Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Thats kind of my gripe with bottom feeding. I had an issue last grow where i was top feeding but the cup was sitting in the runoff and she sucked up thr concentrate from the tray. Led to pH issues. There are always positives and negatives to everything.
Thats kind of my gripe with bottom feeding. I had an issue last grow where i was top feeding but the cup was sitting in the runoff and she sucked up thr concentrate from the tray. Led to pH issues. There are always positives and negatives to everything.
Yeah I know, The advantage of solocups or small pots is that the plants stay small and if done right you end up with actually one large bud from the bottom to the top. disadvantage is that they need watering more often. I tried to automate that, but the variables on those small cups are to big.
In my next tent trial I'll be using the four 8.5L pots from my easy2grow set without the actual base and just handwater them.

I do love automating things though so I ordered these solenoid valves together with these capacitive soil sensors. Add a NodeMCU and...
Why not use the full Autopot system mate? It works wonders, easy to use and with very good results. And going away for a holiday of 1-2 weeks doesn't require anything else but a big tank :eyebrows:
Sounds like a good idea :thumbsup: Any advice on the strains I could grow? :eyebrows:
Hehe, You guys thought I would forget to post pictures today didn't you :haha:
Let's begin with some budshots from my Amnesia XXL. Mind you, there only a thumb big if that, lol. But they smell nice :smoking:


Amnesia XXL - day 52

Auto Purple Kush - day 34

Port & Stilton S1 - day 48

Let's not forget the timelapse :d5:


I've send you a DM mate, we'll keep in touch!:d5:
And I fell asleep on the couch yesterday doing my calculations. I've just answered you buddy :cheers:
I also didn't get to posting my daily pictures in my thread. Shame on me :naughtystep: :rofl:
So I'll post now for yesterday as the pictures and timelapse where all prepped and do another post later this evening after their second drink of today :thumbsup:

This Amnesia XXL from Dinafem is killer. I've, hehe... broken a piece off, chopped it up and rolled a nice joint which got nuked in the microwave for two minutes... (yeah I know :naughtystep:) Well, let's say...ahum...It made Bob very stoned and sleepy, mhmmm...:baked:
Amnesia XXL - day 53

I was looking at my Auto Purple Kush and saw something glisning in the light. The pictures from the last days don't do her justice as hidden behind the Kush she was working very hard in making her so shiny and beautiful :kiss:
And although small, which was my fault the gentic make-up from Mephisto still makes up for that. A shame they are so hard to procure, but we're working on relieving that :yay:
Port & Stilton S1 - day 49

Look at those buds. Ok, admittedly I used a flash, but still...look at all that trichome goodness :baked:

Auto Purple Kush - day 35

And finally the timelapse from the last 24 hours between yesterday and the day before...


Bob :toke:
Good evening (it is where I'm at :smoker1:) everyone,

I'm doing my second feeding of today and it's about 9o'clock. When I opened the tent the smell was amazing!! Oh my, the Amnesia surely is starting to reek in there! Never noticed it in the greenhouse as the space is so big and there was always a draft, but enclosed in a small space I'm definitely glad I have an exhaust wíth filter attached to the outside. The lungroom is smell free so I'm a happy camper and as long as the air to the outside is smellfree I'm at ease :baghead:
Amnesia XXL - day 54

Ever since I listened to some good advice about raising the P & K to relieve an N deficiency during flower I can honestly say that this Purple Kush is getting her color back. I feel like I've caught it just in time with this one as she's piling up pistil after pistil.
Auto Purple Kush - day 36

We've all seen how beautiful this lady is. I'm not going to get her from under the netting every time I'm taking pictures, but she's in the final stretch. The only thing to do in her lifecycle is fatten up those buds and present me with some wonderful genetics for me to enjoy:jointman:
She's a 75 - 85 day strain so that should put her harvest window 'technically' between January 30th and February 9th. So she's got plenty ol' time to finish
Port & Stilton S1 - day 50

To end todays posting I leave you with another timelapse from the last 24 hours.


Bob :toke:
Hey Growers :d5:

Today I'm a happy grower. Because with the help of my AFN Fam. :bighug:
I'm solving some issues I've been having lately... Never to old to learn :thumbsup:

This Amnesia is only at day 56, but her buds look ready. I know could let her run much further, but harvesting her now provides me with dearly needed medicine and should make me self-sufficient until the next one is ready...
Amnesia XXL - day 56

I've harvested this branch to test her out and must say it makes writing these threads a wee bit harder. She tastes magnificent!! And to know that I had these seeds in my collection for over two years now...
Also crazy to see the difference in picture color on this photo and the one above. It depends on how I angle my phone to take a picture and also if I'm photographing from inside the tent or outside... Any advice on how to alleviate this?
Amnesia XXL - day 56

The Purple Kush is reacting very well opening her leaves and sighing a breath of relief. Lesson learned...Don't let them get wet feet :thumbsup:
Auto Purple Kush - day 38

Hey @JSH1973,

Look at this crystalline beauty. I'm keeping her in the corner as my thinking behind it is that she'll gets the most draft being so close to the edge on both sides. Also the monkey fan is straight above her blowing on the TS-1000 to keep it cool and disperse the heat through the tent. But also this fan blows down and this spot get's the most of it. Not very scientific, but sometimes you'll need to follow your gut :cheers:
Port & Stilton S1 - day 52

Let's not forget the timelapse from the last 24 hours. The plants are all responding well to the fact I raised the Solocups from the tray.


Bob :toke: