New Grower Black Stone Grow (LED in Coco) by AeonSophia

I'd get a dark cup or something around it, maybe aluminum foil. The roots will shy away from light, you don't want to stunt the seedlings. I once bought some wide lip clear pots and all the seedlings I placed in them became one-bud wonders... [emoji52] *shrugs*


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Yeah that's the plan I figured it wouldn't be a problem for a while since I can't see the roots yet, but who knows? Maybe the light is actually penetrating through the coco and slowing down the roots. I should get on that as soon as possible. I'm apprehensive about using foil because it seems like the crinkling could cause some uneven light reflection. I was thinking some paper from a paper shopping bag, and then maybe some black electrical tape around it to really block out the light.
Thank you @Dudeski. Yeah I bought clear cups not really thinking it through. I figure I'll wrap the outsides of the cups in a couple layers of thick brown paper from a paper bag to block out the light so the roots get some darkness and stay healthy. I can even set it up so I can take it off and put it back on easily. I think it's actually not so bad that I got clear cups, because this way I can look at the roots to see how they develop, and keep them shielded from light. .

black duck tape (gaffa) will do the job better than a bag... For the future this might help... What I do is cut the bottom of a small pot (or party cup that is solid colour) and place that in another pot, filler up with soil and a bean. When you transplant you don't disturb the roots, you just take the extra pot off and then tier plant :thumbsup: . I did it on my last grow and when moved them into there big pots it was like they had been in it all the time, took to it real quick.
If possible, and whenever possible, spray the babies with water. They love the higher himidity and will grow stronger and faster with more water to drink through the leaves.

You can do this until the plants start showing buds with pistils, at which point you want to start having low humidity to avoid bud rot and mold. [emoji121] [emoji6]

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I do have a spray bottle from my erm, mycological escapades. How often and how much should I mist them?
I also moved mine into there big pots about day 4 or 5 this help me from over watering as i was using 25ltr pots (about 5 gallons), because i drench the soil first i don't think I water for at least a week.
black duck tape (gaffa) will do the job better than a bag... For the future this might help... What I do is cut the bottom of a small pot (or party cup that is solid colour) and place that in another pot, filler up with soil and a bean. When you transplant you don't disturb the roots, you just take the extra pot off and then tier plant :thumbsup: . I did it on my last grow and when moved them into there big pots it was like they had been in it all the time, took to it real quick.

Tiering is probably a good idea since they say autos don't like transplanting. Also I'm a little concerned about the coco not being dense enough and hurting the roots when I transplant. Right now my plan is to carefully cut the cup with a razor and just peeling it away rather than sliding the plant out. Maybe it's not too late to cut the bottom and do the tier thing.
Tiering is probably a good idea since they say autos don't like transplanting. Also I'm a little concerned about the coco not being dense enough and hurting the roots when I transplant. Right now my plan is to carefully cut the cup with a razor and just peeling it away rather than sliding the plant out. Maybe it's not too late to cut the bottom and do the tier thing.

go for it, I would do now before those roots hit the bottom of the cup... @FullDuplex cuts his bottom of or did. I high recommend his threads especially this one, give it the full read if you haven't already -
Yeah that's the plan I figured it wouldn't be a problem for a while since I can't see the roots yet, but who knows? Maybe the light is actually penetrating through the coco and slowing down the roots. I should get on that as soon as possible. I'm apprehensive about using foil because it seems like the crinkling could cause some uneven light reflection. I was thinking some paper from a paper shopping bag, and then maybe some black electrical tape around it to really block out the light.
Duct tape? I haven't been lucky painting it. Unless you prime the surface, the paint will scratch right off every time it touches anything.

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I do have a spray bottle from my erm, mycological escapades. How often and how much should I mist them?
I do it compulsively, as often as I remember. LOL

I just do it in a mist, and enough so it looks like a little rain drizzled on the leaves. [emoji108] [emoji6]

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