Dutch Passion Billy Wu's FIRST DWC HYDRO GROW - DP Auto White Widow

Haha Billy, I really dont want to be "that guy" but I am a geek about these sciency things and i genuinly want to see you rock this thing!

Radiated heat transfer is in direct relation to the angle at which then light photons hit the surface.

Back to the sun analogy...
That's why we have deserts in the equator (your lid) and ice caps in the poles (side of buckets)

But ambient temperature is dependant on total surface area (sides of buckets much more that top and bottom)

So don't be shy about the lid !
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I'm cool with all the science business dude, I'm also a fellow scientist :) My forté is chemistry and lab skills primarily.

This insulation seems to be doing good so far. Tent temperatures are at 80F with the door about 40% open and the res temp is at 67.8F, which is brilliant. If I can zip the tent door up and keep that temperature until the lights go out, then I should have my problems sorted.

I'll start the Sensi Grow Part A+B tomorrow at 1/8th strength, thanks for all your input guys :) Can't say thank you enough for everyone's guidance.
Day 9 update

Things seem to be improving quite a bit :) Got my pH under control and my pH pen reading correctly, res temps are perfect and ambient temperature is perfect too, even the humidity is right at 40%.

Done a fresh res change today. Here's what it consisted of:

14 litres of water in the res
Sensi Grow A&B: 26mL (total)
Voodoo Juice: 30mL (total)
Formulex: 60mL (total)
CalMag: 6mL (total)

My pH is set to 5.8 and my EC is at 1.0. Should be grand I hope :)
Day 12 update

Little update for today! Everything is going a lot better now, the plant has started growing much faster with no deficiencies :) The two first leaves are pretty much gone from my prior pH imbalance so I'll cut those off soon. The rest of the new growth is spot free and is growing quite fast :)

Got all of my readings correct also. Ambient tent temperatures are still high if I zip the tent door completely shut (reaches up to 91F), but typically they're averaging between 75-85F depending on how I set my air circulation.
Res temps are still perfect, averaging 66-72F (again based on ambient temperature) but typically at 68F. All my roots are a lovely pearl white, no brown or slime to be seen anywhere :)

Edit: Think my root mass is a little too small? Is it possible that I've got my res water levels too high or low?



Mental note for myself here.

Res change days for this grow: Day -- (initial res), Day 9 (week 1), day 16 (week 2), day 23 (week 3), day 30 (week 4), day 37 (week 5), day 44 (week 6), day 51 (week 7), day 58 (week 8), day 65 (week 9), day 72 (week 10), day 79 (final res?)
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Looking good mate .Can you top up the hydrotron now?.I can see net pot slits is all:no: :D::smokebuds:
I have some bad news :( I had a power outage for a long time last night, about 12 hours. I came to check it this morning and obviously with there being no air pump going, the roots have all turned brown and shriveled.
This is a major setback and it's really, really fucking pissed me off big time. I'm having to decide if I'm going to start a new one or try and recover this one. I want a big plant though, so I'm probably gonna start it again.
I would change solution add extra rootstimulator an enzymes and let it go!
Mabey invest in a ups!