Blue Mystic 6weeks/3days, Gray/Brown Isolated Patches [Sugar Leaves]

All in all your plant looks very healthy. Again, well done on the LST!:woohoo:

Her life is almost over, and the leaves will start to die off gradually towards harvest time.
Since you fed only water today, and if you continue now with only pH water, you will notice your leafs will start turning brown and die at a faster rate.

Don`t worry when this happens, it just means that since you`re not adding any more nutrients in the soil, the plant will eat up the last nutes that is stores in the fan leafs.
Nice amount of bud spots and the bud development seems to be in order. Overall good job! The next part will be to hold the humidity down and watch how the tricom production starts to change in the next weeks :cool1:

Hey thanks for the reply!

Yeah, I'm debating feeding a dose of ff bigbloom 0 - 0.5 - 0.7 [4 tblspns], organic, I don't think it'd hurt things if all this is indeed nute burn, I could be wrong though. But yeah if I only have 2-3 more weeks til harvest, then I wonder if I'm safe to let it go - like in terms of it affecting yield? Like I wonder how bad this burn is going to get within the coming weeks, plus what you said NorwegianGrower - the leaves slowly being depleted as time for her winds down towards the end of bud/trich production - so these factors combined I just wonder how serious all this is going to get. I might be worrying too much lol.

The burn's seemed to spread more and more towards the leafs petiole. Here's a few pics from today. If someone sees anything that stands out or might not be good - let me know. I've made it this far and I'd hate to see a halt in bud production due to burn or a deficiency.

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Hey thanks for the reply!

Yeah, I'm debating feeding a dose of ff bigbloom 0 - 0.5 - 0.7 [4 tblspns], organic, I don't think it'd hurt things if all this is indeed nute burn, I could be wrong though. But yeah if I only have 2-3 more weeks til harvest, then I wonder if I'm safe to let it go - like in terms of it affecting yield? Like I wonder how bad this burn is going to get within the coming weeks, plus what you said NorwegianGrower - the leaves slowly being depleted as time for her winds down towards the end of bud/trich production - so these factors combined I just wonder how serious all this is going to get. I might be worrying too much lol.

The burn's seemed to spread more and more towards the leafs petiole. Here's a few pics from today. If someone sees anything that stands out or might not be good - let me know. I've made it this far and I'd hate to see a halt in bud production due to burn or a deficiency.

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Growing this beautiful plant is so easy and so complex all at the same time, but in the end of the day - based on how that plant looks now, you will end up with buds that will get you high. I say throw in some FF bloom now for your own relaxation, hell, even throw half strength of your base bloom A and B in there as well. Just do yourself a favor and stop feeding them after that, to ensure a good flush.

As for your current nute burn, It`s not making any sense to me any more. If you have been watering your pants pH`d water the last week and the nute burn symptoms are still developing, I`m starting to think this could be a potassium deficiency. If so, flushing the plant would not be the right option. Please get a second opinion on this, as I`m a fairly novice grower myself!


Keep up the good work buddy and don`t worry too much - you are doing great!
You are active here on the forum to document your grow as well as making a post here on the infirmary when you noticed something you found weird in your grow!
So just lean back, enjoy the good work you`ve done so far and keep reading and asking! No one will grow medical grade on the first grow (Please let me know if anyone have seen this god), so just give yourself a break every now and then :welcome:
:greencheck:-- time for some clarification here mate,.. sorry you're being told opposite things,... firstly, how old is this plant? Never mind what the breeder says about life cycle times, those are usually optimistic to say the least ...Those buds, to my eyes, have a ways to go, and are fattening up nicely,... drawing a lot of nutes to do so,...
--- pH remains in good range?
--- your last feed was the 30th,.. and progression continues,... light feeds the whole way,...
--- she's drinking well? if so, she moving nutes in kind,....
--- no further burn on newer leaf tips, where true nute burn hits first and worst,.. in fact, newer leaves now showing color fade and spotting, which I'm not sure about, but sure as shit isn't overfeeding related,... conclusion is the same, she needs more food, not less! This is a K defc, maybe some P as well, --(have you looked at the Defc. Pic Depot here, in the highlighted section above this one?)... Those leaves continuing to worsen is expected, and I see it starting on other lower leaves as well, another sign this is defc., not burn,... the lower fans are being tapped for mobile nutrient elements, NG even stated this already... she has a ways to go yet, those crowns are full of young looking bud and white pistils, I don't what he's is talking about her being near the end of her life-:shrug: -- those buds have at least a couple weeks to go... If you don't believe it, show these bud pics to any good grower here and they will tell the very same,... If the pH is still OK, that's a fair sign that there isn't an overload of nutes in the soil,... such overloads almost always show off-pH as well,... And about flushing, a term badly defined IMO,.. flushing usually refers to a period of time where no nutes are used ( some folks use the term "cleanse"), but also applies to actual flushing of a medium by copious amounts of water, to purge the soil of excess built up nutes/salts,... it does NOT remove anything from the plant, there is no reversing the flow of the cellular ion transport and vascular systems like that, it's pure BS,... plants take up certain nute elements whether they need them or not, N,P,K among them,... what they don't use, can be stored, up to a point,... it's harvesting heavily fed plants when there's still a lot of stored and in-transit nutes that makes for fouled smoke,...hence the cleanse period, if needed (organics generally don't), to draw off that excess,... fading fans is normal, and a good sign toward the end showing the plant is turning to internal resources to get what she needs,... there's all manner of controversy about "flushing" with synthetic nute use,... partly because of the loosely used terminology,... cleansing is generally wise, but actual flushing in soil isn't unless there's a good reason for it, confirmed by badly off pH and very high run-off ppm /EC and a plant showing definitive symptoms of these things,...

--- Big Bloom is fine, as you see, it's not really a true fertilizer IMO, NPK#'s are far too weak,...
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:greencheck:-- time for some clarification here mate,.. sorry you're being told opposite things,... firstly, how old is this plant? Never mind what the breeder says about life cycle times, those are usually Those buds, to my eyes, have a ways to go, and are fattening up nicely,... drawing a lot of nutes to do so,...
--- pH remains in good range?
--- your last feed was the 30th,.. and progression continues,... light feeds the whole way,...
--- she's drinking well? if so, she moving nutes in kind,....
--- no further burn on newer leaf tips, where true nute burn hits first and worst,.. in fact, newer leaves now showing color fade and spotting, which I'm not sure about, but sure as shit isn't overfeeding related,... conclusion is the same, she needs more food, not less! This is a K defc, maybe some P as well, --(have you looked at the Defc. Pic Depot here, in the highlighted section above this one?)... Those leaves continuing to worsen is expected, and I see it starting on other lower leaves as well, another sign this is defc., not burn,... the lower fans are being tapped for mobile nutrient elements, NG even stated this already... she has a ways to go yet, those crowns are full of young looking bud and white pistils, I don't what he's is talking about her being near the end of her life-:shrug: -- those buds have at least a couple weeks to go... If you don't believe it, show these bud pics to any good grower here and they will tell the very same,... If the pH is still OK, that's a fair sign that there isn't an overload of nutes in the soil,... such overloads almost always show off-pH as well,... And about flushing, a term badly defined IMO,.. flushing usually refers to a period of time where no nutes are used ( some folks use the term "cleanse"), but also applies to actual flushing of a medium by copious amounts of water, to purge the soil of excess built up nutes/salts,... it does NOT remove anything from the plant, there is no reversing the flow of the cellular ion transport and vascular systems like that, it's pure BS,... plants take up certain nute elements whether they need them or not, N,P,K among them,... what they don't use, can be stored, up to a point,... it's harvesting heavily fed plants when there's still a lot of stored and in-transit nutes that makes for fouled smoke,...hence the cleanse period, if needed (organics generally don't), to draw off that excess,... fading fans is normal, and a good sign toward the end showing the plant is turning to internal resources to get what she needs,... there's all manner of controversy about "flushing" with synthetic nute use,... partly because of the loosely used terminology,... cleansing is generally wise, but actual flushing in soil isn't unless there's a good reason for it, confirmed by badly off pH and very high run-off ppm /EC and a plant showing definitive symptoms of these things,...

--- Big Bloom is fine, as you see, it's not really a true fertilizer IMO, NPK#'s are far too weak,...

