Dinafem Big Kush Outdoor Guerrilla in the U.K.

Hi mate, thanks for having a look, trouble is I can't get back there for a week or so.

Say it is stem rot, what can I battle it with? A solution of H202? I didnt look across the whole stem but I don't think there wasn't any rot.

Weather has been ok, v windy and tomorrow's forecast is diabolical, I got doubts now as to whether they'll make it!

They’ll be fiiiiiiine mate! [emoji16]

They might end up lying down but they’ll be fiiine!

I’ve had stem rot in the past mate, I just removed that stem and sealed up the hollow bit with some electrical tape. It’s usually due to some kind of damage and moisture getting in the stem, no biggie, the plant will be fine apart from that bit. [emoji1360]

I could be wrong but that’s what it looked like on mine.. one patch of yellow leaves. [emoji41]
They’ll be fiiiiiiine mate! [emoji16]

They might end up lying down but they’ll be fiiine!

I’ve had stem rot in the past mate, I just removed that stem and sealed up the hollow bit with some electrical tape. It’s usually due to some kind of damage and moisture getting in the stem, no biggie, the plant will be fine apart from that bit. [emoji1360]

I could be wrong but that’s what it looked like on mine.. one patch of yellow leaves. [emoji41]

Thanks for the reassurance, I'll get ma to have a look down it, can you just cut out the infected bit or do you have to chop off the top entirely?

Looking at the pic it seems as it is spreading to a few heads, may require a considerable haircut.

I'm still not convinced the oct sunshine is gonna do the biz. your harvest from last yr is the only thing giving me faith lol.
Thanks for the reassurance, I'll get ma to have a look down it, can you just cut out the infected bit or do you have to chop off the top entirely?

Looking at the pic it seems as it is spreading to a few heads, may require a considerable haircut.

I'm still not convinced the oct sunshine is gonna do the biz. your harvest from last yr is the only thing giving me faith lol.

Just chop the stem below the rotten bit and tape it up. If it is stem rot you’ll see what needs doing, I totally guessed it and the plant was fine. Mine was quite low down by the main stem tho.
Just doing what AFN all about, growing top ganj! :thumbsup:

And helping each other out. This is why we love our AFN family :pass:

Some nice outdoor bushes boy's and well into bloom now. Fingers crossed that mother nature plays ball so we can have a solid finish to the 2018 outdoor grow season :pass:

Bud rot and mold are the big problems to look out for and by the sound of things your being vigilant with your plant checks :thumbsup:

Looking good gents :bong:

All the best

Hey Maria! Long time no speak. The Queen isn’t getting any of this, greedy bitch can grow her own. [emoji16]

Have you got anything growing at the mo? I lose track of people. [emoji849]

Haha. I put out some outdoor guerilla tester seedlings a couple of weeks ago.
Haven't checked them since due to location.
They're likely fried, or doing well in my tropical weather here -- lots of sun, heat, occasional rain.

We all know that the Queen only does hash anyway... from her secret colonial charas garden in Sikhim...
Ganja chai, m' lady?