New Grower Black Haze by Exotic Seeds; First Time Grow

Nice, you're going to be pleased when you're smoking your own, congratulations on your upcoming first harvest.
Just harvested the smaller two plants today (sorry forgot pictures:wall:). I only harvested because some of my buds were getting infected with aphids and i did not want to lose the whole plant. I'm going to let my last plant go for another week or so (no bugs on this one!). overall I am pretty happy with yield. I can already tell this strain is already going to be amazing because of the sweet smell it has.
Day 83
started flushing a few days ago, I am going to give one more good flush before harvesting.

Ok this grow is now complete! overall I got about 45 grams off of these 3 plants they are still in jars and curing. Thank you all for following my grow and all the advice given. I have learned a lot and will be starting a new grow soon (indoors) as soon as i get everything set up.
Yeah, those calyxes really took on the dark purple, very lovely bro.

I trust you've done some sample is it, I'm sure we're all interested in feedback on the strain. And congrats again on your harvest.
I would like to do a strain review but can find the form lol. Also I think I'm having trouble with the curing process of my weed. I can't really smell the weed unless i grind it up, and it has no taste(I want it to taste and smell like it was on the plant). This is my first time curing weed so Im not sure if I am doing it correctly, maybe it needs more time? I leave it in glass mason jars and the humidity is around 62%.
Hmm, well the humidity level sounds okay. Paper bagging is probably the easiest way to dry and gives a great result. It's possible this strain may not have a strong cured aroma.

I think there's a smoke report template in the Report forum stickies, or you can just copy paste an existing one, delete the filled in reviewer text, then type in your own text. Or, open a review in one window, and just toggle the screen back and forth and type your copy from scratch. You don't have to use the template though, that's just a reference guide.

Aside from lacking strong taste, how do you like the effect? Does it give a lot of mental energy? Does it promote clarity or make you goofy? They were sure beautiful autos, hope you like the strain.