Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Hey AFN fam :bighug:

Let's start by saying I'm to stoned to use heavy machinery, it will be explained in a moment :thumbsup:
But on with the show :dancer:
I've got some trichome pornage for you guys/gals tonight :drool:
Let's start with some music...

These are all from my Auto Purple Kush which is now a day 56. Not quite there yet...
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This is what we are after. Trichome galore :baby: :dancer:
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...And also have some harvest pictures to share with you.
I took the Port & Stilton down and after removing the branches I saw 17gr on my scale :woohoo:

She is COVERED in trichomes. Not normal anymore and the smell...Oh lalá for sure!!!

I snipped of a piece (not large enough to register on the scales) and rolled it into a joint. Well...let's say I'm lucky I didn't post this in the wrong thread :crying:



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I couldn't help myself and took some trichome shots. The slow drying has surely helped a lot with ambering those trichomes :thumbsup:
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See you later friends :smokeout::cheers::thumbsup::baked:
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@St. Tom, first off. Thanks for the rep!! :cheers:
And yes. Shape wise it's the same as my old one, but this can take 2K pictures :biggrin:
When I found it on Ali I knew I had to have one. :eyebrows:
gotta love ali express
Hey growers :toke:

Since most plants are in flower growth has slowed down significantly...
Especially for this Auto Purple Kush the end is near.
Auto Purple Kush - day 58

Her fanleaves are dying off...

At 58 days she's done her best, amazing to see such a fast strain :thumbsup:

Today another fast (60fps) timelapse from the last 72 hours...


Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

Again some trichome pornage for you guys to drool upon :biggrin:

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Hey growers :cheers:

We're at day 61 for this Auto Purple Kush from Linda's Seeds and she's about as done as she's gonna be. Tomorrow I'll be harvesting this little beauty.

All buds the size of a golfbal and rock hard :thumbsup:
Auto Purple Kush - day 61

Because I'm smoking me some Port & Stilton at the moment I've been successful in leaving this little one alone. Haven't touched her except for taking pictures and fondling a bit :biggrin:
Auto Purple Kush - day 61

If you look at the trichomes you'll see why I told you guys this one is ready...
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And for those of you who got through the entire post :biggrin:
Here's another time lapse from almost two days (60fps)

