Thanks for the tip. I'll have another ponder about the subject...Don't like the idea of transporting the plants outside the greenhouse. They've gotten to large and to many prying eyes...
I did feed my ladies today as I finally added the BioTabs to the soil...
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These ladies got four tabs as they are inside a 10gallon pot. Afterwards they got about three liters of water with 3gr Bactrex mixed in it, actually I mixed up a 5L watering can with 5gr. Bactrex to 5L of water, but you get the jest.
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The rest got divided over a couple other plants, then I remixed another watering can and continued. All ladies got their dose of Bactrex to kickstart the conversion of the BioTabs.
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Yup, other seedlings got sown into the other pots. Got some bell peppers and more spicier ones, a couple of tomato cultivars, large and small cucumbers got planted last weekend. Also am going for some gigantic zucchini's grown inside a 200L barrel. They start out inside the soil mix my other plants are in, but once the roots get down into the barrel they will be fed on the leftover nutrients I mixed up from a couple of years ago. This mixture was based upon MC, so it'll do just fine. A couple of years ago I grew zucchini's of over one meter long, those plants bore about five of those fruit, but drank 200L a week!!!
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The ladies in waiting also got another watering in their tray.
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I like to give 'm just not enough water, which makes their pots quite light when I arrive the next day to water them again. The heat, low humidity and lack of water stresses them out quite a bit, but until now no male parts to be found. This tray is banana free you guys
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Double Grape is also the basis for what I can describe one of the best smokes I ever got...Port & Stilton, one of Mephisto's Illuminati's that never got released again. The DG has been used in multiple breeding projects because of it's enormous trichome production. So when I found this one in my Santa pack over the Christmas holidays I was stoked to say the less...Crossing this over to the Wedding x CMD will make for an interesting offspring, that's for sure.
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Anyway, that's it for today you guys.

for dropping by and hope to see you again next time