Bio Bizz Knowledge base

Hi Mjdregba

I've used biobizz allmix soil and the biobizz grow and bloom in my first few grows, and while i got a similar harvest to you (which i was quite please with) I also struggled throughout the grow.
I think a little root juice is fine at the beginning, but the grow nutes were probably introduced a little early as (from memory) Allmix has enough feed in it for 4 weeks +
I used Allmix for about three grows and they got better, but it did burn and stunt a couple of my seedlings.
I moved on to biobizz light mix and got some better results, and i've recently been trying coco and am having my best results to date.

If you've got your PH under control, then my best guess is the combination of soil and feed was burning them - but when you say overwatered, do you mean droopy and limp leaves?

Just my thoughts ^_^ keep at it - every grow teaches you something - or at least i think "next time .. i'll do this better .. or try that"

Do you know how long bio bizz light mix will supply your seedlings with nutes? I was planning to feed my seedlings Ro water and root juice in the first 2 weeks and from week 3 start adding bio grow. Is this ok?
Do you know how long bio bizz light mix will supply your seedlings with nutes? I was planning to feed my seedlings Ro water and root juice in the first 2 weeks and from week 3 start adding bio grow. Is this ok?

My 2 cents is do not use RO water with soil especially when using biobizz nutes they are not very strong I did, and I had micro nute deficiencies bad. I was taught on here that Ro is not for soil unless you plan on adding back what you are taking out.

If you insist on using Ro I would make sure you have some micro nutes and a big bottle of calmag and start dosing that right away. If you switch to tap your lady will be fine with your schedule.

Are you using root juice?

If you look at my very first grow you will see what I went through:pass:
My 2 cents is do not use RO water with soil especially when using biobizz nutes they are not very strong I did, and I had micro nute deficiencies bad. I was taught on here that Ro is not for soil unless you plan on adding back what you are taking out.

If you insist on using Ro I would make sure you have some micro nutes and a big bottle of calmag and start dosing that right away. If you switch to tap your lady will be fine with your schedule.

Are you using root juice?

If you look at my very first grow you will see what I went through:pass:

Hey thanks for your advice m8.

The reason I use RO is because my tap water has a PH of 8.4 and has extremely high amounts of calcium in it.
my tap water fucked up my last grow, causing a lockout....therefore Im using RO now. Was thinking of mixing tap and RO water but want to see how the plants behave when using only RO water.

Currently growing CBD MED GOM in 15 l superroot airpots...seedlings are 7 days old now.

The soil is bio bizz light mix with LOADS of added mycorhizae from Biotabs and also using biobizz root juice 3ml/L.
Im doing everything organic so will be using epsom salt instead of cal mag out of the bottle.

What kind of micro nutes should I be looking for...hope not superthrive because that shit is tooo expensive
Hey thanks for your advice m8.

The reason I use RO is because my tap water has a PH of 8.4 and has extremely high amounts of calcium in it.
my tap water fucked up my last grow, causing a lockout....therefore Im using RO now. Was thinking of mixing tap and RO water but want to see how the plants behave when using only RO water.

Currently growing CBD MED GOM in 15 l superroot airpots...seedlings are 7 days old now.

The soil is bio bizz light mix with LOADS of added mycorhizae from Biotabs and also using biobizz root juice 3ml/L.
Im doing everything organic so will be using epsom salt instead of cal mag out of the bottle.

What kind of micro nutes should I be looking for...hope not superthrive because that shit is tooo expensive

I bought my micro nutes from a nursery I don't remember the name and I am at work. But its not superthrive i know that. I just made sure it had at least 5% zinc because that along with calcium was the deficiency i was suffering from.

Good luck to you sir:pass:
Hi everyone, I grow for 4 now years using bio bizz products with bad and good results. It is all technic you using and the knowledge of stuff that you are using.
Only some a year ago (I want to think) I manage to find the sweet spot so I thought that I'm going to share my observations with you guys.
I use bio bizz all mix soil with bio bizz grow,bloom,top max and alga mic. In addition I use dolomite lime, Rizotonic, cal mag (because of LED lights)bio silicone, Epsom salts and I am trying also PK 13/14 (new thing for me)
So, it looks that in bio bizz all mix soil there is enough food to get you going for at least 35-40 days (so through the whole vegetative stage). Uill then I was using only Rizotonic combine with cal mag (2ml of Rizotonic , 1.5ml of cal mag a litre of water) and my plants are green and healthy. In week 4 give 1/4 of tea spoon of Epsom and that seems to stop possible Mg def.
Autoflowers are sensitive to nutrients and don't need as much as the photoperiod plants, so always I am using like half recommended dose (apart for cal mag which is going in full dose)
Alga mic in combination with Epsom salts makes brilliant foliar feed which is absorbed by leaves way faster than through roots, so if it happens you run into cal mag deficiency just do that (I use half of recommended dose of alga mic and 1/4 tee spoon of Epsom salts a litre of water and plants are loving it)
Dolomite lime seems to keep PH of soil at the bay and supply some extra Ca to the soil so it is good stuff, (I use table spoon mixed in the middle of 10l air pot and the same dose on top)
In the flower you need to pay attantion to the color of leaves it is very important because the plant used up by now most of nutrients in soil, and any weird things happening ( like clawing, dark green color of leaves) you need to back off with the feed otherwise you might have some lock out of nuts in the soil and might end up flushing your lady which because the stres will cost you yeald wise. If you see signs of under feeding you need give it a bit more nutrients but remember you always can give more food but you can't easily take it away as it is already in the soil, so always play safe
Hope I didn't omit anything and good luck, bio bizz products are awesome but you need to know how to use it (I am still experimenting with it)
Peace brothers
I bought my micro nutes from a nursery I don't remember the name and I am at work. But its not superthrive i know that. I just made sure it had at least 5% zinc because that along with calcium was the deficiency i was suffering from.

