Moisture mate. If it was just old it would just be solid powder that can be broken down again easily. So I would say a little bit of moisture has got in there.
Maybe the rooms a bit on the humid side or something. I'll whack it in a plazzy baggie next time to make sure it stays away from moisture.

Sent from Fraggle Rock
I use it once a week but hippy has abused his plants with it successfully. Just keep an eye for any signs that they're not liking it too much and back off

Semper Crescente [emoji41][emoji111]


Spot on mate. You'll see pretty quickly if you're overdoing it. Just back off and you'll be good. Weekly to once every 5 days is cool :thumbsup:
Cheers guys
I haven’t given any for about 10 days or so, you have seen my plants in my thread, you think a bit of boomboom may help?
Hi @Waira

My ph is 8.4 and I am suffering from fading in between the veins and example of this is


This is spreading whereas that leaf for example will now be further consumed with the lighter colour starting from out to in.

This is on fan leaves, starting with the older ones.

Now I am in a predicament as I have just used biotabs starter kit only, nothing else and my ph is 8.4 and my EC is 0.3, so not sure what I can even add to this.

My guess is that the water being high is causing a lockout, even though biotabs say don’t adjust the water (which I have not to this point)

... Legal-- coco has a powerful affinity for Ca, Mg to a lesser extent,.. it will adhere to the particle so strongly that the roots can't access it, hence the need for elevated Ca-Mg,.. once the coco is sated, the CEC "buffering" (not pH) of these cations will have the proper give-and-take,... rinsing/treating starts at the manufacturers, buffering it's CEC with Ca,.. straight water can screw this up... coco works better at lower pH to keep nute more readily available,... dolomite have carbonate in it, and it's the carbonate anion that buffers pH... because of it's different chemistry, dolomite releases it more slowly, but the more acidic it is in there, the faster this happens, which in turn also releases the carbonate anions...then the pH is forced up!
...true, Biotabs doesn't require you to pH adjust your water (unless it's brutally hard/high ppm, meaning loaded with CaCO3 which is much more chemically active that the molecular complex that dolomite has),... Ca-Mg products these days are largely blend of both nitrate and carbonate derived salts, favoring %-wise the nitrate.... this helps keep pH lower! Using Biotabs does not negate the need to keep the coco pH where it works best, regardless,... IMO, if Biotabs doesn't recommend addition of such pH altering amendments into coco, I'd pay heed personally,.. maybe @Biotabs F69 and @Hippy_BiotabsF70 will have more insight on this,... I don't know the details of Stoney and Rykers deals, so I err on the side of caution! :biggrin:.... In any case, I recommend getting a pH probe made for in-pot measuring to monitor things; the Accurate 8 is a decent unit and not expensive (compared to a pro-model unit, which works more like an actual pH meter made for liquids).... this is it-->
.... I think once the Tabs are active, the need for extra Ca-Mg might be negated, or greatly reduced,... the problem is with dolomite, if you have high pH problem, your f*cked because there's no removing it! ... with hand-adjusted amending, you can control what goes in, have less potential impact on pH, and not risk overloading it with free ions that can cause other issues with certain nute's uptake,.. too much Ca/Mg will interfere with this, even if not at true toxicity levels,....

>> Stoney-- the bacteria do help, but they are no panacea,.... like I mentioned above, what worked for you may not for others for a variety of reasons, water source being a huge factor alone,.. and if there's high pH issues, the dolomite is there to stay and keep the problem going,...
... Ryker, Stoney, did you take pH readings in-pot?
Yes if you think PH is likely the issue. Nobody on here can tell you what to do unfortunately. Why not lower the PH as previously suggested could be the issue, and see if anything changes?