Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Hey fellow growers :toke:
Bob here reporting back with an update from within my Mars Hydro tent. :thanks: for watching along :cheers:
This Port & Stilton S1 is super vigorous and throwing out leave after leave :woohoo1:

Unlike it's sister, which is in a contest, I let the roots roam free on this one. :jump:

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Port & Stilton S1 - day 22

I still don't believe the fact that she made it. I thought she was a goner, but persistence is strong in this one!

Again, the damage done by the pH f#(k up is still visible on the oldest leaves. :wall:

But still the roots are emerging from the drainage holes :coffee:

This Amnesia is getting out of control. I'll have to start training her very soon.

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 26

Roots roots roots :thanks:

I turned the Wattage a tad over 80%. This raises the temperature in the tent to 25.4°C / 77.72°F, but the amount of light it produces just hurts the eyes.

Timelapse from the last 24h
Hey fellow growers :toke:

Today I installed my net in the tent. The Amnesia sure could do with some help from above to keep everything low and spread out :coffee:

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 28

I think I'm giving to much water. Never thought coco could be watered to much though...

@pop22 this ones for you buddy :pass:
The damage is all me...pH went to high...


Hey guys,

Trying to figure out some stuff... Is it possible to overwater coco? The last couple of days I've noticed that three out of four plants/seedling have stopped growing. All but the Amnesia stopped drinking and the cups feel heavy and wet. So at first I thought it was some pH thing, but after checking the pH meter and it giving me a correct value for the calibration liquids. I stopped giving them their daily dose of nutrition. Today the second day again only the Amnesia cup was light to the touch and got a drink. I don't know what I should do to remediate this problem, so if any of you have an idea, please let me know. :toke:
Here's a timelapse from two days.
Makes sense, more like a smartpot or a fabric pot...Did that!! Thanks Suki :thumbsup:

This little one doesn't look healthy at all :nono:
Purple Kush Auto - day 11

The Port & Stilton is still looking ok, but as seen in the clip above isn't growing at all...
Port & Stilton S1 - day 25

...But she is showing sex and really starting to stink up the tent. :headbang:

The Amnesia is ahead of all at the moment, still growing. :thumbsup:

And also showing her sex for all to see :kiss:


All in all, this grow is all about learning, especially for myself as it's my first in a tent. But I feel I have a lot more learning todo :thanks:


Bob :toke:
You may need to cut some additional drainage for the pots, when I had my 3BOG in a solo I cut slits up the sides to help keep the soil from getting bogged down.
I usually cut lots of holes in my solo cups when I use them you always want good air flow to your root zone.
What kind of nutrients are you using with the coco in the solo cups? You could possibly have root rot if you didn't have proper drainage in the solo cups and had over watered. Maybe let the cups dry out so you can pull the hole root zone out of the cup and take a peak at what the roots look like? If the roots are brown and nasty looking then you know if you have root issues if they are pearl white and healthy its something different going on. Looks like you could have a few deficiencies going on which if your PH was out of wack definitely would cause this. Salt lock or neutrient lock out could also be something to check into. Have you checked the run off PH?
What kind of nutrients are you using with the coco in the solo cups? You could possibly have root rot if you didn't have proper drainage in the solo cups and had over watered. Maybe let the cups dry out so you can pull the hole root zone out of the cup and take a peak at what the roots look like? If the roots are brown and nasty looking then you know if you have root issues if they are pearl white and healthy its something different going on. Looks like you could have a few deficiencies going on which if your PH was out of wack definitely would cause this. Salt lock or neutrient lock out could also be something to check into. Have you checked the run off PH?
Yeah, well I think I may have found the culprit... I've reused the coco to much. This is the third year I'm using it... the Amnesia solocup drains immediatly, but in the other cups the coco is packed together and liquid stays on the surface for some time, draining very slowly. I've done some reading and searching on the interweb and what I could find is that each time coco get (re)used the particles get smaller. I must have used a specific part of my coco pile in the greenhouse which had more small particles in it.
So I decided I will go to the store tomorrow, buy me a bag of coco and a bag of perlite. Mix this up. Add Calcium nitrite, Magnesium sulfate and water. And let it soak for a day.
So except for the Amnesia, I'll be starting each seed again.