Hey Breeders and Wannabreeders

to my greenhouse. Take a seat and follow along why not

Let's begin with the Mephisto's Wedding twins...The front girl is looking fairly ready.
She's showing fall colors, which indicates the end of the road for this lady...
I did check her trichomes and there are loads of spots like this one below...
But the majority is looking milky...
So you know what we say...If she looks ready, wait one more week and then take her down. So that's what I'm gonna do. In the meantime I get to feed her one more time, so
Her hind sister is starting to bulk up nicely, if I must say so...
Next we have Mephisto's Wedding x Coal Miner's Daughter...
This lady isn't far behind on the Wedding two doors down...
The amount of frost is just ridiculous. I love it!!
And every bud is looking like this. I've only showed the bottom ones today!
I did check her trichomes, but you can clearly see she isn't there yet...
Finally we have Double Grape x Toof Decay. Funny story. Last week I showed one of the breeding ladies with a crooked top bud. Well, this was the DG x TD breeder and yesterday I checked on the plants and found this dried out bud, with just a little bit of budrot, which cut off circulation to that top part. After removing that piece of budrot and some more, just to be sure. I was left with a nice dry bud to taste...Well, I know I tried to finish the joint in one go, but it failed. My missus had to come and get me as I completely dozed off...Anyway, just finished that joint I started yesterday and I'm happy as fuck ya'll!! A very familiar taste it has...I can swear I can taste Amnesia in this one...
Having tasted that smoke from the breeder, I'm verry happy with how this lady is expanding
Well, that's 15 pictures you guys...Hope you enjoyed your stay and be welcome next time