Bio Bizz Knowledge base

Just to confirm.... will I be able to use bio light mix with some perlite, germinate my seed then stick it in the soil and then water for about a week or 2 then start adding nutes ( bio trio) and NOT ph anything? Will be growing under a 400w hps. Thanks
Amazing Support from the Biobizz Team!!! Maybe if helps someone who has the same questions.

I ask the Support:

Hello Biobizz Team, my water have not the right Cal-Mag and I always run in deficiency doesn't matter how much biobizz i put in the Water that's freak me out all the time.. Do you have an idea which Cal-Mag I can use with your biobizz line? Maybe dolomite lime? But i don't know how much etc.. I hope you can help me. And the last question is m: when I put biobizz in my water the Ph drops to 5.4 that's not good and I need to put it up with Ph up to 6.5?Thx


Hey Andy!

Thanks for contacting us.

Let´s see… I would like to give you the best advice possible, therefore please could you answer these questions? J

1. What is the pH before adding nutrients?

2. In what week of the growth cycle are you now?

4. In what soil are you growing?

5. Which products do you use?

6. Do you stick to the dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule (see attachment)?

7. How often do you water?

8. Do you water till run off?

9. Do you let the soil dry out or do you keep it slightly moist?

10. And I see you’re growing outdoor, what’s the climate atm?

With that information I will be able to give you a complete answer J

Best regards,

Team Biobizz

My answer:

1. What is the pH before adding nutrients?


2. In what week of the growth cycle are you now?

The grow is finished with great buds ;) but the leafs looking terrible after Day 30! Autoflower i go with! I feed them 1ml grow to day 30 and than 1ml bloom.

4. In what soil are you growing?

Plagron Light Mix

5. Which products do you use?

Grow, Bloom and Algamic

6. Do you stick to the dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule (see attachment)?

Yes but Autoflower are different because they don't have realy a grow circle.

7. How often do you water?

Every 2-3 Days I don't let the medium dry out but the Airpots feel much lighter in weight when I get liftet up.

8. Do you water till run off?

No! Litte bit sometimes

9. Do you let the soil dry out or do you keep it slightly moist?

Slightly moist

10. And I see you’re growing outdoor, what’s the climate atm?

No outdoor!

Biobizz Support:

Hi again Andi,

Good info J You’re actually on the right track! The way of watering is good (assuming you add nutrients to every watering) and you’re aware that growing autoflowers is slightly different, so that is good! However, that pH though ;).

Biobizz products have a very low pH, so when you add the nutrients to the water, the pH drops a bit. But: it isimpossible for the pH to drop from 8,3 to 5,4 after adding Biobizz nutrients! Either your pH meter is seriously off, or you are feeding way too much Biobizz products, but I don’think so ;). If the pH goes lower than 6,2, it means the organic material is no longer assimilated correctly and either you suffer from deficiency, or overdosage because of a sudden release of to much fertilizer. So that declares your yellow leaves ;).

Overfeeding autoflower plants is the most common grower’s mistake. You can overfeed and not even know that you are harming until it is too late. So, for autoflowers the rules are a bit different indeed, but you can also use our grow schedule. The easiest way to use Biobizz for autoflowers is to grow in Light-Mix (so, good choice!), but to follow dosages for All-Mix. This way you can control the NPK's better, by using liquid products. The key to working with autoflowers is to ensure a low Nitrogen level at all times. Too much nitrogen and your plants won't flower ;).

When you stick to normal dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule, after mixing Biobizz in the water you should normally have a pH of between 6,2 and 7,0. But your water is very hard, so that should probably even be a bit higher than that, when you stick to the dosages of the nutrient schedule.

We suggest to calibrate your pH meter again, with calibration liquids at a temperature of 20°C. Because with the products you use now, and the dosages it is almost impossible the pH drops from 7,5 to 6,0. The feeding water should of course also have a temperature of 20°C for the pH measurement to be correct.

As turns out the water is really 8,3, you can do the following to deal with your water issues: First of all, fill a bucket with water and let it rest for 1-2 days. When you do this, some of the nasty bits in the water will evaporate and the pH of the water will go down a bit. Afterwards, you probably do not need to correct too much. Mix the recommended dosage of Biobizz with the water and measure it again.(As Plagron Light-Mix is not organic, you will have to measure your pH anyway, with organic Light-Mix you don’t). If the pH is 6,2 -or a bit higher, up to 7,0- you have to do nothing.

If the pH is higher than 7,0 after mixing, you can use more natural sources like Dolomite lime, apple vinegar or citric acid to adjust the pH. If it goes below 6,0, some Epsom Salt halfway through the flowering circle might do the trick. Ask your local Growshop about this product. It is organic and harmless and can be useful in case the hard water starts giving you issues. We do not recommend to use a chemical pH up or down, because it might kill some of the microbes in the soil.

Another option is to use some reverse osmosis water instead of tap water.

When your pH is good and stable, your plant will have less stress, assimilate nutrient again and soon you should notice a difference. Ca/Mg is probably not even necessary, because all our base fertilizers (Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom and Top-Max), our substrates and some of our stimulators (Alg-a-Mic) already contain sufficient levels of Ca/Mg. The product with the highest content of Ca/Mg is Bio-Grow. If you use the Biobizz products in the recommended dosages, you actually do not need a supplement.

And one of the most important lesson to remember: it is always better to be modest than to add more. A plant will not die from too less nutes, but certainly doesn´t survive an overdose.

Sorry for the loooong story, but I think it might be helpful for you J

Best regards,

Team Biobizz

Amazing Support from the Biobizz Team!!! Maybe if helps someone who has the same questions.

I ask the Support:

Hello Biobizz Team, my water have not the right Cal-Mag and I always run in deficiency doesn't matter how much biobizz i put in the Water that's freak me out all the time.. Do you have an idea which Cal-Mag I can use with your biobizz line? Maybe dolomite lime? But i don't know how much etc.. I hope you can help me. And the last question is m: when I put biobizz in my water the Ph drops to 5.4 that's not good and I need to put it up with Ph up to 6.5?Thx


Hey Andy!

Thanks for contacting us.

Let´s see… I would like to give you the best advice possible, therefore please could you answer these questions? J

1. What is the pH before adding nutrients?

2. In what week of the growth cycle are you now?

4. In what soil are you growing?

5. Which products do you use?

6. Do you stick to the dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule (see attachment)?

7. How often do you water?

8. Do you water till run off?

9. Do you let the soil dry out or do you keep it slightly moist?

10. And I see you’re growing outdoor, what’s the climate atm?

With that information I will be able to give you a complete answer J

Best regards,

Team Biobizz

My answer:

1. What is the pH before adding nutrients?


2. In what week of the growth cycle are you now?

The grow is finished with great buds ;) but the leafs looking terrible after Day 30! Autoflower i go with! I feed them 1ml grow to day 30 and than 1ml bloom.

4. In what soil are you growing?

Plagron Light Mix

5. Which products do you use?

Grow, Bloom and Algamic

6. Do you stick to the dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule (see attachment)?

Yes but Autoflower are different because they don't have realy a grow circle.

7. How often do you water?

Every 2-3 Days I don't let the medium dry out but the Airpots feel much lighter in weight when I get liftet up.

8. Do you water till run off?

No! Litte bit sometimes

9. Do you let the soil dry out or do you keep it slightly moist?

Slightly moist

10. And I see you’re growing outdoor, what’s the climate atm?

No outdoor!

Biobizz Support:

Hi again Andi,

Good info J You’re actually on the right track! The way of watering is good (assuming you add nutrients to every watering) and you’re aware that growing autoflowers is slightly different, so that is good! However, that pH though ;).

Biobizz products have a very low pH, so when you add the nutrients to the water, the pH drops a bit. But: it isimpossible for the pH to drop from 8,3 to 5,4 after adding Biobizz nutrients! Either your pH meter is seriously off, or you are feeding way too much Biobizz products, but I don’think so ;). If the pH goes lower than 6,2, it means the organic material is no longer assimilated correctly and either you suffer from deficiency, or overdosage because of a sudden release of to much fertilizer. So that declares your yellow leaves ;).

Overfeeding autoflower plants is the most common grower’s mistake. You can overfeed and not even know that you are harming until it is too late. So, for autoflowers the rules are a bit different indeed, but you can also use our grow schedule. The easiest way to use Biobizz for autoflowers is to grow in Light-Mix (so, good choice!), but to follow dosages for All-Mix. This way you can control the NPK's better, by using liquid products. The key to working with autoflowers is to ensure a low Nitrogen level at all times. Too much nitrogen and your plants won't flower ;).

When you stick to normal dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule, after mixing Biobizz in the water you should normally have a pH of between 6,2 and 7,0. But your water is very hard, so that should probably even be a bit higher than that, when you stick to the dosages of the nutrient schedule.

We suggest to calibrate your pH meter again, with calibration liquids at a temperature of 20°C. Because with the products you use now, and the dosages it is almost impossible the pH drops from 7,5 to 6,0. The feeding water should of course also have a temperature of 20°C for the pH measurement to be correct.

As turns out the water is really 8,3, you can do the following to deal with your water issues: First of all, fill a bucket with water and let it rest for 1-2 days. When you do this, some of the nasty bits in the water will evaporate and the pH of the water will go down a bit. Afterwards, you probably do not need to correct too much. Mix the recommended dosage of Biobizz with the water and measure it again.(As Plagron Light-Mix is not organic, you will have to measure your pH anyway, with organic Light-Mix you don’t). If the pH is 6,2 -or a bit higher, up to 7,0- you have to do nothing.

