Old Reviews Best rolling papers?

Been using Raw Organic Hemp Kings for a year now and will continue using them - they are the best IMO.
I like rolling with a lot of papers, but I do tend to grab juicy J's pretty often, sometimes I'll get elements but they get kinda brittle over time. Sometimes I just like to put on my tall ass white tube socks, put a head band on and grab some good ol zig zags hehe! Then I tried some like glucose-silaphane (not positive on the exact ingridients) but they look like plastic and feel like plastic, and even roll like plastic, kinda trippy I think they are called "glass" but I don't use them often, just on the most rare of occasions
My name says it all really lol. Blue rizla for me altho im using silver slims more and more now
I was a silver slim user until I tried the raw papers,never gone back to the silvers and I just bulk buy the raw papers off flea bay now :smokebuds:
I was a silver slim user until I tried the raw papers,never gone back to the silvers and I just bulk buy the raw papers off flea bay now :smokebuds:

Word for word the exact same story here...spooky.

Then I tried some like glucose-silaphane (not positive on the exact ingridients) but they look like plastic and feel like plastic, and even roll like plastic, kinda trippy I think they are called "glass" but I don't use them often, just on the most rare of occasions

They burn surprisingly well though but found them annoying at best to roll with. Tried to roll one in the dark late night once though - it's impossible - the weed just appears to float in the air :confused:
My number one preference is Zig-Zag 1 1/4. After that I will go with JOBm again 1 1/4.

I love wraps but Only if I am smoking with another.