New Grower BillyWu's first grow - Think Different autoflowering

I wouldn't be too concerned about the chlorine right now as most of it will just be flushed through the plant. A little chlorine doesn't hurt, it's the buildup from constant use that is more the problem. I would get them done before you go. That way they will be dried out better when you return and your should be able to recheck your pH soon after.
Alright then man, thanks :] The pH of the water is about 8.5 though, so I'm gonna need quite a lot of pH down to neutralize 60 litres of it :P
a cap of it at most id say, the brand i use atleast anyway, i always end up going too far by accident.
In the middle of flushing now. Only got a 10 litre container to work with :| Gotta balance out 6 lots of pH 7 tap water.

Edit: Flushed it all out, that took a while! pH run-off is a nice 6.6 now, pretty much as close as I'm gonna get :]
Great, glad you got it down before you had to leave. Just keep checking the run off when you feed and make sure it stays in check.
Day 51

Back from the weekend and everything seems fine. Some leaves died from the flushing but nothing major :]

Here's how she looked last week under natural light just before the flush:


And here's how she's looking now:



Day 55

First watering since the flush :toke: Gave her a stronger dose of nutrients today, about 1.5mS (750 PPM). Also did a bit of a pruning on the leaves to tidy her up a bit and get some extra light to those smaller buds :D
The buds are getting quite big now and VERY sticky. Touched a few whilst pruning, my fingers are still sticky :smokeit:
Does anyone know if I can grind up these dead/dying leaves and use them as a substitute for tobacco in joints? If I can, that'd be really sweet :]







Thanks dude :DMuch appreciated. I wish it didn't look as yellow, was hoping to catch the eyes of some people to get it into the June autoflower contest, but I'm not sure how many people actually check this section. It's quite hidden! Might try for July instead, get some proper shots before it's finished :pimp:

Edit: Just snapped a few more shots with the flash on :]




Lookn good man wats the smell like? My mazar stink since the third week but i cant get a smell from my TD. Wouldnt advise the leafs for tobacco theyl taste all chlorofily & probly ruin ur blunt.