New Grower Blue Cheese in Coco: First personal grow in 10 years and first ever autoflowers


Cultivators Club
Jan 16, 2021
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Hey all, I'll start with my background and the basics of the grow and will update with pictures of the seedlings when I open the tent later.

Like I said in the title, this is my first grow in quite a long time. I started growing in 2006 as part of the Montana medical scene. I was mostly interested in organic growing and settled on using Subcool's super soil mix in my small 3x3 tent. I later built a greenhouse as well and a 4000w HPS room with some fellow caregivers. We did pretty well, but split up and left the Montana medical scene when it collapsed in 2011 after a crazy series of raids. There's a documentary about what happened, it was crazy. The Montana scene has rebounded a lot since then, but I'm currently in a different legal state.

After I left Montana I worked for a large producer in Colorado and later helped to open the first legal medical production facilities in another state on the east coast. After a bad break with the last cannabis company I worked for in 2013, I left the industry and spent my time fly fishing and trout bumming around the west.

Now I've settled in a new state which recently legalized and decided to throw a small setup together since I've spent most of the last year budless and don't care much for the dispensary system. I settled on autoflowers after seeing how far the genetics have come, if you had told me I'd be growing autos ten years ago I would have laughed, but now, not wanting to set up a separate veg area and deal with cloning, they are perfect and will be a nice challenge as I relearn the art of growing cannabis.

My current setup is:
27x27x63" Tent
4" Exhaust Fan + Filter
1000w Spiderfarmer LED (may upgrade or add light)
3gal fabric pots
Canna Coco mixed with >30% Perlite
This run will be 3 of my 5 Barney's Blueberry Cheese. I also bought 7 Mephisto Mango Smile, 7 Mephisto Samsquanch OG, 6 Ethos Pluto Cut, 6 Ethos Zweet, and 6 Ethos Purple Thai. Yep I'm a seed horder haha

I'll get some pictures and show the current state of affairs later,

Thanks for the wealth of knowledge you guys have provided here on the forum, here's to speedy growth
Hey all, I'll start with my background and the basics of the grow and will update with pictures of the seedlings when I open the tent later.

Like I said in the title, this is my first grow in quite a long time. I started growing in 2006 as part of the Montana medical scene. I was mostly interested in organic growing and settled on using Subcool's super soil mix in my small 3x3 tent. I later built a greenhouse as well and a 4000w HPS room with some fellow caregivers. We did pretty well, but split up and left the Montana medical scene when it collapsed in 2011 after a crazy series of raids. There's a documentary about what happened, it was crazy. The Montana scene has rebounded a lot since then, but I'm currently in a different legal state.

After I left Montana I worked for a large producer in Colorado and later helped to open the first legal medical production facilities in another state on the east coast. After a bad break with the last cannabis company I worked for in 2013, I left the industry and spent my time fly fishing and trout bumming around the west.

Now I've settled in a new state which recently legalized and decided to throw a small setup together since I've spent most of the last year budless and don't care much for the dispensary system. I settled on autoflowers after seeing how far the genetics have come, if you had told me I'd be growing autos ten years ago I would have laughed, but now, not wanting to set up a separate veg area and deal with cloning, they are perfect and will be a nice challenge as I relearn the art of growing cannabis.

My current setup is:
27x27x63" Tent
4" Exhaust Fan + Filter
1000w Spiderfarmer LED (may upgrade or add light)
3gal fabric pots
Canna Coco mixed with >30% Perlite
This run will be 3 of my 5 Barney's Blueberry Cheese. I also bought 7 Mephisto Mango Smile, 7 Mephisto Samsquanch OG, 6 Ethos Pluto Cut, 6 Ethos Zweet, and 6 Ethos Purple Thai. Yep I'm a seed horder haha

I'll get some pictures and show the current state of affairs later,

Thanks for the wealth of knowledge you guys have provided here on the forum, here's to speedy growth

autoz are the future & the future is now! :shooty: :headbang: ppp
love me some blue cheese iv sampled quite a bit of the photo period from barneys but not got to see a auto grown out yet i think im pulling up a chair :smoking: :pop: :smokeit:
Hey all, I'll start with my background and the basics of the grow and will update with pictures of the seedlings when I open the tent later.

Like I said in the title, this is my first grow in quite a long time. I started growing in 2006 as part of the Montana medical scene. I was mostly interested in organic growing and settled on using Subcool's super soil mix in my small 3x3 tent. I later built a greenhouse as well and a 4000w HPS room with some fellow caregivers. We did pretty well, but split up and left the Montana medical scene when it collapsed in 2011 after a crazy series of raids. There's a documentary about what happened, it was crazy. The Montana scene has rebounded a lot since then, but I'm currently in a different legal state.

After I left Montana I worked for a large producer in Colorado and later helped to open the first legal medical production facilities in another state on the east coast. After a bad break with the last cannabis company I worked for in 2013, I left the industry and spent my time fly fishing and trout bumming around the west.

Now I've settled in a new state which recently legalized and decided to throw a small setup together since I've spent most of the last year budless and don't care much for the dispensary system. I settled on autoflowers after seeing how far the genetics have come, if you had told me I'd be growing autos ten years ago I would have laughed, but now, not wanting to set up a separate veg area and deal with cloning, they are perfect and will be a nice challenge as I relearn the art of growing cannabis.

