

She's looking beautiful if I say so myself :kiss:

The roots on my Port & Stilton are emerging. Let it grow, let it grow :woohoo1:

Port & Stilton S1 - day 11

Hey @JSH1973 Look at how close the nodes are packed. If I didn't know any better I'd say it's Indica dominant :crying:

It's getting cold outside and to keep temperatures up to par I upped the wattage on the TS1000. I do have to say, what a magnificent light it is.
For the price a small grower can't get a better deal!! Thanks @Marshydro for suggesting the upgrade ♥ ♥ ♥
Would still love to know the pinout on CH1 & CH2. Maybe I could create a interface so one can adjust the light intensity remotely...

Already over 1500 pictures for creating the timelapses. 9000 to go before I need to format. :headbang:

To end this post a small flyby inside the 2x2 tent. I know it's small, but in combination with the TS1000 I believe I can grow beautiful ladies:shooty:

Oh and almost forgot... The temp/humidity graph for the last 24 hours.
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Good morning everyone :toke:

Seems like I forgot to post the pictures from yesterday. So later on today you'll see another one :cooldance:

Port & Stilton S1 - day 12

Port & Stilton S1 - day 12

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 16

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 16

Look who's starting to show it's head??? Third times the charm:goodluck:
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I wouldn't call this day 1, but where close

Put a hat on her so she stayes nice and wet :kiss:


To continue what I was talking about... Here are some more pictures from my other plants.

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 17

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 17

Also removed the damaged leaves from the Post & Stilton. Oh boy, my fingers smell like good weed!! If this trend continues I'm going to be a very happy pappy :baked:

Port & Stilton S1 - day 13

:woohoo1:Should I call "day 1" on this one?:woohoo1:

Did have to remove the inner membrane from the seed which was keeping the cotyledons from opening. Keeping my fingers :goodluck: she survives the night and then I'll call it :thumbsup:
After taking this picture her humidity dome went back on so she stays nice and humid. :dancer:

I'd like to see the temperature a bit higher, but still glad I have 24.2°C/75.5°F. Humidity is stil in the right range according to my VPD chart, so I'm not complaining. :coffee:


Hey guys,

Just another day in the tent. Everyone is happy and so am I :woohoo1:

Port & Stilton S1 - day 14
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Port & Stilton S1 - day 14
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Amnesia XXL Auto - day 18
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Amnesia XXL Auto - day 18
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I'm calling it day 1 for the Purple Kush Auto :thanks:
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Purple Kush Auto - day 1
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Put it's humidity dome back on, but opened the cap so she can be weened to her new surroundings.
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Turned the lights a bit higher as It's so windy and cold outside the tent was getting below 23°C / 73°F and that's no good for the growth rate.
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Humidity is spot on, at least for the three ladies that are two weeks old. How the youngling will fare with the lower humidity, that needs to be seen.

Timelapse of the last 24 hours.


I bottom fed my strawberry pie and she burned quite quick. She never liked it. Maybe best sticking to the manual feeding for now?
I bottom fed my strawberry pie and she burned quite quick. She never liked it. Maybe best sticking to the manual feeding for now?
I do a bit of both. Do the manual feeding so air gets pulled down by gravity, but I also installed a tap on the nutrient bucket, which I use to control the amount of solution I give them from below. I let just enough in so the surface tension sticks the solution to the cup. Just a millimeter or so...
I'm learning as I go and want to thank you for your valuable input :toke: