Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Hey Growers :d5:

Today I'm a happy grower. Because with the help of my AFN Fam. :bighug:
I'm solving some issues I've been having lately... Never to old to learn :thumbsup:

This Amnesia is only at day 56, but her buds look ready. I know could let her run much further, but harvesting her now provides me with dearly needed medicine and should make me self-sufficient until the next one is ready...
Amnesia XXL - day 56
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I've harvested this branch to test her out and must say it makes writing these threads a wee bit harder. She tastes magnificent!! And to know that I had these seeds in my collection for over two years now...
Also crazy to see the difference in picture color on this photo and the one above. It depends on how I angle my phone to take a picture and also if I'm photographing from inside the tent or outside... Any advice on how to alleviate this?
Amnesia XXL - day 56
View attachment 1405317

The Purple Kush is reacting very well opening her leaves and sighing a breath of relief. Lesson learned...Don't let them get wet feet :thumbsup:
Auto Purple Kush - day 38
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Hey @JSH1973,

Look at this crystalline beauty. I'm keeping her in the corner as my thinking behind it is that she'll gets the most draft being so close to the edge on both sides. Also the monkey fan is straight above her blowing on the TS-1000 to keep it cool and disperse the heat through the tent. But also this fan blows down and this spot get's the most of it. Not very scientific, but sometimes you'll need to follow your gut :cheers:
Port & Stilton S1 - day 52
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Let's not forget the timelapse from the last 24 hours. The plants are all responding well to the fact I raised the Solocups from the tray.


Bob :toke:

Manual mode! You want to adjust your white balance prior to shooting.
Hey Fellow growers :toke:

Had to take a day off from posting... Yesterday morning I discovered I made a newbie mistake :wall:
This is how I was met when opening the tent door :face:
I forgot to water the plants the day before...And since they stood on top of a riser, they couldn't drink from the tray anymore. Two (Fat Pete's & Where's My Dog) and the rest wasn't looking very happy...

After giving them a good soak they did recuperate slowly. So magnificent to see how resilient these plants truly are :thumbsup:
I also harvested the Amnesia. The branches are drying as we speak. The smell is :drool: amazing!!!
Auto Purple Kush - day 41

I've given the Port & Stilton a bit more room so she can finish in the light. She's on big bud with leaves on, the pictures from above don't do her justice.
Port & Stilton S1 - day 55

For those who whish to see 'the horrorshow' I have the following 48hour timelapse.

The moral of this post could be the following... If I didn't tell anyone about my mistake no one would be the wiser because of the resilience of this plant. I now do have to think about a watering system, cause my wife wanted to go away for the weekend in two weeks... I'm thinking in experimenting with a wick system or something else passive while I'm working from home and can monitor the plants and adjust before we go in production...


Hey AFN Fam. :d5:

I can honestly say I didn't harm any plant today :haha:
The Purple Kush is throwing out pistil after pistil...
Auto Purple Kush - day 42

...Here's a sideview of her. She's creating some serious bud on the left hand side. Prolly going to have to remove some of that lower growth as it's more yellow and black spots then anything else.
Auto Purple Kush - day 42

The Port & Stilton. She's just one resin covered plant! Small, but almost completely bud and leaves. The bud to leaf ratio is very low meaning lot's of trimming to be done, but there will be lot's of it and that's always nice make bubble out of :smoking:
Port & Stilton S1 - day 56

Here's another timelapse from the last 24 hours.


Hey Fellow growers :toke:

Had to take a day off from posting... Yesterday morning I discovered I made a newbie mistake :wall:
This is how I was met when opening the tent door :face:
I forgot to water the plants the day before...And since they stood on top of a riser, they couldn't drink from the tray anymore. Two (Fat Pete's & Where's My Dog) and the rest wasn't looking very happy...
View attachment 1406148

After giving them a good soak they did recuperate slowly. So magnificent to see how resilient these plants truly are :thumbsup:
I also harvested the Amnesia. The branches are drying as we speak. The smell is :drool: amazing!!!
Auto Purple Kush - day 41
View attachment 1406137

I've given the Port & Stilton a bit more room so she can finish in the light. She's on big bud with leaves on, the pictures from above don't do her justice.
Port & Stilton S1 - day 55
View attachment 1406138

For those who whish to see 'the horrorshow' I have the following 48hour timelapse.

The moral of this post could be the following... If I didn't tell anyone about my mistake no one would be the wiser because of the resilience of this plant. I now do have to think about a watering system, cause my wife wanted to go away for the weekend in two weeks... I'm thinking in experimenting with a wick system or something else passive while I'm working from home and can monitor the plants and adjust before we go in production...



wow at 7 seconds in they just said nope haha :crying:
Gooday to all :shooty:

Everything is going AOK in the tent :woohoo1:
Temperature & Humidity are in the right VPD range, which is remarkably easy to sustain once you get the hang of the inline fan's speed dial. Light intensity is still the same at 85%.
This Purple Kush has so many bud sites Just have to keep her happy. :coffee:
Auto Purple Kush - day 44

It's as if the leaves are swelling up with trichomes. I know it's just the calyx's that are swelling, but even then it's truly a sight to be seen :eyebrows:
Port & Stilton S1 - day 58

Also have a 48 hour timelapse for you guys :thanks: for watching ;)

Before I forget. I ordered several meters/yards of wick from Amazon to try out in the coming days. Of course I'll document it when it arrives.
And there was something else, but I forgot... Damn Amnesia is kicking my butt :haha: Haha, remember. I'm raising the pH slowly as not to shock the plants. I've got it now at 5.95 in a freshly cleaned bucket. EC is around 1000µS/cm or 500ppm which is about right. I feel the Sweet Bourbon and Where's My Dog can handle a higher feeding schedule, but this would mean diluting the feed calculated for them and adjusting a small quantity (1 liter) of the solutions pH, which is a pain in the ass. So I'll stay at the current feeding schedule :d5:


Bob :toke:
Manual mode! You want to adjust your white balance prior to shooting.
It was called Pro Mode on mine, but wow I can adjust everything...Thanks again sis :bighug:
So I took some pictures...
Port & Stilton S1 - day 59

Port & Stilton S1 - day 59

Port & Stilton S1 - day 59

Auto Purple Kush - day 45

Auto Purple Kush - day 45

Auto Purple Kush - day 45

Auto Purple Kush - day 45

Let's not forget the timelapse :thumbsup:


It was called Pro Mode on mine, but wow I can adjust everything...Thanks again sis :bighug:
So I took some pictures...
Port & Stilton S1 - day 59
View attachment 1407509

Port & Stilton S1 - day 59
View attachment 1407510

Port & Stilton S1 - day 59
View attachment 1407511

Auto Purple Kush - day 45
View attachment 1407512

Auto Purple Kush - day 45
View attachment 1407513

Auto Purple Kush - day 45
View attachment 1407514

Auto Purple Kush - day 45
View attachment 1407515

Let's not forget the timelapse :thumbsup:



Had a year or so "portrait photography phase" after the mud truck thing, lmao. I was decent at it but it was too much dealing with people lmao.
Had a year or so "portrait photography phase" after the mud truck thing, lmao. I was decent at it but it was too much dealing with people lmao.

I did some wedding stuff but I couldnt take pics and deal with people, actually I just couldn't deal with people. I did a bunch of concert photography for a while and that was a lot of fun, too much at times. Lol.
Hey Growers,

Everything going well in my Mars Hydro tent.
I've been experimenting with the wicking rope I ordered a couple of days ago. Almost time to put it to use inside the tent...

This Purple Kush is piling up the trichs and slowely fattening up... Not more to tell about her for the moment.

This little beauty is nearing the end of her lifecycle. A picture from the top doesn't do her the justice she deserves!!

Took her out of the tent to take some solo pictures of her... What do you guys think?

Almost completely bud from top to bottom :eyebrows:

Still waiting on my new trich scope as I can't find my old one... but the phone's camera will do to give you guys an idea



And here's another timelapse from the last 48 hours :thumbsup:

Hope you enjoy watching as much as I have posting this sh!t :thanks:
