Bluelab pH pen, and Mars hydro ts1000 questions.

Ya. 80 plant limit is rough.
@St. Tom @Olderfart

I'd be lying if I said it was
We're lucky cause its only been in the mid 70's these days ( 23c for my Brit buddies).
Sunny days require 6x 4 gallon mixes in the morning and another 6 after supper ( 48 gallons a day,...or 217 liters daily).
But I'm presently unemployed with the covid BS,...and I enjoy the trouble.

Not having a fixed objective.
I think I'm going to produce several scenarios to properly evaluate what the PH pen can/ CANNOT do.
I'll work on the videos this aft.
Having a project gives meaning to life right now.

This may turn out to be several (3 or 4) videos for this all to make sense.
Should be fun ,and a learning experience for all..

Hey " M" @Builder0101 , take notes dude, this is serious shit you may want to sit up straight and listen ...
Like I know what I'm doing and trying to sound like I do.....:crying:
More than a 45 gallon drum of nutes per day. Makes my watering regime, even before the autopots kick in, look pretty tame.

Sorry to hear that Covid burned your employment. There is a sad lot of that going on right now. My wife and I are incredibly fortunate to be retired during this event. The inconveniences it causes us are trivial compared to what some people put up with. Being unemployed and confined to a condo with a couple small kids comes to mind. At some point, the number crunchers will figure out how the lockdown measures in various places compare to one another and with what else might have been done, but the jury is still out. This pandemic is a long way from over yet, so it is not possible to do the analyses yet. Having said that, there is now data that suggests strongly that in the UK and the rest of the EU, something like three million deaths have been saved so far by the lockdown. The longer term data will show whether saved should read "delayed". As I understand the analysis, and this is second hand as I have not seen it personally, it includes the, in my opinion silly, optimistic assumption that left unchecked, Covid-19 would still not have overwhelmed hospitals. Presuming that to be the case, three million more deaths may be a tad optimistic. And of course, that analysis only includes the UK and EU.

Anyway, I am sorry to hear that the enjoyment of your grow is tempered by forced unemployment, and I hope that you manage to get back to work before long, and safely. :pighug:
So after some consideration im just gonna buy the storage solution, after all the meter is hella expensive. I'll just use the 4.0 solution until it arrives.
Eventually will upgrade my lighting again, gonna stick with 4 plants and try to make it work in the 5x5 with only around 400 something actual watts from all 3 lights, seriously hoping it won't affect the density of my buds or the yield. Im about to harvest my current photo period grow then I'll need to buy some more nutrients. Wanted to try a different brand if anyone has suggestions? I've been using the FF trio for about a year now. Just tryna branch off to something different.
So after some consideration im just gonna buy the storage solution, after all the meter is hella expensive. I'll just use the 4.0 solution until it arrives.
Eventually will upgrade my lighting again, gonna stick with 4 plants and try to make it work in the 5x5 with only around 400 something actual watts from all 3 lights, seriously hoping it won't affect the density of my buds or the yield. Im about to harvest my current photo period grow then I'll need to buy some more nutrients. Wanted to try a different brand if anyone has suggestions? I've been using the FF trio for about a year now. Just tryna branch off to something different.
So after some consideration im just gonna buy the storage solution, after all the meter is hella expensive. I'll just use the 4.0 solution until it arrives.
Eventually will upgrade my lighting again, gonna stick with 4 plants and try to make it work in the 5x5 with only around 400 something actual watts from all 3 lights, seriously hoping it won't affect the density of my buds or the yield. Im about to harvest my current photo period grow then I'll need to buy some more nutrients. Wanted to try a different brand if anyone has suggestions? I've been using the FF trio for about a year now. Just tryna branch off to something different.
That Mars Hydro sp600 for 79 bucks is actually a pretty good deal. @MarshydroTina is a great rep. She deserves our support.
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More than a 45 gallon drum of nutes per day. Makes my watering regime, even before the autopots kick in, look pretty tame.

Sorry to hear that Covid burned your employment. There is a sad lot of that going on right now. My wife and I are incredibly fortunate to be retired during this event. The inconveniences it causes us are trivial compared to what some people put up with. Being unemployed and confined to a condo with a couple small kids comes to mind. At some point, the number crunchers will figure out how the lockdown measures in various places compare to one another and with what else might have been done, but the jury is still out. This pandemic is a long way from over yet, so it is not possible to do the analyses yet. Having said that, there is now data that suggests strongly that in the UK and the rest of the EU, something like three million deaths have been saved so far by the lockdown. The longer term data will show whether saved should read "delayed". As I understand the analysis, and this is second hand as I have not seen it personally, it includes the, in my opinion silly, optimistic assumption that left unchecked, Covid-19 would still not have overwhelmed hospitals. Presuming that to be the case, three million more deaths may be a tad optimistic. And of course, that analysis only includes the UK and EU.

Anyway, I am sorry to hear that the enjoyment of your grow is tempered by forced unemployment, and I hope that you manage to get back to work before long, and safely. :pighug:
Those are very generous words good Sir.
I agree, there is a delay in the deaths to come. Not avoided, but delayed.
Chin up all.
More people died today from cancer and car accidents than covid 19.
If you're reading this, my guess is you've got/ had it...and survived like many other viruses.
BTW @Olderfart ..
Its now refered to as being chromed.
Not grey ( tongue sticking out )...:yoinks:
So after some consideration im just gonna buy the storage solution, after all the meter is hella expensive. I'll just use the 4.0 solution until it arrives.
Eventually will upgrade my lighting again, gonna stick with 4 plants and try to make it work in the 5x5 with only around 400 something actual watts from all 3 lights, seriously hoping it won't affect the density of my buds or the yield. Im about to harvest my current photo period grow then I'll need to buy some more nutrients. Wanted to try a different brand if anyone has suggestions? I've been using the FF trio for about a year now. Just tryna branch off to something different.
Have you considered using Greenleafs Mega Crop.
Its very inexpensive and easy to use.
I've switched from general hydroponics and have no regrets.
Those are very generous words good Sir.
I agree, there is a delay in the deaths to come. Not avoided, but delayed.
Chin up all.
More people died today from cancer and car accidents than covid 19.
If you're reading this, my guess is you've got/ had it...and survived like many other viruses.
BTW @Olderfart ..
Its now refered to as being chromed.
Not grey ( tongue sticking out )...:yoinks:
The liar Fauchi told a truth today. Asymptomatic people are rarely contagious. Most people are Asymptomatic. Or immune in the 1st place.
Nah, sorry @Builder0101 ,
My property is only 55,000 Sq.Ft. ( 5100 Sq.M)
Half of which is already dedicated to the grow ( after negotiating with my wife :doh: )
Local laws obligate me to have it fenced in for security reasons (which I do, so my dog doesn't get stoned).

This is part of the problem with our new cannabis laws in Canada.
Every one can grow 4 plants ( recreational),...PLUS your medical license limit ( in my case 75 plants).
So the punks next door to me don't wanna steal my pot,.....they want me to grow it for them ( little f*ckers:smoking:).
sounds like you have a security team to watch your plants for you that you pay in weed, sweet deal mate! I'd see if they can be trained to trim.
@Olderfart @St. Tom @Builder0101 @Cmersh @Waira

So I made a half assed video on what the Bluelab soil PH pen is all about.
Tested in soil ( peat ).
The reason being, peat is more acidic than coco... ( the idea being, this is a worst case scenario....coco can only be better in terms of results.

So here is the link.
As of a couple of minutes ago, Google were processing the video ( what ever the hell that means??).
Enjoy, and share feedback