My current setup is:
27x27x63" Tent
4" Exhaust Fan + Filter
1000w Spiderfarmer LED (may upgrade or add light)
3gal fabric pots
Canna Coco mixed with >30% Perlite
This run will be 3 of my 5 Barney's Blueberry Cheese. I also bought 7 Mephisto Mango Smile, 7 Mephisto Samsquanch OG, 6 Ethos Pluto Cut, 6 Ethos Zweet, and 6 Ethos Purple Thai. Yep I'm a seed horder haha

I'll get some pictures and show the current state of affairs later,

Thanks for the wealth of knowledge you guys have provided here on the forum, here's to speedy growth
What the name of the documentary? Love a good doc. Def along for the rode here. Fascinated to see what you can do
autoz are the future & the future is now! :shooty: :headbang: ppp

I can tell, the game has been changed!

love me some blue cheese iv sampled quite a bit of the photo period from barneys but not got to see a auto grown out yet i think im pulling up a chair :smoking: :pop: :smokeit:

Awesome good to have ya! I've smoked some cheese and a bunch of blueberry, but never the cross, I'm stoked to try. It seems like most people go for the cheese pheno, but I would be really into a blueberry leaning one!

What the name of the documentary? Love a good doc. Def along for the rode here. Fascinated to see what you can do

Its called 'Code of the West,' basically the state government tried to repeal the MMJ law and when they couldn't they invited the feds in. Because of the small population they decimated the industry. Sad days, I was thrilled when they legalized recently! Hopefully I can build the skills back, but going good so far, glad to have ya!
Update #1

I prepared my coco this morning and transplanted all the rooters to their final container. I used Canna prebuffered brick coco and just over 30% perlite. Rehydrated the coco with 1/8 strength maxibloom and 1/2 strength GH calimagic before planting. The water is very hard where I live and I'm lucky to have an RO filter plumbed next to the kitchen faucet. Its slow to fill, but gives me a base of around 30ppm.

I'll be lightly watering around the rooter on the two seedlings with 1/8 strength maxibloom with 1/2 strength calmag before bed tonight and using the same mixture on the third which took a bit longer to germinate and should be on day 1 tomorrow. I removed the humidity domes when the seedlings opened since I've been boosting the RH to around 70% in the tent. The RH was very low before yesterday and tends to sit around 15-20% outside the tent, hopefully that didn't effect the first two seedlings too much. Temps have been ranging between 72° and 80°F. Lights on 24/0

I started germination on 1/13 with one seed moving very quickly now on day 2 above the rooter, the second took a bit longer and opened this morning so its on day 1. The third seed opened, but was the tap root was slower. It was put in the rooter last night and is looking like it will spread its wings in the next 24 hours, so I went ahead and set it in the coco with a misted dome.

I should have had the first seedling in the coco last night, next grow I will probably put the seeds straight into coco after germination, lesson learned.

Update #2

Hey fine folks, short update for the day. The first two plants are looking good, but the third just wasn't taking so it got culled. I am considering popping another seed even though the tent should be plenty full with two plants, I may use a smaller pot though so I can stick it wherever there is an opening. With such a tiny area I really need to maximize my space and don't mind heavily defoliating and training them to shape, whatever is necessary to fill the tent.

Part of my growing philosophy is not to waste time on poor performers so I have no problem culling plants rather than babying them, especially since I want to get through two runs before moving late this summer.

The two plants remaining will get another light feeding tonight with the same mixture as yesterday and tomorrow I'll be moving up to a 1/4 strength maxibloom and 1/2 strength calmag mixture.
Update #3

Hey all, everything was looking good this morning, but the seedlings decided to stretch a bit while I was at work today. They've had a fan on them lightly since day 1, so they aren't in danger of falling over, but they are an inch or so taller then I'd like. I lowered the light from 30" to 24" and kept it at 50%. This is my first LED grow, so I'm not terribly surprised, but thought I would see the stretch sooner if it was going to happen. If they stretch any more over night, I'll turn the light up in the morning.

I decided to plant another seed as well, I put one of my critical auto freebies in the empty pot somewhat haphazardly after an overnight soak, if it comes up thats great, if not, I'll probably stick with 2 until the next run and do a bit more LST.

The two seedlings will get another light feeding tonight, moving up to 1/4 strength Maxibloom and 1/2 strength calmag. By Thursday or Friday I'll start watering until runoff. When that happens I'll take the humidity bucket out and put my small oscillating tower fan in. The runoff in the saucers should keep the humidity at acceptable levels and the plants are on risers and won't reabsorb anything.

Plant 1 is on Day 4. Plant 2 is on Day 3

Update #4

Hey all! The girls are looking decent, stretch always bothers me, but the leaves still growing well, though a bit light in color. I fed to runoff yesterday with a 320ppm solution of 1/4 strength Maxibloom and 1/4 strength calmag. Tonight they'll be getting the same solution also to runoff.

Tomorrow I have a hose attachment coming for my small shop vacuum so I'll be able to drain the saucers more easily. I also have a temperature control coming. My temperature never got over 79°F today even with the lights now at 100% which is nice, but the control will save me some headaches when the desert starts heating back up. For now my priority has been maintaining the RH at an appropriate VPD for vegetative growth.
The pictures are from tonight, plant 1 is on day 6 and plant 2 is on day 5. The critical seed I planted is showing signs of coming up, we'll see in the next 24 hours how it does, but a third plant would be nice to hopefully pack this tent full!

Good to see some MT roots on here. Welcome and good luck to you! :goodluck: