
Just dropped back in, thanks to a like! Yeah, I can't really describe how I LST but I will try. If you look at my thread below maybe the pictures will help you. When the plant is about the size of your AWW1 pic, I take the main stem and try and split the two offshoots with the biggest gap in between them. tie the stem off about midway up and begin very slowly pulling her down and tying her off to the bottom of your pot every day. Pull maybe an inch the first day then give her a day to get relaxed. Pull her an inch the following day. And so on. While doing that, I take the two offshoots opposite the side you are pulling and tie off to them right behind where your first set of branches come off and tie to them. You don't want to pull them but put some tension on them to hold them tight and try to guide them away from your main stem. You will just keep guiding them away until the tie off spot has grown directly over the side of your pot then anchor them down and they will begin growing straight up. The same time, take the two offshoots that you split with the main stem and try and guide them to the sides of the pot they are on. So basically you will have The main stem and four offshoots that are growing on the 5 corners of your pot straight up. That will give you plenty of room in the center of your pot for air circulation as well as allow all of the stems room for good bud development and light penetration. Like I said, look through all of the pictures in my thread I posted and maybe it will make more sense than me trying to explain it. Shoot me a pm if you don't understand and I will try to answer it in this thread so those that come after you will understand it.