Blue Bud

Im starting my super sonic kristal storm one offs i got from the samsara strain. As well as a speedy boom or two from the smaller speedy boom i grew and loved from kanabia.

I already have some plants going from the other speedy boom that yeilded more seeds. They are in my largest pot of soil and are turning into monsters. Also some test seeds from my sour mellon mass in smaller pots showing out with some early frost coating stems.

I've got my space reworked so i can spread out a bit more and start running more seeds at a time for my breeding selections.
My survivors from my last germ are;
1 out of 3 deep blue c f2
1 out of 2 gorilla shizzle
2 out of 3 girlscout cookies

Sadly this round was rushed and i probably could have gotten a better germ rate if i had things together sooner but, i had to start these for the grow battle and we were running out of time.
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Sours and blue buds, not doing the best but frosty as hell none the less, bigger pots of richer soil for future runs, and im water too much probably, the larger pots are more stable and dont need to be watered as often which seems to be better for my plants.


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The current royal red seed stock is coming out looking like this. the bigger one got a little crispy, my pot dried out a bit to much. Two nice strong specimen stacking up. The smaller one [to the right] is a little behind in development.
Multi pot attempt of my smaller speedy boom fems and reg seeds from the runt sonic cristal storm i grew, unknown pollen donor until further experimentation.


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Blue berry headband cutting vegged out and ready for bloom!


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Next on the chopping block! :warrior:


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Just a week left before i cut this big lady out of the bunch and try to give these smaller ladys behind a moment to finish. Either speedy boom or sour mellon mass and my fem pollen donor which i believe to be blue cheese x [blue bud x white widow] made these monsters.
Blue bud seedlings, second round of hunting for winners to make f2 stock with.


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