New Grower Black Stone Grow (LED in Coco) by AeonSophia

@Dudeski I hadn't thought about algae, but I should definitely look out for that since they love light.

I do have an intro thread, but I haven't checked out the live stoner chat yet. I'll definitely pop in there soon though.
Subbed! Im stalking all the black stone grows so I can get a good Idea of how these babies produce..... hintity hint hint lol

Yeah I'm trying to find all the info on them I can so I can see how they grow. From what I can tell, I'm guessing these are the sixth generation of the black phenotypes of Stone Dragon. But I might be completely wrong about that.

Hey good luck on your grow!!

Thank you! And thanks again for recommending Stone's genetics.
Day 8 - They're both in the process of developing their second sets of leaves and looking healthy. Around day 6 or so I realized that I haven't been giving the growing medium enough time to dry. I was watering at least every other day, and giving too much water each time. The seedlings need oxygen to develop a strong root system. So they haven't been watered in a few days, after giving them 1/6 strength General Organics nutrients, and the top of the coco still feels a little moist. So I think I should have been watering them about every 4 days, rather than every other day. Aside from the slow growth, they look perfectly fine. I like to look at all the mistakes as lessons, helping me learn to provide the plants with better and better growing conditions. Symbiosis is a beautiful process.

With some cold weather and snow coming in, I finally started using the heater in my room so I could keep the temperature around 75 during the day with the light on, and around 70 at night. The humidity in the closet has also been around 50% or less. The plants are now 24 inches away from the light, slowly growing closer.

So here's how the babies are looking now


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Thank you @Dudeski. Yeah I bought clear cups not really thinking it through. I figure I'll wrap the outsides of the cups in a couple layers of thick brown paper from a paper bag to block out the light so the roots get some darkness and stay healthy. I can even set it up so I can take it off and put it back on easily. I think it's actually not so bad that I got clear cups, because this way I can look at the roots to see how they develop, and keep them shielded from light. .
I'd get a dark cup or something around it, maybe aluminum foil. The roots will shy away from light, you don't want to stunt the seedlings. I once bought some wide lip clear pots and all the seedlings I placed in them became one-bud wonders... [emoji52] *shrugs*


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Day 8 - They're both in the process of developing their second sets of leaves and looking healthy. Around day 6 or so I realized that I haven't been giving the growing medium enough time to dry. I was watering at least every other day, and giving too much water each time. The seedlings need oxygen to develop a strong root system. So they haven't been watered in a few days, after giving them 1/6 strength General Organics nutrients, and the top of the coco still feels a little moist. So I think I should have been watering them about every 4 days, rather than every other day. Aside from the slow growth, they look perfectly fine. I like to look at all the mistakes as lessons, helping me learn to provide the plants with better and better growing conditions. Symbiosis is a beautiful process.

With some cold weather and snow coming in, I finally started using the heater in my room so I could keep the temperature around 75 during the day with the light on, and around 70 at night. The humidity in the closet has also been around 50% or less. The plants are now 24 inches away from the light, slowly growing closer.

So here's how the babies are looking now

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If possible, and whenever possible, spray the babies with water. They love the higher himidity and will grow stronger and faster with more water to drink through the leaves.

You can do this until the plants start showing buds with pistils, at which point you want to start having low humidity to avoid bud rot and mold. [emoji121] [emoji6]

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