Hey Waira,

-Currently going on 8 weeks and 5 days old today.

-Checked pH 3 in 3 separate areas and its 6.6, 6.5, 6.5, so that's good.

- She is top-knuckle dry within 3-4 days typically.

Yeah, I've looked at both the dirty pictorial thread and the more in depth thread on deficiencies. Between reading those threads and reading the response from everyone here my heads kind of been all over the place on what to do haha. That said - I really do appreciate everyones input and responses - especially yours, I've just had trouble trying to figure out what to do given the variety of responses.

I'm going to feed 1tsp 1-0-0 calmag and 1.5tsp tigerbloom [going to mix it up right now]. Hopefully that'll be sufficient and halt these issues. I'll just put that bigbloom aside..

Love you guys.
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Fed 1.25tsp/gal ff tigerbloom and 1tsp/gal of 1-0-0 calmag. :pass::smokeit::greencheck:
:pass:.... sounds good mate, happy to help! ...are you adjusting the pH before feeding, and adding Ca-Mg first when mixing? I like BB, use it myself; it has good stuff in it, so add it in if you like... forgot to mention, often leaves that are getting hammered like that may continue to get tapped out, the plant will shed it when done,... watching leaves with more minor/early symptoms is a better indicator of halting,...and it all happens in slow-mo', another aspect that will often confuse and test ones' "faith" and resolve- :rofl:.... My guess is she'll be 10.5-11 weeks by harvest,.. she may look a bit haggard, but who cares? it's the buds that matter, not the leaves,.. two of my photo's will finish face-first and practically naked most likely, but the buds will be damn fine if how they look now is any indication- :greenthumb:
... dude, diagnostics by-remote is damned hard,.. I've been doing this for nearly 3 years, and it's still a challenge! The learning curve is bloody steep, and I still get hiccups on my grows,.. there's a lot of interplay between all the factors, making for a complex puzzle sometimes- :doh:... all you can do is pile up the grow info and see what looks suspect, and start connecting dots,..
:headbang: way to keep grinding Mr. Plantas! :slap:
:pass:.... sounds good mate, happy to help! ...are you adjusting the pH before feeding, and adding Ca-Mg first when mixing? I like BB, use it myself; it has good stuff in it, so add it in if you like... forgot to mention, often leaves that are getting hammered like that may continue to get tapped out, the plant will shed it when done,... watching leaves with more minor/early symptoms is a better indicator of halting,...and it all happens in slow-mo', another aspect that will often confuse and test ones' "faith" and resolve- :rofl:.... My guess is she'll be 10.5-11 weeks by harvest,.. she may look a bit haggard, but who cares? it's the buds that matter, not the leaves,.. two of my photo's will finish face-first and practically naked most likely, but the buds will be damn fine if how they look now is any indication- :greenthumb:
... dude, diagnostics by-remote is damned hard,.. I've been doing this for nearly 3 years, and it's still a challenge! The learning curve is bloody steep, and I still get hiccups on my grows,.. there's a lot of interplay between all the factors, making for a complex puzzle sometimes- :doh:... all you can do is pile up the grow info and see what looks suspect, and start connecting dots,..
:headbang: way to keep grinding Mr. Plantas! :slap:

Hey thanks for reply and rep. Cheers! :D

Regarding the pH adjustment - I just mixed all that up in a gallon jug that I filled with RO water, crap did I do something wrong n make a noob mistake?

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...not really, but with Ca-Mg, and especially using RO, you want to get the pH buffering carbonates in there first, before the decidedly acidic main nutes go in,... chemistry-wise, this just works better!
...not really, but with Ca-Mg, and especially using RO, you want to get the pH buffering carbonates in there first, before the decidedly acidic main nutes go in,... chemistry-wise, this just works better!

Thanks for this Waira, yeah that's what I had did - carbonates first added [calimagic], then the acidics [tigerbloom].
Sorry to go against W's advice but to me looks like classic nute burn, if you haven't got a ppm/tds meter you can't rule this out.

I had similar thing on previous grow and literally had to hold a shower head over the substrate till the run off ppm reduced from over 2000 to 400. Then administered small dose of nutes after, and she was right as rain after.