Black pistils.

It's white powdery mildew. I used Dr
Earth's fungicide. And basically soaked the buds with it. I believe thats what caused the black pistils. The buds are not molding just the wpm. [emoji120] that the dr.earths basically eradicated

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:toke: -- did this show up after you treated PM with vinegar? That won't work, it alkaline pH that PM hates.. potassium carbonate is what will do this,... botrytis hits almost always from the inside out, spores germ' and dive into tissues, travel up stems, the burst out with more spores,... this damage looks like they got fried by the acidic solution you sprayed; I see no sign of usual rot symptoms-- yellowed, withered leaves/stems, wet looking necrosis, grey powdery crap on the surfaces,...
...those leaves and others, are showing nutritional issue symptoms, not mold infection,...
:toke: -- did this show up after you treated PM with vinegar? That won't work, it alkaline pH that PM hates.. potassium carbonate is what will do this,... botrytis hits almost always from the inside out, spores germ' and dive into tissues, travel up stems, the burst out with more spores,... this damage looks like they got fried by the acidic solution you sprayed; I see no sign of usual rot symptoms-- yellowed, withered leaves/stems, wet looking necrosis, grey powdery crap on the surfaces,...
Yes I don't if it was the apple cider vinegar that caused it or dr.earths fungicide spray. And I used the 9.5ph water for.foliar spray
Thanks waira

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