New Grower BillyWu's first grow - Think Different autoflowering

It's an awesome strain to grow :] Once you've sorted out the little issues in your grow, you'll see some massive growth. I fed mine since seedling with weak strength stuff, half expecting it to burn. Shockingly it took two consecutive feeds of Formulex and Biobizz Root Juice. I think the Root Juice did the most good :]

The leaves have leaves and then some little ones coming off that. There's even a couple of 7 fingered leaves in there!
I dont understand why you taking a tds when theres no chemical salts to render a reading making the measurement next to useless for organics
I'm measuring the strength of the nutrients I'm putting into the grow. It's worked quite well so far, so I can judge the strength of what I'm adding. Aiming for about 0.6 - 0.8 EC currently.
what im saying take those readings with a pich of salt as the bacteria can change the ratio processing the nutient so a .6 may not be the same .6 ec following days and only the partial nutrient is showing on the ec as a fair bit does not register. where as measuring your mix per l you have a better idea on whats going on in organics
Day 18 update

Still growing beautifully :] Only have a slight issue with temperature. These hot summer days have made the temperature much harder to control during the daytime. I've managed to sort the problem by keeping the window open, the cupboard door open and a bit of the tent unzipped at the top to vent some extra heat.

I believe I've also found some pistils! Have a look in picture 3 :]

lookin good billywu! yeah... temps are a bitch in the summer... unless you run AC all the time.... which raises the power bill... better to get up to sex and go out... my temps are stable and nice all year... except from may to september...

Lights have just come back on, can definitely see small pistils now :D She's officially now a she!
Day 19

The heat is getting quite difficult to control. I'm undergoing a heat spell where I live right now, it's about 24°C. At the top of the tent it's about 90°F, at the bottom it's about 84°F. The plant is surviving fine at the bottom of the tent, although that's with the tent door being kept open. I may have to get another fan.

Again, can see quite a bit more growth since yesterday. She's more dense at the top and a little taller :D


On a side note, the heat has caused a problem. I underestimated how quick the heat would take all the water out of the soil. Poured about 2 litres in so far and there's still no run-off. A few of the leaves were taken by lack of water, but thankfully ONLY a few :wiz: Should be fine soon.

Also there is what I believe to be a very slight case of magnesium deficiency, the topmost leaves are getting very light green, almost yellow right at the very tips. Got some Epsom salts on the way, but besides these two issues she's still thriving :thumbs:


Also changed the lighting times. Instead of 6pm - 10pm each day, I've gone 10pm - 2am so the temperatures are a bit lower :] pH run-off was measured at 5.5, so the lime hasn't done a lot yet.