Hey friends
We're a week on and the seedlings are really enjoying their stay inside the tent, even though I am pushing them quite a bit, but more on that in a moment. It's almost time to give 'm a first kick in the bud with some
Boom Boom Spray. This will be done at day ten, but I like to mention it now so I don't forget it in a day or two

Until then it's dechlorinated water only. I might even delay watering until then, because I would also like to feed the bennies with some
The parameters inside the tent are remarkable well if I may so myself...
- We're almost @ 20 Mole with the DLI, it's only three percent to get there, but I saw some reaction on the rims of the leaves, so I toned it down...We'll get there in a couple of days

- CO² is still at double the concentration compared to the outside and all thanks to this DIY yeast CO² generator I made last year. Anyway, it's free food for the plants so I'm happy to get it mixed inside the tent.
- The temperature is on the high side, but keeping the humidity higher, the VPD (and what's more important then that you guys?) is just right.
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Because of the software upgrade I'm now able to adjust the fan on a setpoint (VPD of course) basis, which in turn enable's me to...relax. I haven't visited the tent in two days. I do still keep an eye on the girls via the time lapse camera, but I only go to the tent when the girls need a drink...Thinking of that, I still have more then enough solenoids lying around to rig something up...But then again, I wouldn't go there at all...No, let's keep those solenoids for the greenhouse.
Anyway...as I told you, I was pushing the girls...Like any of us, I want to get the most and best out of this cultivar. It is a test...a creation of myself, standing on the shoulders of more knowledgeable people. And I would like to select the best genetic donor's I can for this next generation. In the meantime I would also like to get me some killer bud to keep my jars full, so these girls will be pushed to the very edge when it comes to VPD, light, nutrition and stimulators.
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Since it's been three days ago I posted an update, you guys are in for an extra long time lapse.

Speed = 30 fps, duration = 64 hours. The second halve of the time lapse(s) you'll notice a jump in activity. This is when I decided to push the VPD from an average of 0.70kPa to a more dryer environment of 0.80kPa. This ensures the girls need to work harder to keep up with evaporation and in doing so take up loads of nutrients.
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Hope you enjoyed Today's show