Blue Mystic 6weeks/3days, Gray/Brown Isolated Patches [Sugar Leaves]

Hey bro, I've been using Fox farm trio for years. The tiger bloom will burn you plants quickly, maybe some K toxity going as Waira said earlier. I normally go with 5ml/1 tsp per gallon or less and never more than once a week. I use it sparingly, I'll use 2-3 bottles of the Grow to 1 bottle of tiger bloom.
Hey bro, I've been using Fox farm trio for years. The tiger bloom will burn you plants quickly, maybe some K toxity going as Waira said earlier. I normally go with 5ml/1 tsp per gallon or less and never more than once a week. I use it sparingly, I'll use 2-3 bottles of the Grow to 1 bottle of tiger bloom.

Damn okay, that gives me quite a bit of perspective. Thanks for the info, appreciate that. :d5:
I'd say a heavy flush, looks like increasing the nutes has worsened the symptoms, which is in line with my original thoughts that this is due to nute burn.

Mate, you've seen my grow, I got similar things on my nearly finished gal, yet I have a 28 day old in the same pot super healthy and I've added no further nutes. Have you tested run off for ppm?

Hey man thanks for the reply. Yeah, looks like I'll be doing a flush.

No I haven't tested the runoff, I need to order a tds meter today though.
Hey bro, I've been using Fox farm trio for years. The tiger bloom will burn you plants quickly, maybe some K toxity going as Waira said earlier. I normally go with 5ml/1 tsp per gallon or less and never more than once a week. I use it sparingly, I'll use 2-3 bottles of the Grow to 1 bottle of tiger bloom.

If I were to do a ph'd flush here soon, as far as using the fox farm nutrients - what would be your recommendation on getting them back on tigerbloom once it's flushed and done. Give them a light dose of tigerbloom after? Or maybe wait some days then introduce some flowering nutes back in [per you're 1tsp/gal or less feeding]? Thank you for the help, I appreciate it.
Honestly I never flush so I don't know. I'd would think you could never flush out everything in soil, I really don't know. If it were my plant I'd let her ride it out on water and maybe some big bloom micro nutes. I've screwed up plenty and always end up with some decent smoke. Every strains nutrient requirements are different, next time you grow this one give her less and I bet she turns out much better. We grow and we learn...
When I first used Tiger Bloom, Big Bud and Grow, on Auto Blue Mystic I was warned to cut all doses in half across the board for autos. Does that no longer apply? Are these autos?

Yeah these are autos. I've been using TigerBloom at 1tsp/gal, and the label says 2-3tsp, so half essentially. I actually started out at half a teaspoon initially, then ended up increasing eventually to 1tsp/gal.
Hey man!
I see you ran into some small issues in bloom!

If you want to test your luck, give her one more weaker feed with bud/resin booster and flush on next watering.


My initial thought would be that you only have about 1,5 weeks until you are supposed to flush them anyway, so maybe just run an early flush and keep giving her PH`d water the lest weeks. You might end up on a 3 week flush, but I think that would be my first go to thought.

This might affect your resin production a little, but at least you will end up with flushed, clean, tasty buds :smokeit:
Hey man!
I see you ran into some small issues in bloom!

If you want to test your luck, give her one more weaker feed with bud/resin booster and flush on next watering.


My initial thought would be that you only have about 1,5 weeks until you are supposed to flush them anyway, so maybe just run an early flush and keep giving her PH`d water the lest weeks. You might end up on a 3 week flush, but I think that would be my first go to thought.

This might affect your resin production a little, but at least you will end up with flushed, clean, tasty buds :smokeit:

I appreciate the response man, thanks.

Yeah, I think I'm going to hold off on the tigerbloom nutes tbh. I'm thinking I'm just going to ride this out and continue to feed distilled water, maybe add some supplemental 0-0.5-0.7 ff bigbloom at some point. I'm pretty sure it was the frequency of my feedings, there were a few where they were back to back - could've contributed to this.

Oh well, I've learned a bunch so far so that's what matters, just bittersweet that things had to take this turn hah.

Thanks again :D

For reference on that same leaf - the burn still seems to be spreading, which I'd thought it stopped. Good thing is the darker spots on the newer leaves have not noticeably spread.

I watered with nearly 3.5L of ph'd water today, so I'm hoping this will slow things down enough to where the plants not too affected these remaining weeks I'm definitely considering doing a flush next watering based on what @Sensi Jay and @NorwegianGrower mentioned, only reason I hadn't pulled the trigger on doing the flush yet is because I kind of wanted to see how this would play out after giving them near 1gal of ph'd water [thanks @iampepe]. Kind of between a rock n' a hard place.

If this burn progression hasn't slowed within the next couple days then I'll probably end up flushing..

First picture is the leaf I've referenced throughout the last few posts just to show the progression of the burn n' whatnot. Second picture is a random shot of another area of the plant, showing how some of the leaves were affected. Third picture is from one of the tops showing the spots again - which haven't seemed to progress. Last picture is a full plant shot just to show the affected leaves.




All in all your plant looks very healthy. Again, well done on the LST!:woohoo:

Her life is almost over, and the leaves will start to die off gradually towards harvest time.
Since you fed only water today, and if you continue now with only pH water, you will notice your leafs will start turning brown and die at a faster rate.

Don`t worry when this happens, it just means that since you`re not adding any more nutrients in the soil, the plant will eat up the last nutes that is stores in the fan leafs.
Nice amount of bud spots and the bud development seems to be in order. Overall good job! The next part will be to hold the humidity down and watch how the tricom production starts to change in the next weeks :cool1: