Bio Bizz Knowledge base

What cal/mag do you use? It's always nice to have an emergency bottle, just in case
I have been using Equilibrium from Humboldt for the past 4 years along with BioGrow - BioHeaven - BioBloom and Algamic and my trusty LED lights. A normal dose is 0.25ml per L so I have had the same 1L bottle since the beginning of my adventures with autos not even half way yet (if you for going this get a small bottle ;) ). Equilibrium is 'natural' can't be called "organic" but can be called "bio" has it contains natural minerals and not so much organic components.
Concerning the Algamic, I love the stuff especially alongside Fishmix. But about 2 - 2 1/2 years ago after intensive research into the biobizz matter, I came across a research on phytohormones (contained in sea weed) and what it does to a plant in flowering. The study showed that plant fed with Alga product during flowering will develop a lot more small leaves inside the buds than if it wasn't, those small leaves taking energy from the flower development.
So I did my own tests and eventually agreed after a few comparisons that the amount of leaves inside the buds were relatively reduced but also that the buds were fuller/more compact.
Since I basically use it for the first 3 weeks and stop at the same time I start bloom about 10 days after sex (day 34ish) 2ml - 2.5ml@1L max. Once the stretch is complete I would give a boost feed as I call it with 1-2ml Algamic , and 1-2ml of Roots stimulator and start feeding has would normally using BioGrow - BioHeaven - BioBloom.
:2cents: from my personal research.
Concerning the Algamic, I love the stuff especially alongside Fishmix. But about 2 - 2 1/2 years ago after intensive research into the biobizz matter, I came across a research on phytohormones (contained in sea weed) and what it does to a plant in flowering. The study showed that plant fed with Alga product during flowering will develop a lot more small leaves inside the buds than if it wasn't, those small leaves taking energy from the flower development.
So I did my own tests and eventually agreed after a few comparisons that the amount of leaves inside the buds were relatively reduced but also that the buds were fuller/more compact.
Since I basically use it for the first 3 weeks and stop at the same time I start bloom about 10 days after sex (day 34ish) 2ml - 2.5ml@1L max. Once the stretch is complete I would give a boost feed as I call it with 1-2ml Algamic , and 1-2ml of Roots stimulator and start feeding has would normally using BioGrow - BioHeaven - BioBloom.
:2cents: from my personal research.
Fairplay, that is something I'm gonna keep an eye on. I was gonna do a side by side next time, difficult with auto's I know, and play with the dosage of the Alg a Mic, I'll follow what you do and see what occurs, Im always up for tweaking things
Getting myself some Biobizz Bloom end of the month but I did some research and saw that they sell substrates as well. I can't find a supplier here in South Africa yet but it sounds quite good.

Pete :greenthumb:
Getting myself some Biobizz Bloom end of the month but I did some research and saw that they sell substrates as well. I can't find a supplier here in South Africa yet but it sounds quite good.

Pete :greenthumb:

I use the biobizz lightmix and never had any problems with it, and cut it with an extra 20% perlight, it's worth a try if you can source it:thumbsup:
I found a supplier of biobizz products but they only sell the nutrients. If i want to get the mix I have to order it in from overseas.

Can't afford any extra expenses at this moment.

Newborns are expensive :yoinks:

So I'm gonna get the nutes for now but and some promix. There is a TLO Soil that im getting as well. I'll cut that with some perlite and see how that grows.

Pete :greenthumb:
Hello! Just signed up to put my two cents in. So, this is my nutrient schedule for a combination of All-Mix (80%) and Light-Mix (20%). Most products involved are Biobizz's (I hope I am not off topic :biggrin:). Please let me know your thoughts and your suggestions/changes. Great forum, great thread, thanks Duck Commander :worship:

My Nutrient Schedule.jpg
Extremely useful topic about Biobizz.Thanks to everyone who started and contributed.
Biobizz company had answered all my question before i started use their products. That's a plus. What i know about Biobizz products is they are the best nutes i have ever used for outdoor cultivation. As a beginner i made a lot of mistakes with chemical nutes, but after having switched to biobiz i even did nothing except reading the instructions on the bottles and always had healthy plants with no cal mag deficiencies or such. I used all of their products except fishmix, bioheaven and the new aloe vera. My favourite one is Algamic. My Jock Horror Autos and Swiss Cheeses got so big and healthy under mediterranean sun with biobizz, i could have won a prize from nirvana and biobizz. While most of you wander stoned freely on the streets, unfortunately i had to delete the photos after the harvest because of the fear of getting caught in an islamic country.