Sir Douglas, mon! ....BBG looks like a very happy gal my friend,... enticing strain too! I wonder what her parentage is, beside (likely) DP's BBKush,... She's hrowing very compact, you think this is her genetics, or maybe the light spec'?

damn, that 'Stomper never really got with the program, did she,... I'd say part of the problem is inherent in her, considering the issue started so early,... just bad luck! the rest looks P and K defc. on them both; might be a little micronutes defc. kicking in too, but it's hard to say this deep into the progression,... Something I've noticed consistently now for a while, P defc. can start showing with this yellowing of the mid-upper fans, before the necrotic patches start to show, even though it a mobile nute-

... it looks like something else, like S defc., or Zn, both of which are immobile nutes,... Did you get the PK tea as well, or just the liquid PK? I was trying to find the NPK #'s on the tea,but can't! In any case, you got it-- let them chug that stuff until they fart bat-breath!

... not much more to do anyway, right? 'Stomper is close,....