Cannabis Leaf Cannagars

  • Thread starter Thread starter Original Lowryder #12
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Hello everyone, I have been experimenting with rolling some cannagars lately and wanted to share my process of rolling one up with some actual fresh cannabis leaves! This means it's 100% cannabis. If you haven't tried it before I'd definitely recommend it, I much prefer it to wraps or papers now. It's not super easy persay but there are a few things you can do to make it easier that I'll highlight. I've also wasted quite a bit of cannabis/concentrates and my time trying to get it right so hopefully this can help save someone else some time/money.

For this guide you will need
A cannagar mold
Rolling glue
62 boveda pack
Wide mouth mason jar
Parchment paper
Something heavy
Way of making/obtaining concentrate (optional)

Step one would be to find a good cannabis leaf, I chose one off my Fog Dog Auto since it's fans are bigger than my face.

Get a large section of parchment paper and fold it in half. Remove all of the individual leaves from the fan and place them on the sheet

I spread them out for the pictures, all the leaves will be on one side and then I fold it over and sandwich them between the parchment.

Now just leave them to lay out on the table for about a day or so. You want them to turn soft and malleable, if it's dry and crunchy you waited too long and if you can't fold it back over itself without it ripping then you haven't waited long enough. Once it's in the right range you'll be able to tell it's pretty obvious once you do it right. This is a very important step, mess this part up and your cannagars will crack while rolling or just fall apart all together.

After you get the leaves plucked and laid out you press your cannagar mold

For the sake of this guide I'm going to assume you already know what a cannagar is and the general process of making one with a mold. There are many out there but I personally use the Purple Rose Supply cannagar personal mold along with their glue and tips. They work great and if you are looking for one definitely check them out @chubsPBBreath. Believe the coupon code for AFN is AUTOGAR for 20% off.
So get that packed and I like to leave it overnight in a mason jar with a 62 boveda to cure. The longer the cure the better but 4 hours to overnight works as a min. That's it for day one.

Next day once the leaves are ready you now have to shape and press the wrap. I snip the small parts of the leaf ends off to get a good starting point I place the leaves largest to biggest, you can do it however you want.

Next you glue the right underside of the leaf and the place the leaf next to it over it, overlapping about half the new leaf. The goal here is to overlap and glue the leaves together vertically next to each other. My glue works as a brush so brushing from the middle of the leaf outwards makes sure you don't rip or wrinkle it while applying the glue. If there are any extra or small ones keep it in case you need it for the mouthpiece.

After you have them glued place them on one side of the parchment and sandwich them between the papers. I then get something large and heavy to press the leaves with. I leave it like this for about 8-12 hours or until it feels dry and flat pressed. I flip/move it every 4 hours or so as the parchment tends to absorb the extra glue. This helps flatten out those leaf veins.

I usually put some concentrate on my cannagars, a 1g sheet flattened out usually works great to prewrap your cannagar. For this one I only used about .7g. I went ahead and press that around now as well.

That is usually how I stop day 2, you can of course do many of these at once I'm just doing one as an example. Day 3 is where the fun starts!
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@NORBY thanks for the rep man! I hope the ole hole is doing well. Still remember reading those threads back before I started to grow. Amazing stuff.

