Bio Bizz Knowledge base

Bio-bizz is molasses based and I have added molasses every time I water with it. Don't know if it helps but it does not hurt. I've had bottles for some times and they never went chunky.

There are a few reasons to feed molasses. One is the sugars which can help with flavors whiles flowering and feed the micro herd. Feeding through out though can give calcium and a whole array of micro nutrients. I've never owned a bottle of cal/mag, molasses and Epsom salt have done just fine by me.
using plagron royaltymix would just feeding fishmix till week before harvest be good enough for them i plan to veg for 10 weeks in 11 litre pots then flip to flower
Beginners biobizz nutrient advice
This guide is not my work but it was a popular thread in the past,and i have been ok'd to repost it..its a great guide for beginners using biobizz nutrients.

Beginner's biobizz nutrient advice

Thought I would through this out there to all the newbie’s out there growing the herb for the first time and before the spend big bucks on nutrient and boosters.

I want to talk about biobizz's fish mix and keeping it simple.

Organics is more forgiving than chemical nutes as it harder to over feed and suffer nutrient burn as the soil act like a buffer.So before even messing about with potting amendments just use this guide.

I have mentioned fish mix as it has been giving me and others proven results from veg to flower without bloom,potting amendments and mixing 2 or more nutrients.

You will need:

seedling cutting soil/rooting cube

decent premium soil

fish mix

Start a seedling / cutting in a non hot rooting media (not strong in nutrient) like root riots/rapid rooters or a very small pot of cutting/seedling compost.
Dig a whole in the center of a large pot if going straight into final pots and fill with cutting compost.

(they cannot be left in there for long as there is little nutrient but this will bridge the plant from seedling to early juvenile as juveniles are less nute sensitive a 50/50 mix of seedling compost and hot compost can be used but trial it first to avoid nutrient burn/lockout but this will give more nutrient if your starter pots are bigger).

Plant into final pot of decent well draining hot compost (I like non organic west+ adv or west+ adv with added JI)for autos or small pot ups for photos sensitive. just add water for 2-4 weeks of veg cycle.

Then add fish mix 1ml per litre at every water for either the first week of flower or last week of veg (to get the micro fauna ready) then up feeding up to 1-4ml per litre until the last week of flower (you could also just drop the nutes 10-14 days before harvesting to 1ml per liter to insure a heavy yield.
Also mix the nute up fresh never let it sit about as it seems to go sour quickly

Then reduce to 1ml per feed for the last 7-10 days to reduce a possible build up but by the time this is broken down by the fauna I doubt the plant will use much of it saving expensive ferts with no loss of yield and a better smoke and yes heavy feeding on organics can affect the smoke.

So keep it simple guys on your first grow before making life hard as it will be tough figuring out what you have done wrong if you added a 101 items.

I do have other amendment I have used through trial and error which I may post later but your first grow is about reading your plants.

If your plants are very yellow early on add 1ml more fish mix each water or if they are curling down and are dark green reduce the mix by 1ml each water
You may need to add 1 feed of 1-2tsp per gallon of epson salts if your compost is low on mg when the preflowers show
I will start my second grow next week and needed some advice on soil mix... autoflowers in 2 liter pots for 10 days and then transplant to 7L pots... the first 10 days I will use only Lightmix, the soil mix is to use after transplantation.

I have Light Mix (Biobizz), guano 1-10-1, worm humus, perlite and expanded clay to the bottom of the 7L pots... I will use biobizz nuts, Bio Bloom Bio Grow, TopMax and Roots Explosion (Kaya Solutions).
Hi MMoloch :)

I;ve not used biobizz for a very long time, but duck commander is no longer regularly around so i'll do my best to help you out!

I would personally only use the Biobizz lightmix soil - maybe with some added perlite, but from memory the light mix was pretty airy.
I'd leave the guano and worm humus out of the equasion for now (maybe use it later on to make some beneficial teas).

