New Grower Black Haze by Exotic Seeds; First Time Grow

Thank you for the suggestion witchyhour! I think it worked because the shell is now off. should i be putting these seedlings in the direct sunlight?
Thank you for the suggestion witchyhour! I think it worked because the shell is now off. should i be putting these seedlings in the direct sunlight?
I have never done that, so I don't know. But I'd think it's better to wait until the seedling is more established and wirh some roots.

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I wouldn't take them out and leave them out all day the first day, either.
ok just wanted to do an update. here is day 4 of black haze. 4/5 are doing well I am keeping them outside in the sun. I am leaving the humidity dome on for part of the day but I am trying to harden them so they can stay out in the future. most of them look like this. 20160528_105202.jpeg
the last plant is looking like it might die soon. I'm not too sure how i can help it.
any suggestions?
Hey bro, good to see you got your journal going.

Last one looks like it's still emerging from the ground, has it been that way long?

If the seed was planted in a pile of tree bark it's not going to like that. Is there soil under it? The wood chips don't really have much reason to be there. :peace:
ok just wanted to do an update. here is day 4 of black haze. 4/5 are doing well I am keeping them outside in the sun. I am leaving the humidity dome on for part of the day but I am trying to harden them so they can stay out in the future. most of them look like this. View attachment 575989
the last plant is looking like it might die soon. I'm not too sure how i can help it.
View attachment 575992
any suggestions?
Spray her with water, leave the dome on.

@Itisi @Vlad The Inhaler

thank you for the suggestions guys! i think it has been like this for a few days 2-3
the bark came in part of the fox farm happy frog soil mix that i am using.. I tried to move as much as i could away. would roots soil or ocean floor be a better option for next time? my hydro shop doesn't have too many options.

I just misted her with water today and am going to leave the dome on here is an updated picture hope to see some improvement by the end of today!
I think she can make it bro, we'll see. I always figure one or two may not germ and try to have a backup seed in the wings.

I'd definitely recommend the Roots soil over the frog or ocean forest, for next time--there have been a lot of complaints in recent years with low ph in the fox farms soils. If you can spare the coin, you might get a soil ph probe so you can get an idea what your ph is like in this batch. The Accurate 8 model gets recommended a lot here, I think they're like 60 bucks. There are cheaper ones for 15 or 20 bucks, I have no idea about their quality though.

I hope it's a non-issue for you anyways, bro, I think plenty of people pull off the grow without any issue in that soil, so might be luck of the draw on the particular batch of soil you've got. We'll see how the plants do.
ok just wanted to do an update. here is day 4 of black haze. 4/5 are doing well I am keeping them outside in the sun. I am leaving the humidity dome on for part of the day but I am trying to harden them so they can stay out in the future. most of them look like this. View attachment 575989
the last plant is looking like it might die soon. I'm not too sure how i can help it.
View attachment 575992
any suggestions?

Looks like you may have a spazzy seed there mate.. [emoji52]

It happens.. I'd see how she goes for a couple of days under the dome, if there's not much improvement, pull her up and start again.
so I thought I would post a little update on the sickly plant. It seems to be making a comeback! thank you all for the valuable suggestions they have brought my little plant back. Im excited to have another plant! I had thought it would die for sure.

I will post another update of all the plants in a few days