BioTabs Biotabs with Duggy

:cooldance: :coffee: Brother Duggy! :pighug:..... great to see you testing Biotabs out my friend! That Chem-D' is looking very robust,.. such beefy leaves on her, and these pics are a week old! How is the Stomper doing now? I can't account for why she's getting these symptoms, not with how you have your soils dialed in, and all the biological activity in there,.. it looks like P defc- :nono: :shrug:... wacko from early on, so it just may be a faulted seedling,...I hope she's steering out of the skid now!:amazon:
:pass: Cheers mate! I look forward to watching how things go,......

*PS: unrelated,... have you grown NW's Burma Diesel, or know who has? She's in my line-up this season,...:eyebrows:
Tyrone Stomper making a good stretch after her shaky start...struggling a bit to keep them happy as their tips display..
Ok so your definately not over doing it with the tabs. I usually go 3 in 15l pots. One crushed and mixed into the soil and 2 whole. Although my soil is super light as its re re recycled if you get what i mean :crying: