Blue Mystic 6weeks/3days, Gray/Brown Isolated Patches [Sugar Leaves]

That's nute burn brother, I'd ease back on the feeds for a week, those tips won't get better, they'll stay that way, but newer growth shouldn't show it. If it still shows or grows worse a flush may be required.

I'd say you right where you want to be, but be good if u could test EC or TDS, to confirm.

Well shit.. I just fed them last night [1tsp 1-0-0 calmag, 1tsp ff tigerbloom]. It had been a bit over 3 days since I'd fed them, but yeah I ended up feeding them lastnight.. -_-

Dangit. I wonder how much worse this is going to get since I fed them lastnight?

Thanks for the reply Sensi Jay
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Hmmm, given your lighter feeding, longer spells in between,.. pH is still OK?.... this looks like possible K defc., the tell is the way the "teeth" tips are browning out, on lower leaves (K is mobile).. how does the upper, newset growth look, no tip burn there? :rofl: I know it's- :doh:and general nute burn can overlap in symptoms,.. worse K toxicity looks a lot like K defc.! :wall: :nono:... so we must account for all the clues here,... your feeds, dosage, frequency, pH are part of it,... let's see what the uppers/newest growth says,.. actual nute burn will usually hit there first and worst usually, since so much is being pumped up that way,...
Hmmm, given your lighter feeding, longer spells in between,.. pH is still OK?.... this looks like possible K defc., the tell is the way the "teeth" tips are browning out, on lower leaves (K is mobile).. how does the upper, newset growth look, no tip burn there? :rofl: I know it's- :doh:and general nute burn can overlap in symptoms,.. worse K toxicity looks a lot like K defc.! :wall: :nono:... so we must account for all the clues here,... your feeds, dosage, frequency, pH are part of it,... let's see what the uppers/newest growth says,.. actual nute burn will usually hit there first and worst usually, since so much is being pumped up that way,...


Going on 7 weeks and 4 days now.

I just stuck the probe in 3 different areas, each for 10 minutes - 6.6, 6.5, 6.2 are what came out.

Yeah, I looked through the deficiency threads and potassium is what seemed to stand out - as far as the overall look of the leaves go and gradient of color on the serrations and tip, I might be splitting hairs though. Yeah man all the issues seemed to pile on at the very end in flowering, good times let me tell ya, haha.

To be honest I guess I never REALLY looked up close at the tips of all the leaves as the burnt tips are so incredibly faint, but today looking over the leaves- I would say most leaves have burnt tips.....meh [maybe 80%sh or so of the leaves]. Honestly I think all those leaves that have very faint burnt tips - they've been like this since the beginning - as now that I think on it I remember seeing the very faint discoloration and never thought anything of it due to it not spreading. So with that said i'm really not sure "how many more burnt tips I have now versus earlier on".

Took some updated pics today and..

PHOTO 1-2: This is the same leaf from yesterday - the one towards the middle/top that had the burnt tip and serrations. It definitely you can see.. -_- There's also a couple of leaves smack-dab in the middle of the plant that were somewhat covered up but are displaying the same look/symptoms as these two photos.

PHOTO 3-4: A shot of a couple of the tops from the plant. You can see the rust/brown spots have not spread whatsoever since several days back when we had spoke in this thread, so that's a good thing I think. :p Also, you can notice faintly several of the tips in those photos have that 'very slight burn/discoloration' [somewhat hard to see but you can see it on some of the leaves.

PHOTO 5-6: This fan is up near the top and you can see it's displaying the same things as photos 1-2.

PHOTO 7-8: These couple fans are near the top/middle on a couple different shoots. They also seem to be displaying the same stuff as photos 1-2 and 5-6.

PHOTO 9: Another shot from another top, just for a visual to see a couple of the misc tips and somewhat down below you can see one of the funky leaves with the discolored tip/serrations.

I wonder how bad this is going to get? I fed them lastnight, poured about 2.5L or so until runoff [with the nute amounts I'd mentioned above].

Thanks so much, for real :pass::bighug::d5:










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...pH is all good,... I see a little more symptoms here and there, looks the same; it'll take 2-3 days for the defc. to halt after enough K gets in there,.. meantime, it's a minor bout, so no worries,.. it's the fan leaf's job to give it up! ....What's the label dosage on the Tiger? I want to say 1T/gal,... you should up the 1tsp/gal to 2tsp next round,...
...pH is all good,... I see a little more symptoms here and there, looks the same; it'll take 2-3 days for the defc. to halt after enough K gets in there,.. meantime, it's a minor bout, so no worries,.. it's the fan leaf's job to give it up! ....What's the label dosage on the Tiger? I want to say 1T/gal,... you should up the 1tsp/gal to 2tsp next round,...

Thanks for the reply Waira, appreciate it brother :d5:

I just looked at the back and it says 2-3 tsp/gal for the TigerBloom. I've been doing 1tsp/gal the last few waterings. Ok cool, yeah I'd kind've figured it'll take a few days to get squared away [though was unsure, n00b], good to know that everything appears to be not a huge huge deal, appreciate the expertise.

I thought of doing 1.5 tsp/gal next feeding for the TigerBloom, but if you think I can get away with 2tsp/gal then I'll definitely do that then.

I really appreciate the response though, I know you respond to quite a few threads in the infirmary so a big thanks to you for taking the time to do so. Cheers brother! I'll keep things updated with whatever happens.
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Just figured I'd post a day-update on the leaves - it's seemed to spread a small bit [towards the petiole-direction]. The tips have curled/clawed moreso than yesterday, upwards. The burnt/color on the serrations seemed to have spread a tiny bit, with some additional yellow within the leaf margins.

A few more of the tips on the serrations increased in color/burnt tip look slightly today - serrations that didn't have any discoloration/burnt tip yesterday now have it today ever slightly.

Hopefully this halts within the coming day or so.

*** Figured I'd do a 24 hour photo-compare also. If you scroll up to the post of mine where I posted that string of 9 photos - the very first two pictures of that single leaf - I took a picture of today. ***
First picture is yesterday, second picture is today. Just posting it for reference sake. Cheers folks! :pass:

Did another comparison of that same leaf

First photo is that same leaf from yesterday, and the second photo is from that same leaf today. The discoloration/burn 'seemed' to have only spread a tiny tiny bit, barely noticeable when you look at the first two photos down below. The rest of the photos are from various spots around the plant. The soils getting somewhat dry, so I'm probably going to water today. I checked the pH in 3 spots and they were 6.6, 6.5, 6.5. Not sure what I should do here? :/




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Sooooo. I wasn't entirely sure what to do today during the watering - based on the posts above - so I just went ahead and just watered with RO water with 1tsp 1-0-0 calmag and next watering i'll do 1.5tsp tigerbloom ferts I guess??
Ugghhh. Depressing day this morning...

@Waira @Sensi Jay @Duggy or anybody with some expertise please help :frowny:

[Refer to above couple posts to see where I'm at currently]

Today I wake up and check the plants, the burn/discoloration seems to be spreading [note the pic of that main fan leaf that ive showed continually] - it seems to be spreading, although pretty slow. there's black spots on the newer leaf growth!? :frowny::frowny1::wall: I'm so confused and have no clue what to do? Should I flush? Or? I'm truly lost on what to do guys..

I'd say a heavy flush, looks like increasing the nutes has worsened the symptoms, which is in line with my original thoughts that this is due to nute burn.

Mate, you've seen my grow, I got similar things on my nearly finished gal, yet I have a 28 day old in the same pot super healthy and I've added no further nutes. Have you tested run off for ppm?