Nutrients Biotabs, Mephisto MBAP & DIY Cobs

@Biotabs F69

Hi mate :thumbsup:

Am I correct in thinking that the warmer my soil is, the more action there will be in my Biotabs environment and therefore the more bacteria shit / plant food available?

My MBAPs are crazily full of N, and just wondering if a little less warmth in the root zone would reduce the feed / N uptake??? I've not seen this much N in young plants with any of my other biotabs efforts :shrug:

Don't ask me what temp my root zone is as I haven't got a clue! It's pretty warm though as I have a tube heater below the pots. Always on.

Thanks man! :d5: :cheers: :vibe:
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Yes you are correct thinking that.
If you can keep your soil around 18/ 20 C
If it get to cold, the bacteria are inactive.
If it gets to warm, they will start brewing, and that is also not ideal, will not hurt. But just not the best ;)
Try to get a soil thermo meter, or these laser thermo meter are a lot of fun. Then you can also read the leaf temp, water temp, soil temp all with just one device

Please proceed, smoking weed!

Yes you are correct thinking that.
If you can keep your soil around 18/ 20 C
If it get to cold, the bacteria are inactive.
If it gets to warm, they will start brewing, and that is also not ideal, will not hurt. But just not the best ;)
Try to get a soil thermo meter, or these laser thermo meter are a lot of fun. Then you can also read the leaf temp, water temp, soil temp all with just one device

Please proceed, smoking weed!

Thanks dude! :pass:

I turned the heater down yesterday :thumbsup:

I would love a laser thermo meter, but unfortunately I don't have the funds for such luxuries as environmental monitoring mate! :crying: :vibe:
I can't believe I was cooking the MBAP's roots. What a bloody numpty. I reckon the root zone was at around 26 degrees! Too much heat and activity = too much bacteria shit and massively N rich babies :shrug: :deadhorse:

Reckon I have done a fair bit of damage/stunting to these two. Arse.

Just balancing out the ridiculous run of good karma I've been having recently it seems!! :crying:

PICS .....

The last set looks fine .... make sure pots are really wet and they should take off ... remember both combined just have to equal 1 plant or better !!

they will be smaller than if 1 plant one pot ...

but like we discussed this is way more kinky :crying:

@Ryker604 @Slowmo

They are less than 3 weeks! Maybe 17 days or so?! I really don't think it's lack of root space? They are in a 15 litre pot full to the brim. I grew two amnesia in the same 2 litre pot and didn't have issues :shrug:

I have never seen a plant go into flower so quick and whilst so small! I'm not bothered particularly, just confused :cheers:

I'll get pics in a minute after :baked:
Also I don't think the heat has stunted them as such. My theory is the heat caused too much bacteria activity and therefore too much Nitrogen/food for the small plants. It's hard to see in photos, but they are seriously over fed. I think it's this that stunted them. Maybe :shrug:
@Ryker604 @Slowmo

They are less than 3 weeks! Maybe 17 days or so?! I really don't think it's lack of root space? They are in a 15 litre pot full to the brim. I grew two amnesia in the same 2 litre pot and didn't have issues :shrug:

I have never seen a plant go into flower so quick and whilst so small! I'm not bothered particularly, just confused :cheers:

I'll get pics in a minute after :baked:

Also I don't think the heat has stunted them as such. My theory is the heat caused too much bacteria activity and therefore too much Nitrogen/food for the small plants. It's hard to see in photos, but they are seriously over fed. I think it's this that stunted them. Maybe :shrug:

who knows bud... need a PhD in plant biology to know this shit...

're the flowering they normally show sex about that day, but r they throwing pistils from the top?

I'd still back the mephs to deliver despite this.