Good luck to you sir:pass:

Thank you sir:smokeout:
Hi everyone, I grow for 4 now years using bio bizz products with bad and good results. It is all technic you using and the knowledge of stuff that you are using.
Only some a year ago (I want to think) I manage to find the sweet spot so I thought that I'm going to share my observations with you guys.
I use bio bizz all mix soil with bio bizz grow,bloom,top max and alga mic. In addition I use dolomite lime, Rizotonic, cal mag (because of LED lights)bio silicone, Epsom salts and I am trying also PK 13/14 (new thing for me)
So, it looks that in bio bizz all mix soil there is enough food to get you going for at least 35-40 days (so through the whole vegetative stage). Uill then I was using only Rizotonic combine with cal mag (2ml of Rizotonic , 1.5ml of cal mag a litre of water) and my plants are green and healthy. In week 4 give 1/4 of tea spoon of Epsom and that seems to stop possible Mg def.
Autoflowers are sensitive to nutrients and don't need as much as the photoperiod plants, so always I am using like half recommended dose (apart for cal mag which is going in full dose)
Alga mic in combination with Epsom salts makes brilliant foliar feed which is absorbed by leaves way faster than through roots, so if it happens you run into cal mag deficiency just do that (I use half of recommended dose of alga mic and 1/4 tee spoon of Epsom salts a litre of water and plants are loving it)
Dolomite lime seems to keep PH of soil at the bay and supply some extra Ca to the soil so it is good stuff, (I use table spoon mixed in the middle of 10l air pot and the same dose on top)
In the flower you need to pay attantion to the color of leaves it is very important because the plant used up by now most of nutrients in soil, and any weird things happening ( like clawing, dark green color of leaves) you need to back off with the feed otherwise you might have some lock out of nuts in the soil and might end up flushing your lady which because the stres will cost you yeald wise. If you see signs of under feeding you need give it a bit more nutrients but remember you always can give more food but you can't easily take it away as it is already in the soil, so always play safe
Hope I didn't omit anything and good luck, bio bizz products are awesome but you need to know how to use it (I am still experimenting with it)
Peace brothers

Thanks for the wise words brother.

I was thinking of buying top max and alga mic. Would you recommend them or is it unnecessary?

I guess I should be on a look out for some micro nutrients due to my RO water, as fantasy island suggested, but they should be organic. Any Ideas? alga mic or bio heaven any good or just a waste of money?
I never used bio haven (lack of money) but heard some good word about it, still need to test if myself. But as for alga mic, I can say is a very good stuff, it save me few times thanks to possibility of foliar feed. And for top max , well if I ware you I would give it a go, some people are saying it is bad product and didn't noticed any different and some saying it is good. Try if you can, buy 250ml bottle run couple plants with this product and couple without it. See how it works out for youself, I personally use top max and can say what would have happen if I didn't because every plant is different. Keep the temperature in the grow room stable, try to make as difference between the lights on and off to minimum and that will help tremendously
I never used bio haven (lack of money) but heard some good word about it, still need to test if myself. But as for alga mic, I can say is a very good stuff, it save me few times thanks to possibility of foliar feed. And for top max , well if I ware you I would give it a go, some people are saying it is bad product and didn't noticed any different and some saying it is good. Try if you can, buy 250ml bottle run couple plants with this product and couple without it. See how it works out for youself, I personally use top max and can say what would have happen if I didn't because every plant is different. Keep the temperature in the grow room stable, try to make as difference between the lights on and off to minimum and that will help tremendously

Thanks m8. You are so right, keeping ideal conditions and temperature for the plants is way more important and beneficial than using some boosters :cheers:

Hi @Autoflower Noob Biobizz Light mix has enough nutrients to last you about 14 days or 2 weeks. You can use a little root stimulant, and some Bio Heaven (< I definitely recommend) if you like but as everything moderately..

For the RO,
I agree with @Fantasy Island , I used it in the past, having the exact same concerns that you have now (I have a PH of about 8)... I tried it all actually, at first I mixed Organic Apple Vinegar, after that I bought a RO filter, then I bought some Organic PH down (by Canna) which is basically citric acid... then

What worked the best, well doing nothing.. yup nothing... it took me 8 months before realizing that...

The key to grow our plants I think, is simplicity!

Just some bubbled water (with a hint of Bio Rhizotonic) to spray the top with, and then introducing Roots , Heaven(@ day7), Grow, Alga @day14 (optional), Bloom. Your soil is here to buff the PH, so if you really want to use RO, maybe do half RO and half tap, this way you still have some essentials micro nutes left in the water and might come in a nicer PH range..

Have a look page 4 there is a good schedule made by Duck Commander.

Anyway my 2 cents..

And remember keep it simple!
