Old Reviews Best rolling papers?

Just tried the raw, element, zig zag ultra slim. I gotta say i prefer the raw. I have also been trying the bob marley papers and they arent as thin but burn slooow

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i used clubs for fourty years, i am sad to say they are gone. now straight up white zig zag. don't need a bed sheet to roll a bone. :toke:
I like rolling mini baseball bat sized joints so i prefer Element rice papers...king size. :D

Zig zags all the way, or blue rizla if i cant get the zigy zags
Baseball bats have always been my style. A habit I picked up from my Jamaican brothers. It allows the roach to be almost nothing and filter the smoke at the same time.Besides I don't like smoking roaches anyway.........
I used to use Bob Marley's but just found out they've been discontinued due to copyright from the Marley estate.

Switched to Hempire 1.25's. They seem pretty similar to the Marley's...
I've always used Modiano (Club) ungummed papers. They leave almost no ash, and are quite thin. I find them to be perfect. They've gotten hard to find, so when I do find them I usually buy all that the store has. Small town tobacconists are the best place to find them these days.

I was a club paper guy for 20 years then they became hard to find so I switch to DLX papers and I couldn't be happier. There just as light and the gum is so thin that if you lick it alot it all comes off on your tongue, so its like having the option gum or no gum just by the swipe of your tongue.
I love the connoisseur pack that's got crutches attached - so genius :smoke: