Brother Duggy! ..... great to see you testing Biotabs out my friend! That Chem-D' is looking very robust,.. such beefy leaves on her, and these pics are a week old! How is the Stomper doing now? I can't account for why she's getting these symptoms, not with how you have your soils dialed in, and all the biological activity in there,.. it looks like P defc- ... wacko from early on, so it just may be a faulted seedling,...I hope she's steering out of the skid now! Cheers mate! I look forward to watching how things go,......
*PS: unrelated,... have you grown NW's Burma Diesel, or know who has? She's in my line-up this season,...
Cheers @Waira There on day 37...the Stomper started a little funky and I probably should have dropped another but decided to see how resilient she was...impressed with the Chemdawg for sure...
Sorry but I'm clueless re. the NW strains...
I'd say they are happy girls Dugs, I had yellow tips on mine the whole way thru, I thought that's 'maxing' out the nutes as it were, so long as it didn't start spreading up the leaf.
Ok so your definately not over doing it with the tabs. I usually go 3 in 15l pots. One crushed and mixed into the soil and 2 whole. Although my soil is super light as its re re recycled if you get what i mean
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