If the pH is higher than 7,0 after mixing, you can use more natural sources like Dolomite lime, apple vinegar or citric acid to adjust the pH. If it goes below 6,0, some Epsom Salt halfway through the flowering circle might do the trick. Ask your local Growshop about this product. It is organic and harmless and can be useful in case the hard water starts giving you issues. We do not recommend to use a chemical pH up or down, because it might kill some of the microbes in the soil.

Another option is to use some reverse osmosis water instead of tap water.

When your pH is good and stable, your plant will have less stress, assimilate nutrient again and soon you should notice a difference. Ca/Mg is probably not even necessary, because all our base fertilizers (Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom and Top-Max), our substrates and some of our stimulators (Alg-a-Mic) already contain sufficient levels of Ca/Mg. The product with the highest content of Ca/Mg is Bio-Grow. If you use the Biobizz products in the recommended dosages, you actually do not need a supplement.

And one of the most important lesson to remember: it is always better to be modest than to add more. A plant will not die from too less nutes, but certainly doesn´t survive an overdose.

Sorry for the loooong story, but I think it might be helpful for you J

Best regards,

Team Biobizz

Great info , thanks for sharing :thumbsup:,,:slap:
Amazing Support from the Biobizz Team!!! Maybe if helps someone who has the same questions.

I ask the Support:

Hello Biobizz Team, my water have not the right Cal-Mag and I always run in deficiency doesn't matter how much biobizz i put in the Water that's freak me out all the time.. Do you have an idea which Cal-Mag I can use with your biobizz line? Maybe dolomite lime? But i don't know how much etc.. I hope you can help me. And the last question is m: when I put biobizz in my water the Ph drops to 5.4 that's not good and I need to put it up with Ph up to 6.5?Thx


Hey Andy!

Thanks for contacting us.

Let´s see… I would like to give you the best advice possible, therefore please could you answer these questions? J

1. What is the pH before adding nutrients?

2. In what week of the growth cycle are you now?

4. In what soil are you growing?

5. Which products do you use?

6. Do you stick to the dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule (see attachment)?

7. How often do you water?

8. Do you water till run off?

9. Do you let the soil dry out or do you keep it slightly moist?

10. And I see you’re growing outdoor, what’s the climate atm?

With that information I will be able to give you a complete answer J

Best regards,

Team Biobizz

My answer:

1. What is the pH before adding nutrients?


2. In what week of the growth cycle are you now?

The grow is finished with great buds ;) but the leafs looking terrible after Day 30! Autoflower i go with! I feed them 1ml grow to day 30 and than 1ml bloom.

4. In what soil are you growing?

Plagron Light Mix

5. Which products do you use?

Grow, Bloom and Algamic

6. Do you stick to the dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule (see attachment)?

Yes but Autoflower are different because they don't have realy a grow circle.

7. How often do you water?

Every 2-3 Days I don't let the medium dry out but the Airpots feel much lighter in weight when I get liftet up.

8. Do you water till run off?

No! Litte bit sometimes

9. Do you let the soil dry out or do you keep it slightly moist?

Slightly moist

10. And I see you’re growing outdoor, what’s the climate atm?

No outdoor!

Biobizz Support:

Hi again Andi,

Good info J You’re actually on the right track! The way of watering is good (assuming you add nutrients to every watering) and you’re aware that growing autoflowers is slightly different, so that is good! However, that pH though ;).

Biobizz products have a very low pH, so when you add the nutrients to the water, the pH drops a bit. But: it isimpossible for the pH to drop from 8,3 to 5,4 after adding Biobizz nutrients! Either your pH meter is seriously off, or you are feeding way too much Biobizz products, but I don’think so ;). If the pH goes lower than 6,2, it means the organic material is no longer assimilated correctly and either you suffer from deficiency, or overdosage because of a sudden release of to much fertilizer. So that declares your yellow leaves ;).

Overfeeding autoflower plants is the most common grower’s mistake. You can overfeed and not even know that you are harming until it is too late. So, for autoflowers the rules are a bit different indeed, but you can also use our grow schedule. The easiest way to use Biobizz for autoflowers is to grow in Light-Mix (so, good choice!), but to follow dosages for All-Mix. This way you can control the NPK's better, by using liquid products. The key to working with autoflowers is to ensure a low Nitrogen level at all times. Too much nitrogen and your plants won't flower ;).

When you stick to normal dosages of the Biobizz nutrient schedule, after mixing Biobizz in the water you should normally have a pH of between 6,2 and 7,0. But your water is very hard, so that should probably even be a bit higher than that, when you stick to the dosages of the nutrient schedule.

