Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Hey growers :toke:

So a couple of days ago I was experimenting with a passive watering system. I ordered myself a couple of meters wicking rope. Placed a tub in the middle of the tray and threaded the pieces of rope from the tub to the solocups. Had to thigh a couple of knots in the wicking rope to slow down the release of moisture...


Auto Purple Kush - day 50

Auto Purple Kush - day 50

Port & Stilton S1 - day 64

Port & Stilton S1 - day 64

Let's not forget the 48 hour timelapse...


So the wicking rope is doing it's job...mainly extending the time between water gifts. Now extending it further as I still need to fill the container once per day.
Maybe get a wider tub, double or even triple the amount of tubs. I have time on my side, just need to get my hands on some of those sauce tubs...

Close-up from the main shoot's bud. Wouldn't call it a cola, but you know which part of the plant :eyebrows:

A trich shot taken with my smartphone. The new USB microscope hasn't landed in my letterbox as of yet...

Mhmmm, she does smell nice in there :drool:
Almost done, actually waiting on that damn scope to have a decent look at her :thumbsup:

Here's a timelapse from the last 24 hours...Once I raised the container a bit everybody seemed to like this a lot :cheers:

I was scrolling through my pictures and saw something cool. So I cropped the hell out of the above timelapse and made the following timelapse. This one is about 12 hours. Actually 11.30 hours, but who's counting...And what you'll see is the usage of nutrient solution from the tub. :toke:

And as you can see the tent isn't overcrowded at all. Everyone has the room to grow

Power settings almost at 90%

The filter cover is still clean which makes me happy as this means the plants are still clean as well :thumbsup:

The power setting of the inline fan. I can't put a percentage on it as the dial isn't directly proportional to the speed, but at this speed my humidity stays at 68-70%. Combine that with the power setting of the light and this results in a temperature of around 25°C / 77°F

I know this isn't a neat and clean picture, but the tray is the only "dirty" object in the tent...:yeahthat:

Everybody happy together :woohoo1:

:thanks: for watching,

Hey AFN fam :bighug:

I wanted to let you and especially my buddy know that I harvested my Port & Stilton S1 today.

I cut her down near the roots so I could hang her upside down to dry for a couple of days. The smell is overwhelming!!

Took this picture after removing all the bigger fanleaves. Everything else you see on the picture is with trichomes and will not be discarded :thumbsup:

Just amazed at how much hardship I put her through and how she turned out :hump:

I'll get back on this one after she's dried properly. She's currently hung upside down in the lung room where humidity is near 50% and the temperature's between 18°C and 20°C / 64.4 °F and 68°F. This should give me a decent dry :coffee:


So my HD usb scope arrived yesterday in the mail, but I only discovered it this morning :shrug:
I'm quite pleased with the quality of shots it produces. Took some figuring out I had to install a certain app before I could adjust the quality to 2K :coffee:

What do you guys think? These are all from my Purple Kush, which is the furthest in flower and the closest to the door. I'm thinking of making some tripod/stabilizing device as for a successful picture you need a steady hand.
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Pictures look good, nice and sharp.
Thanks! I'm satisfied myself about the quality. The led-ring around the lens is much brighter then old one and it takes 2K photo's, so there's room to crop and edit the pics :thumbsup:
If anyone else is interested in the HD microscope... It's this one.

I'm also very satisfied about my Linda Seeds, Auto Purple Kush that's currently finishing faster then I could have thought. According to Linda's it should finish in 45 to 60 days. But never thought it would go so fast :yoinks:
Auto Purple Kush - day 54

Auto Purple Kush - day 54

Took the drying Port & Stilton inside the tent to take a picture. Normally it's inside the lung room as this minimizes the smell inhouse.
She's been drying from Thursday, so that's 3 days. The first two day's she looked as if she was still in the solocup... It's from today that she's starting to look wilted. There's also a strong grass smell coming from her. But that's just the chlorophil that's breaking down.
I'll keep you guys posted as things evolve :thumbsup:

Also got the usual timelapse, but from now on 60fps as growing buds goes way slower then growing leaves :coffee:


B :toke:
Hey growers :toke:

Today only a pictorial update as I'm short of time, but I couldn't let you guys/gals without your daily dose of Bob :biggrin::crying:
Auto Purple Kush - day 55

Auto Purple Kush - day 55

Wedding Glue - day 67

Wedding Glue - day 67

Where's My Dog - day 33

Where's My Dog - day 33

Sweet Bourbon Auto Kush - day 42

Sweet Bourbon Auto Kush - day 42

Fat Pete's Cookies - day 42

Fat Pete's Cookies - day 42

