My BAM is much shorter than my AWW too. In the last few days it's shot up though and today I pulled some of the shoots to the side and tied them down. I bet it will start to fill out real quick now!
Thanks bro, i got 2 more gallons of distilled water so should I do a partial flush with all 2 gallons or just another regular watering (10% runoff) with it? I was thinking regular watering again what you think man?
That's wassup man, mine seems to be getting a lil taller as well :stylez rasta smoke:My BAM is much shorter than my AWW too. In the last few days it's shot up though and today I pulled some of the shoots to the side and tied them down. I bet it will start to fill out real quick now!
Nahh, don't flush any longer. Just keep watering like you normally would without any nutrients at all. Hit me up in a week or so via PM if I forget to look. I am following so many grows it is sometimes hard to remember everyone.
Hey Fweedom,
soil just seems so hard to me!!!! hey I cant help you on that but it seems that A4 is hooking you up in that dept. I can say that my BAM did start a little slow, but she made up for it. As far as the LST the is a great thread called the LST hub, I'll search it and put it up here for you, it will give you all the info you need, just be slow and patient otherwise your LST experimente can turn into a supercropping one, I'll seach and then edit this post with the link.