We suggest to calibrate your pH meter again, with calibration liquids at a temperature of 20°C. Because with the products you use now, and the dosages it is almost impossible the pH drops from 7,5 to 6,0. The feeding water should of course also have a temperature of 20°C for the pH measurement to be correct.

As turns out the water is really 8,3, you can do the following to deal with your water issues: First of all, fill a bucket with water and let it rest for 1-2 days. When you do this, some of the nasty bits in the water will evaporate and the pH of the water will go down a bit. Afterwards, you probably do not need to correct too much. Mix the recommended dosage of Biobizz with the water and measure it again.(As Plagron Light-Mix is not organic, you will have to measure your pH anyway, with organic Light-Mix you don’t). If the pH is 6,2 -or a bit higher, up to 7,0- you have to do nothing.

If the pH is higher than 7,0 after mixing, you can use more natural sources like Dolomite lime, apple vinegar or citric acid to adjust the pH. If it goes below 6,0, some Epsom Salt halfway through the flowering circle might do the trick. Ask your local Growshop about this product. It is organic and harmless and can be useful in case the hard water starts giving you issues. We do not recommend to use a chemical pH up or down, because it might kill some of the microbes in the soil.

Another option is to use some reverse osmosis water instead of tap water.

When your pH is good and stable, your plant will have less stress, assimilate nutrient again and soon you should notice a difference. Ca/Mg is probably not even necessary, because all our base fertilizers (Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom and Top-Max), our substrates and some of our stimulators (Alg-a-Mic) already contain sufficient levels of Ca/Mg. The product with the highest content of Ca/Mg is Bio-Grow. If you use the Biobizz products in the recommended dosages, you actually do not need a supplement.

And one of the most important lesson to remember: it is always better to be modest than to add more. A plant will not die from too less nutes, but certainly doesn´t survive an overdose.

Sorry for the loooong story, but I think it might be helpful for you J

Best regards,

Team Biobizz

That's excellent! Thanks for sharing Andi :D


Ca/Mg is probably not even necessary, because all our base fertilizers (Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom and Top-Max), our substrates and some of our stimulators (Alg-a-Mic) already contain sufficient levels of Ca/Mg. The product with the highest content of Ca/Mg is Bio-Grow.
This is what I've been working towards. I refused to use an extra cal/mag suppliment. I've cracked it now, don't go mad with grow, as the first thing thats locked out because of too much N is calcium, then magnesium.
Another great info from Biobizz

Hello again Andy J

That sounds great!

Some tips that might help you for eventual future problems:

-pH testing: when you calibrate your pH meter, make sure the calibration fluid is at 20°C. When you test the pH in the water, or in your nutrient mixture: again, always make sure it is at 20°C. A pH pen is laboratory equipment, it requires a delicate hand to work well

-When you are in doubt about the problem with your plants: first and always try to give LESS INSTEAD OF MORE. When you think you see a deficiency, it could also be an overdose. So your first guess should always be to give less nutrients instead of more. Plants don’t die if they get a bit less nutrients for some time. But for sure you can kill them with an overdose. So keep that in mind for the next time when your plants show signs of problems.

-As an alternative for pH+ you can use an airpump, like you also find in aquariums. Put this pump in the nutrients mixture and let it bubble for an hour or so. That will raise the pH a little, because the nutrients will start to oxidize. Not longer than an hour or else the nutrients oxidize to much

-A little bit of pH+ will not really be a huge problem. But basically, when your pH is between 6,1 / 6,2 and about 7,0/7,2 you are better off just doing NOTHING. Just allow the soil to buffer and decompose the nutrients in the substrate and you will have a naturally educed pH of about 6,0.

-When the pH is lower of higher than the indicated parameters we just mentioned; adjust the pH with as little of pH correction liquid as possible. As long as you are within the parameters you will be fine. The less you fiddle around, the better the soil will do the work for you.

-For now, we recommend you give only water for at least one week. Because the soil needs to digest all the stuff you have given it before. If the pH of your tabwater is like 8 or higher: let the water rest for 48 hours. It will lower the pH a bit and then you could always consider to use a little bit of pH correction

You did not make a mistake with Plagron. They produce high quality substrates and all the bags that have a Green color desing ( Royal Mix, Bat Mix and All-Mix) are organic and have certificates. But we are sure you will know what to chose on your next run, or at least we hope so!!^^
This is what I've been working towards. I refused to use an extra cal/mag suppliment. I've cracked it now, don't go mad with grow, as the first thing thats locked out because of too much N is calcium, then magnesium.
Makes sense !
So following his recommendation the sweet spot for grow would be around 1ml to 2ml/1L for the entire circle.

Great to see the Biobizz section popping with some new life!