I think we are good to go.

My coco is prepped as per instructions.
Will be putting the seeds in and doing the final step either tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks all for your help thus far.
How often and how much would you water 15L pot with coco and biotabs.

I know you need to read the plants and how dry the coco is but generally what do you guys do.

I have only watered approx 2L of water within 10days and that was 1L at a time on two seperate occasions

Also the instructions say two different things
1) feed just water
2) feed water and 2ml per litre of water

Is 1L of water enough to be putting in the 15L pots, I usually would put approx 3-5litres though so there was run off.
With biotabs I am not doing this, I want to make sure I am staying on the right track

FYI, the plants look ok so far, I want it to remain that way

How often and how much would you water 15L pot with coco and biotabs.

I know you need to read the plants and how dry the coco is but generally what do you guys do.

I have only watered approx 2L of water within 10days and that was 1L at a time on two seperate occasions

Also the instructions say two different things
1) feed just water
2) feed water and 2ml per litre of water

Is 1L of water enough to be putting in the 15L pots, I usually would put approx 3-5litres though so there was run off.
With biotabs I am not doing this, I want to make sure I am staying on the right track

FYI, the plants look ok so far, I want it to remain that way

I'm just giving mine water mate. I was giving half a ltr every day in 9 ltr pots of coco but I burnt my plant slightly. Now I'm giving a full ltr and a half every 3 - 4 days depending on how heavy the pot is and the problem has stopped getting worse. Let it dry a bit so oxygen can get to the roots and if they start turning yellow, give them some more Bactrex and Orgatrex.

Have fun [emoji4]

Sent from Fraggle Rock
What is the purpose of bio tabs and how do you use them?
Basically it's a totally organic fertilising package that's feeds your soil or coco which in turn feeds your plants. No need to check the pH or EC at all and it's so easy to do.

If you get the starter kit, it comes with enough to grow about 5 plants or so depending on pot size. It has goodness for the bacteria that you mix with the medium (startrex), the bacteria itself(bactrex) sugary stuff to feed the bacteria too (orgatrex) and the Biotabs themselves that are broken down by the bacteria and converted into waste the plants can use for food.

In all honesty, I've only taken 1 plant to flower so far with them, I have 1 in veg and 2 seeds just popping but I've not had to use anything else at all to grow the flowering one. That includes calcium or magnesium that I've found is needed around week 3 of flower using other fertilisers in the past!! All they've had is plain old, room temperature, dechlorinated tap water and a small top up of Orgatrex and Bactrex at week 5.

I won't even consider using anything else anymore purely because of how easy it is to use and the only issue I've had was adding slightly too much Orgatrex at week 5.

Sent from Fraggle Rock
Basically it's a totally organic fertilising package that's feeds your soil or coco which in turn feeds your plants. No need to check the pH or EC at all and it's so easy to do.

If you get the starter kit, it comes with enough to grow about 5 plants or so depending on pot size. It has goodness for the bacteria that you mix with the medium (startrex), the bacteria itself(bactrex) sugary stuff to feed the bacteria too (orgatrex) and the Biotabs themselves that are broken down by the bacteria and converted into waste the plants can use for food.

In all honesty, I've only taken 1 plant to flower so far with them, I have 1 in veg and 2 seeds just popping but I've not had to use anything else at all to grow the flowering one. That includes calcium or magnesium that I've found is needed around week 3 of flower using other fertilisers in the past!! All they've had is plain old, room temperature, dechlorinated tap water and a small top up of Orgatrex and Bactrex at week 5.

I won't even consider using anything else anymore purely because of how easy it is to use and the only issue I've had was adding slightly too much Orgatrex at week 5.

Sent from Fraggle Rock
I forgot to mention the Mycotrex which is beneficial fungus that helps keep the roots healthy and the exchange of nutrients to the plant.... I think [emoji6]

Sent from Fraggle Rock
Here's one for @Biotabs F69 and @Hippy_BiotabsF70

My bactrex has been kept in the packet it came in, away from moisture on a shelf in my groom, folded over 5 times and kept that way with the peg provided. I just tried to use it to start off some new plants and it's turned into a solidish sticky lump! I flipped it over and cut it up with a sharp knife and managed to scrape some powdery bits from the center to use. Any ideas why this happened?
It's quite warm here at the moment if that could be a factor.

Sent from Fraggle Rock
Moisture mate. If it was just old it would just be solid powder that can be broken down again easily. So I would say a little bit of moisture has got in there.