Bio Bizz Knowledge base

When it comes to the stage of adding bio bloom with bio grow at 1ml per liter so do i add 1ml grow +1ml bloom to 1 litre water or will each ml require its own litre for example

1ml grow +1ml bloom /2 litres of water or

1ml grow +1ml bloom /1 litre of water

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When it comes to the stage of adding bio bloom with bio grow at 1ml per liter so do i add 1ml grow +1ml bloom to 1 litre water or will each ml require its own litre for example

1ml grow +1ml bloom /2 litres of water or

1ml grow +1ml bloom /1 litre of water

You would mix the grow and bloom together in the same litre of water.
Thanks i would have done it times 2 water but was thinking of what you said was just checking before i could have overfed my plants
Can anyone using Allmix help me please.
I am just repeating myself on a monthly basis with this question,
I have lock out and pH problems continuously with Allmix, everything fine usually while week 3/4, then boom, yellowing from bottom. Ph all out whack. I'm not going to use biobizz anymore after this grow, totally had enough with it. But please can someone help explain to me why even after I have added 4ml bloom/5ml molasses and half a teaspoon of E salts, all in 1ltr of rain water, my plants are still going yellow. My pH is always off with this soil, so I added some lime to the mix this time beforehand, now my run off is saying 7.2 rather than my usual 5.8.

This is sooo confusing, what am I doing wrong. Like I say-I just want to see these two plants out then I'm switching.

Please guys, any help, I'm spraying with Epsom Salts everyday here and seeing no change, yet I have a Mg def for sure. I don't want to flush everything out of the soil but I'm about to do that to try save the plants.

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so does this work the same as the light mix? i read on the website that its got a self regulating system but from what ive done in the past and what my friend does he keeps the PH down to 6.1 and works just fine? because obviously there saying you shouldnt have to ajust the PH but imo i had problems when not PHing the water.

I take ALL of that back, I hate the stuff. Waste of time and money.
It's fairly common for Biobizz to need a little extra MG during the transition in to flower. Most PH meters are not that accurate when it comes to testing organic solutions, but 7.2 is HIGH and in the range most everything's getting locked out. What is your feed PH? That can give you an idea of your soil PH.

On the feeding side of things 4ml of bloom/liter is high unless you are pretty far along into flower. You also do not mention if you are also feeding Bio-Grow. BioBizz grow and bloom are meant to be used together and you did not mention using grow.

Grow by it's self is a complete nutrient.
Bloom by it's self is not a complete nutrient.
Hey Torched, this time no, I have not been feeding the grow with bloom. In the past I have, and have seen the same problems arising as I am now. Followed the feeding schedule down to a T.

I know to add 4ml is high, but to be honest, they look like they REALLY need it, pale, going yellow, spindly etc, so that's what I fed yesterday. I have been feeding Epsom salts AND molasses from week 2. My pH going is has been low, 5.9 last time, this is because I thought it would counter the high run-off I was getting.

Over the past year (and I have the journals on here to prove it) I've taken every bit of advice given to me. Even Biobizz themselves couldn't help me. I've changed water, changed feeding schedules, added E.Salts/Molasses to the mix, new light, tent, everything. Spent so much money. And again, I feel like if I leave the plants another few days they will be completely f***ed if I don't do something soon.

My Grow and Bloom are the old label, which actually have the OLD label with different NPK values!? It says on that they don't last longer than 12-24 months, and I've had them almost a year, so god only knows how long they have been on the shelf at the dumbass place I bought them from.

I'm really sorry to be so negative, but man, I mean come on, I'm a pretty intelligent guy, I grow all kinds of things in my garden, but I'm just banging my head against a brick wall here. Something is fundementally wrong. I've wanted to get on board and believe in Biobizz for so long, but this is just getting silly, I want to grow organic, it means a lot to me, but if I'm not growing ANYTHING, then whats the point lol.

how well have you stirred it the grow that is it will go solid at the base
You might just need the bit of extra N from the grow to green them up. Every time I've used Bio-Bizz (except my current grow) I always got yellowing on the bottom leaves but it didn't seem to effect growth.

I've had success with Seagrow keeping my plants immaculately green and it's cheap and easy. It's not organic but I really felt like the time I used Seagrow allowed me to dial in my space enough to make the switch back to organic. Where I hope to stay. Bummer about getting old stuff, I've never trusted NPK #'s even more so on Organic products but old stuff who knows what's gone on in there. Maybe there is a batch code and if it real old you could take it back to the store you bought it from. They might be able to help you out some how.

If you are growing Autos I have seen nice grows done with just the grow and also just the fish mix. Might be a little early to be solely on the bloom.
i have used biobizz for well over a year.i have just got a new bottle of grow,as old bottle of grow was a bit lumpy.
molasses only has a tiny amount of calmag compared to a bottle of calmag.I thought the main reason people fed molasses last few weeks only was for the sugars ?
I did notice that when I added molasses to my nute mix ppm went through the roof.may have no bearing on it,but now I only add molasses at the flushing phase