Bio Bizz Knowledge base

Bro that's what I thought about using top max so early! But there's a number of growers on this thread who have posted there feeding schedule and it includes 1ml of top max starting at week 2!!
For example Duck Commander on page 8
And Captain Howdy on page 11
At first I was like wtf.. but when I saw a few people doing it I thought it must be normal.
I must say the Bio Bizz nutrient schedule that came with my 5pack box of nute's from them does recommend using from the 3rd week.. check it in the photo..

Maybe I am using too little in general of the grow and bloom..
I just thought from he color and growth they were on point and I've had nute burn before so am careful..
Check my pics out and see what you think..
And thanks for the help bro :d5:
I would say that this isn't nute burn, you'd see an even yellowing of the tips over most of the plant, your issues seem to be on the lower leaves. I really don't think Bio Grow would 'burn' at 0.5ml a liter. I think it could be over/underwatering, but when it come to infirmary issues, let me tag our local AFN doctor, he might be able to help @Waira
Bro that's what I thought about using top max so early! But there's a number of growers on this thread who have posted there feeding schedule and it includes 1ml of top max starting at week 2!!
For example Duck Commander on page 8
And Captain Howdy on page 11
At first I was like wtf.. but when I saw a few people doing it I thought it must be normal.
I must say the Bio Bizz nutrient schedule that came with my 5pack box of nute's from them does recommend using from the 3rd week.. check it in the photo..

Maybe I am using too little in general of the grow and bloom..
I just thought from he color and growth they were on point and I've had nute burn before so am careful..
Check my pics out and see what you think..
And thanks for the help bro :d5:
Been looking again, done a little reading, I think your plant could be eating it's lower growth beacause of the lack of N in feeds. Try and feed a dose of 1ml Grow per liter, see if there is any improvement
Alright bro I will this evening, thanks alot for the input I appreciate it!!
I do actually have this running in the infirmary but I've closly studied this Bio Bizz thread and wanted to talk with some fellow BIo Bizz users to see what there opinion might be.
Currently following your journal btw looking good!
Cheers man. I'm no expert with BioBizz, I've only been using it 2ish years, but i'll try and help any way I can, good luck.

Tag your grow in your signiture, that way people can have a handy link to what your up too.
Yo Ribbzzy thanks a lot for the advice man, started feeding them more often (every second day with just regular water inbetween) and each week since we talked Ive up't the doses. At week 6 now and on 3ml of grow, bloom and 1ml top max, Silica once a week of course and added a Cal Mag plus supplement.
They are loving it!
Thanks again for EVERY ONES input :vibe:

QUESTION for the bio bizz users out there. How often are you using a cal mag supplement? With every watering? Once a week?
Drop a line friends:cools:
Yo Ribbzzy thanks a lot for the advice man, started feeding them more often (every second day with just regular water inbetween) and each week since we talked Ive up't the doses. At week 6 now and on 3ml of grow, bloom and 1ml top max, Silica once a week of course and added a Cal Mag plus supplement.
They are loving it!
Thanks again for EVERY ONES input :vibe:

QUESTION for the bio bizz users out there. How often are you using a cal mag supplement? With every watering? Once a week?
Drop a line friends:cools:

Hey magnum gom,
Glad that you are getting the hang of Biobizz mate.
I personally use Cal-Mag in conjunction with it, growing under LED, so I use more than you would under HPS or MH not sure what your setup is, usually start around day 20 with 1/4 dose up to week 6 at full dose/half dose every 3 watering depending how angry that particular strain is. Sometimes I use no more than 2times in the entire grow. The window for problems I find is week 4 to 6. my 2cents hope it helps.
Yo Ribbzzy thanks a lot for the advice man, started feeding them more often (every second day with just regular water inbetween) and each week since we talked Ive up't the doses. At week 6 now and on 3ml of grow, bloom and 1ml top max, Silica once a week of course and added a Cal Mag plus supplement.
They are loving it!
Thanks again for EVERY ONES input :vibe:

QUESTION for the bio bizz users out there. How often are you using a cal mag supplement? With every watering? Once a week?
Drop a line friends:cools:
I don't use a calmag suppliment. I always thought I needed one, but speaking to BioBizz LOADS of times, I think I've nailed it. They always assured me, that there was sufficient calcium and magnesium, and no nutrient company would sell a product, lacking in 2 of the most important building blocks, which sort of made sense :rofl: they said it was either to much N, locking out first Mag, then Cal, or not using Grow during Bloom stage (I was using fish mix exclusively)
When bloom starts, I now feed Alg a mic at 2ml per liter, probably upped to around 4ml per liter near the end. Oh, and this grow, I mixed some oven roasted eggshell, powdered, just as a precaution
My leaves, day 55 or 56, still green and healthy
Hey magnum gom,
Glad that you are getting the hang of Biobizz mate.
I personally use Cal-Mag in conjunction with it, growing under LED, so I use more than you would under HPS or MH not sure what your setup is, usually start around day 20 with 1/4 dose up to week 6 at full dose/half dose every 3 watering depending how angry that particular strain is. Sometimes I use no more than 2times in the entire grow. The window for problems I find is week 4 to 6. my 2cents hope it helps.
What cal/mag do you use? It's always nice to have an emergency bottle, just in case