Old Reviews Best rolling papers?


RIPS - Comes on a roll, so length all depends on how stressed you're feeling....
My favs are OCB mini roll. Very clean paper. Very similar to rips but a better quality paper IMO
Zig Zag blues, the super thin ones. Even with those I have to go to a special tobacco store. I smoke joints 99.9% of the time. Used to smoke blunts, but can't stand the taste anymore.
I just wondered that same question so i order RAW, Elements, Zig Zag Ultra thin. So far been smoking the zags and i am nothing but pleased. Ill let you know when i roll up a raw or element :howdy:
I know this is slightly off topic being that these arent papers.

But anybody in here ever roll up BackWoods? They seriously burn FOREVER! lol Pretty big learning curve on getting them to roll right, but the reward is an extremely slow burn and pretty smooth smoke. They almost look like bark off of a tree.
Yes Im a old school backwood vet! When i was 19 i used to smoke a pack of those a day, no tobacco all herb in the wrap. At the time I was blazing a 1/2 oz per day. But I gave them up after a year. Blunts are a little ruff on my lungs. Im 36 and haven't smoked blunts since, unless someone else rolls it. my 1/2 oz a day habit is history also. 3.5 grams a day minimum for me now. Joints are my preferred method and always will be.