Not getting a whole lot of noticeable difference with pictures now, they all look the same Gave her a nice watering yesterday, tomorrow should be feed time. Gonna go for an EC of 1.1 and see how it goes.
Feed day On to 1.05mS (approximately 575PPM) of the same nutrients. She's drinking a heck of a lot of water! Gonna have to start daily waterings before long. Poured 3 litres in today to just get 20ml run off for pH tests!
Soil pH run-off is at a lovely 7.1 now too! Everything's perfect :] Temperatures have stabilized to a nice 75°F-82°F, soil pH is perfect, humidity is at 30%-50%.
(Sorry for the small last picture, forgot to rotate it before I uploaded it originally)
She's taking up all the space in the grow room now! Hopefully she's as wide as she's gonna get, just need some more vertical growth :] Took well to the feeding yesterday. Flowering sites are becoming more distinguishable now. Measured her to be exactly 2ft tall(not including the pot, just from base to top).
Almost into week 4! Had no issues, gave her another good watering today. She drinks a hell of a lot! Wish I had a bigger pot than 20 litres
I have however noticed the bottom most leaves aren't getting any light. A few of the leaves are yellowing and browning so I think I'm just gonna scalpel them off :] Should I remove the whole stem or just the leaves?
Side note: Does increasing your post count allow you to have a bigger size avatar? I don't like having this 50 x 50 pixels one, too small for anything cool :[
Man that thing is a beast, Billywu! Nice job. Yeah those just aren't getting enough light as you said, you can just leave them or remove them for better airflow and ease of watering. Stem and all is fine, either way. Just be careful not to slice the stem through or anything of course.
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