Most people start in the pot that they want to finish in - as Autos can be sensetive to Transplating - that's not to say you can't (sweet seeds jay and some others do... probably over 90% of us start in their finishing pot)

There's a good feeding schedule i think post 4 of this thread (or somewhere near). You could also look into some grows by Hazy as he has had great success with Biobizz and is one of the top notch growers.

Hope this helps a little!

All the best
Blue ^_^
Hey mmoloch. I don´t know if this is helpful or not but I have been using Biobizz lightmix for a few years now. I add about 30% extra perlite to it, and have also been known to throw some worm castings in as well, but I find it to be a nice, stable medium that holds its pH well. I like my medium nice and fluffy and light which is why I add the extra perlite (it already has some).

It has enough nutes for seedlings to get establshed - I tend to start a very light feed after a couple of weeks and build it up as they move into flower. This is a link to my current grow if you want to see the kind of results I get with it:
Hi mmoloch,

I agree with Blue, I would only use the lightmix and not transplant but start from the final pot.

Add 30% perlite like Alwaysautos recommended.

Start a light feed with Root Explosion ( i use Bio Root or Bio Rhyzo) around day 4-5.

Around day 7 start with Bio Grow with 0.5ml per L and then ramp up.

Duck Commander schedule on page 4 like Blue said is very good and I had good results with it, it is a learning curve. You soon will have a grip of it. I am still learning after a year on using Biobizz products, and I had a good amount of problems, still do but nearly dialed in...

You will need some Cal-mag I use Equilibrium from Humbolt but a lot of people here use Botanicare Cal-mag.

DC schedule
Week1 day 4
Bio Bizz Grow 0.5ml,Bio Bizz Heaven 0.5ml Per L

Grow 1ml,Heaven 1ml, Alg A Mic 1ml per L,

Week 3-5
Grow 2ml,Heaven 2ml, Alg A Mic 2ml per L CalMag 1 feed per week 3ml per 5L

Week 5
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml per L CalMag every other feed 3ml per 5L

Week 6
Grow 3ml,Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 2ml,CalMag every feed 3ml per 5L

Week 7
Grow 3ml, Heaven 3ml, Alg A Mic 3ml,Bloom 3ml, CalMag every feed 3ml per 5L

Week 8-10 week Pre-Harvest
Grow 2ml, Heaven 4ml,Alg A Mic 3ml, Bloom 3ml, CalMag

Week 10
Heaven 4ml,Bloom 4ml, No CalMag

Week 11
Plain Water (I have done this with out plain water and extended Week 10's feed till harvest day doesnt affect taste or smoke)

Have a look at my signature and you will see the problems I came across. It might help you... (start from page 1)

Grow karma you way man.

Hope this helps a little.

First I want to thank u all for the suggestions... unfortunately will not be able to start in the final pots, on my first grow started in the final pots and the girls are still in the pots, I will start harvesting next week :firedevil: ... but I have 4 plants that will take a few more weeks to complete the life cycle because of that I do not have available space inside the grow tent to start the new girls in the final pots... maybe I have an alternative, I have some small biodegradable pots (8cm x 8cm x 8cm):


Theoretically the stress of the transplant would be minimal but as the autoflowers are so fast I'm afraid that the pots has not enough time to "dissolve", also do not know if the roots can penetrate the pot... someone who has used these biodegradable pots can share experiences?
I wouldnt personally want to test whether the roots can get through or not on an auto. It could be a bit tough! I've seen these pots before but never really considered using them.

Have you got access to small plastic pots?

One of the Sweet Seeds guys does transplanting in his show grows - you need to do it quite quickly becuase you'll be surprized at how quickly the tap root goes down! You don't really want to stop it going down (like you can with an photoperiod), so you'd be best to time it so you have the space to transplant into final pots when you need to.

So bank on upto 3 days germination, upto 3 days for heads up and however long Sweet seeds typically leave the seedlings in the small pots for before transplanting one.

If you have a good idea of when you'll be harvesting the current batch, you can time it around that! :)

Hope this kinda makes sense (without actually answering your question lol)
I'd cut the bottom out of those and put them in a tray. when your ready to transplant just drop the whole thing in the final pot. just thinking out loud, mmoloch.